VBScript script language foundation

Keywords: Windows shell less calculator

VBScript script language foundation

2.1 introduction of vbs script language

2.2 the first vbs scripting language - hello world

Open Notepad program, fill in the edit window, save the file extension as. vbs

dialog box:

  1. Input box

    inputbox("please input the length of the first edge", "the first edge")

2. Output box

msgbox("input error!")

Errors may be encountered:


Solution: save vbs as ANSI code

2: You cannot use parentheses when calling procedure functions, i.e.: inputbox "please enter the length of the first edge", "The first edge" (because there is no assignment at this time, the function is directly used, and the function is a procedural function). However, if the function has only one parameter, you can also use parentheses when using the procedural function directly, such as: msgbox("Hello World!"); however, this will not work, such as: msgbox("Hello World!", "hh")

3: When you declare a variable, you cannot assign a value directly, but you can only assign it later, for example: dim a: a=msgbox("Hello World!", "title")

Output box - msgbox() function:

Msgbox syntax: msgbox "content of dialog box", "title of dialog box"

Parameter: if the third parameter is used, the second parameter cannot be omitted

The second parameter, numeric expression, indicates the number and type of buttons to be displayed and the icon style to be used. If omitted, the default value of buttons is 0.

msgbox "Hello World!"
msgbox"Hello World!"
msgbox c
msgbox("Hello World!")
msgbox ("Hello World!")
All of the above expressions are OK

Input box 1 inputbox() function:

Input box syntax format:

InputBox (dialog box content, dialog box title)

The return value of the inputbox() function is a string.


  1. VBScript language case insensitive

  2. Variable naming rules:

The first character must be a letter.

Cannot contain an embedded period.

The length cannot exceed 255 characters.

  1. There is only one basic data type Variant in VBScript

  2. The data type of all variables is Variant

  3. One way to declare variables is to use Dim

  4. When you declare multiple variables, use commas to separate variables.

​ dim a,b,c


  • Everything after a single quotation mark is interpreted as a comment
  • What follows Rem is interpreted as a comment

Colons: separating statements

VBScript allows several statements in a line of code, but each statement is separated by a colon.

dim s,a,b
msgbox s

When VBScript is defined, there is only one variable type. In actual use, sometimes the system will automatically identify the type to be used and automatically convert it to the corresponding variable type.

2.3 arithmetic operation


Reusing the same value can be set as a constant and declared as const

const pi=3.1415926

Arithmetic operation:

  1. Add + subtract multiply * divide / quotient round / modulo (remainder) mod

  2. Power operator: ^ 5 ^ 2 is the square of 5

  3. Other functions:

    int() takes an integer (not rounded), sqr() square root, abs() absolute value, hex() is converted to hexadecimal

    cot() is converted to octal

Join operator:

& +

2.4 conditional statements and logical operations

Boolean type:

dim a,b
ps:"true"It's a string, true Is a Boolean value

Logical operator:

  1. Equal to = not equal to < > greater than > less than < greater than > = less than or equal to<=
  2. Or or and not

if then conditional statement:


If (condition) then
 Execute statement
end if
dim a
a=inputbox("Please enter a number greater than 100")
if a>100 then
end if
if a<100 then
end if

if then else conditional statement:


If (condition) then
 Execute statement 1
 Execute statement 2
end if
if a>100 then
end if

Conditional statement combined with logical operation:

if a>10 and b>20 then
end if

Multiple conditional statements:


If (condition 1) then
 Execute statement 1
 Else if (condition 2) then
 Execute statement 2
 Execute statement n
end if
end if
dim a
a=inputbox("Please enter a number greater than 100")
if a>100 then .
else if a=100 then
msgbox("boss,You're kidding me?") else
end if
end if

Error prone points:

dim a,b,c,d
d=a*2+b*2    'here d Is a numeric type, and c It is character type, so it has been c<>d
if c=d then
    msgbox "f"
    msgbox "d"
end if

select case multiple conditional statement: (without break)

dim a
a=inputbox("Enter a 1-3 Value of")
select case a
case 1
msgbox "One"
case 2
msgbox "Two"
case 3
msgbox "Three"
case else
msgbox "Input error" 
end select


  • Type conversion:

cbyte() is converted to byte type, cint() to integer type, and clng() to long integer type

cstr() to string

cdbl() is converted to double precision floating-point numbers, and csng() is converted to single precision floating-point numbers

  • Time correlation function:

date(),time(), now()

year(), month(), day(), hour(), second() with parameters

  • String correlation function:

len(),ucase(), lcase(), replace()

instr() finds the specified string, split() splits the string, and mid() intercepts the string

3.1 loop statement do loop


 Execute statement
dim sum
    sum=sum+int(inputbox("please enter the transaction amount"))
Loop 'is short of loop termination condition and is dead loop. You can only use ctrl+shift+esc to start the task manager to end the process
msgbox sum
 In this case, you need to introduce exit do to terminate the loop


Password verification - exit do:

dim a
const pass="123456"
    a=inputbox("Please input a password")
    if a=pass then
        msgbox("Password verification successful")
        exit do
    end if

Password security verification (1) - do loop:

dim a,ctr
const pass="pass123_"
    if ctr=3 then
        msgbox("The certification limit has been reached.")
        exit do
            a=inputbox("Please input a password:")
            if a=pass then
                msgbox("Success, certification welcome!!")
                exit do
                    msgbox("Authentication error, please check password.")
            end if
     end if

Password security verification (2) - do while loop

dim a,ctr
const pass="pass123_"
do while ctr<3
    a=inputbox("Please input a password:")
    if a=pass then
        msgbox("Successful certification, welcome!")
        exit do
            msgbox("Authentication error, please check password.")
    end if

Password security verification (2) -- do loop while

dim a,ctr
const pass="pass123_"
    a=inputbox("Please input a password:")
    if a=pass then
        msgbox("Successful certification, welcome!")
        exit do
            msgbox("Authentication error, please check password.")
    end if
loop while ctr<3

3.2 loop statement - while wend


While 'loop when condition is true
 Execute statement
dim countter
while counter<5
    msgbox counter

Password security verification - while wend

dim a,ctr
const pass="pass123_"
while ctr<3
    a=inputbox("Please input a password:")
    if a=pass then
        msgbox("Successful certification, welcome!")
            msgbox("Authentication error, please check password.")
    end if

3.3 loop statement - for next


When you use a loop to increment (or decrement) one by one, you can use for next

for loop variable = initial value to final value step step step
 Circulatory body 1
 exit for 'exit loop
 Circulatory body 2
dim counter
for counter=0 to 5 step 1 'No write by default step Is 1
    msgbox counter

Password security verification – for next:

dim a,ctr
const pass="pass123_"
for ctr=0 to 2
    a=inputbox("Please input a password:")
    if a=pass then
        msgbox("Successful certification, welcome!")
        exit for
        msgbox ctr   'Add one at the end of a cycle
        msgbox("Authentication error, please check password.")
    end if

3.4 one dimensional array


Dim name (9) PS: starting from 0, the following table defines 10 array elements

dim a(9)
for i=0 to 9

array function:

dim arr
msgbox arr(0)
msgbox arr(1)
msgbox arr(2)

lbound function and ubound function:

The lbound function takes the minimum subscript, and the ubound function takes the maximum subscript

dim arr
for i=0 to ubound(arr)-lbound(arr)
    msgbox arr(i)

join function:

Change array to string

dim arr
msgbox join(arr,",")

split function:

Changes a string to an array

dim arr,str
msgbox arr(0)
msgbox arr(1)
msgbox arr(2)


One dimensional array - save Student Name:

dim name(5),str  'A total of 6 students, str Store the names of all students
for i=0 to 5
     name(i)=inputbox("Please enter No"&i+1&"Names of students")
     str=str&" "&name(i)
msgbox str

Three one dimensional arrays - store student information:

dim name(2),age(2),score(2),ctr,cname
for ctr=0 to 2
     name(ctr)=inputbox("Please enter No"&ctr+1&"Names of students")
     age(ctr)=inputbox("Please enter No"&ctr+1&"Age of students")
     score(ctr)=inputbox("Please enter No"&ctr+1&"Results of students")
msgbox name(0)
msgbox age(1)
msgbox score(2)

Query all the information of the designated student:

cname=inputbox("Please enter the name you want to query:")
for ctr=0 to 2
     if name(ctr)=cname then
           exit for
     end if
msgbox("full name:"&name(ctr)&" "&"Age:"&age(ctr)&" "&"Results:"&score(ctr))

3.5 loop statement - for each next


for each member in array or collection

Circulatory body


dim a(9),v
for i=0 to 9
//Method 1:
for each v in a   
    msgbox v  
//Method 2:
for i=0 to 9
    msgbox a(i)

Multiplication formula - loop nesting:

dim i,j,str
for i=1 to 9
    for j=1 to 9
        str=str&i*j&" "
    str=str&vbCrlf  'vbCrlf For carriage return and line feed
    msgbox str

3.6 two dimensional array


dim a(3,2) ps: the subscript starts from 0 and defines 4 * 3 = 12 array elements

dim a(3,2),i,j,str
for i=0 to 3
    for j=0 to 2
for i=0 to 3
    for j=0 to 2
        str=str&a(i,j)&" "
    msgbox str


Two dimensional array - store student information:

dim student(3,2),i,j,ctr,cname,opt
for i=0 to 3
      for j=0 to 2
           select case j
                case 0
                case 1
                case 2
           end select
           student(i,j)=inputbox("Please enter No"&i+1&"Student's"&opt)
cname=inputbox("Please enter the name you want to query:")
for ctr=0 to 3
      if student(ctr,0)=cname then
          exit for
      end if
msgbox("full name:"&student(ctr,0)&" "&"Age:"&student(ctr,1)&" "&"Results:"&student(ctr,2))

ps: use select ······· end select statement to express field name more clearly

3.7 functions

The defined functions and procedures can be placed before or after the call


Function function name (parameter list)

Function code

Function name = a value 'is used to return a value

end function

Definition of nonparametric function:

function func()
  msgbox "hello world!"
end function

Function call:

call function name (parameter list)

call func

call func() 'is called directly and must be called with call statement

In principle, func tions cannot be used directly


Definition of function with parameters:

dim name
function func(name)
    msgbox "hello "&name
end function

Function call with parameters:

call func("Zhang San") "is used directly and must be called with a call statement

In principle, func tions cannot be used directly


User defined function - sum of two numbers:

function add(num1,num2)
    dim num
    msgbox num
end function
call add(1,2)
add 1,2

ps: when you use call, you must take () but you can also leave ()

When call is not used, do not take (), but when there is no parameter or only one parameter, you can take ()

Function return value:

function add(num1,num2)
    add=num1+numm2      'Used to return a value
end function
msgbox add(1,2)

3.8 process

Either a process or a function is called a process

Difference: procedure has no return value and cannot be placed in expression

Process definition:

sub procedure name (parameter list)

Process code

end sub

The definition of nonparametric process is as follows

sub func()
    msgbox "hello world!"
end sub

Procedure call:

call procedure name (parameter list)

call func

call func()



Definition of process with parameters:

dim name
sub func(name)
    msgbox "helllo "&name
end sub

Call of procedure with parameters:

call func("Zhang San")

func "Li Si"


Custom procedure - sum of two numbers:

sub add(num1,num2)
    dim num
    msgbox num
end sub
call add(1,2)
add 1,2     'Do not use parentheses at this time

ps: when using call, always bring ()

When call is not used, do not take (), but when there is no parameter or only one parameter, you can take ()

3.9 process and function


  1. Function has return value, procedure has no return value



sub total(x,y)
msgbox "The sum of two numbers is "&sum
end sub
total 30,20


dim a,b
function exp()
end function
msgbox exp()+1
  1. Functions can be placed in expressions, procedures cannot

    msgbox exp*2+3 'is also correct

    In this case, exp() can not be written () because there is no parameter

  2. When the function return value is received, call cannot be used and must be accompanied by ()

    str =call exp() 'syntax error

  3. When you do not use call, do not take (). When there is no parameter or only one parameter, you can take ()

  4. Function can only appear on the right side of an assignment statement or in an expression, and cannot be used directly. If you use a function directly, you must call it with a call statement and cancel the return value

3.10 VBS running external program


  • VBS also provides some internal functions and objects, but VBS does not provide any commands to access the components inside the Windows system.

  • It provides a very convenient and powerful command - CreateObject.

  • The CreateObject command can access all the com objects installed in windows system, and can call the commands stored in these components.

Common objects of Windows Script Host

WSH(Windows Scripting Host) is the host used to parse VBS. WSH can use script to realize the automation of computer work, but it also makes the system have security risks.

The WSH contains several common objects:

1, Scripting.FileSystemObject -- > provides a complete set of file system operation functions

2, Scripting.Dictionary -- > is used to return the dictionary object where the key value pair is stored

3, Wscript.Shell -> provides a set of functions to read system information, such as reading and writing the registry, finding the path of the specified file, reading DOS environment variables, and reading the settings in the link

4, Wscript.NetWork A - provides network connection and remote printer management

Function. (all Scripting objects are stored in the SCRRUN.DLL In the file, all Wscript objects are stored in the WSHOM.ocx File. )


Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript. Shell")
objShell.Run "notepad"

Set is a vbs instruction. If you assign a -- object reference to a variable, you need to use the set keyword.

The object of vbs has built-in functions and variables, and its reference method is to add "." after the variable, followed by the function to realize the function.

● objshell.run Call Wscript.shell Run is a function of running an external program in. notepad is the file name of notepad program. It can also be changed to calculator file name "calc", word file name winword

Both programs start at the same time

Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript. Shell")
objShell.Run "notepad"
objShell.Run "calc"

Two programs start in sequence

Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run "notepad", ,true
objShell.Run "calc"
'At this time, the calculator will not be opened until the Notepad is closed

The run function has three parameters:

  • The first parameter is the path of the program you want to execute.
  • The second parameter is the form of the window. 0 is running in the background; 1 is running normally; 2 is activating the program and displaying it as minimized; 3 is activating the program and displaying it as maximized. The default is 1
  • The third parameter indicates whether the script will wait or continue to execute. If set to true, the script will wait for the calling program to exit and then execute backward. The default is false
  • The run function has a return value. If the return value is 0, it means successful execution. If it is not 0, the return value is the error code. You can find the corresponding error through this code.

3.11 error handling

On Error Resume Next

  • This line of statement tells VBS to skip the statement with an error at run time and execute the statement that follows it.
  • When an error occurs, the statement will push the relevant error number, error description and related source code into the error stack.
  • Although the On Error Resume Next statement prevents vbs scripts from stopping running when an error occurs, it does not actually handle errors.

err object

  • vbscript provides an object, err object
  • There are two ways: clear, raise
  • Five attributes: description, helpcontext,helpfile,number,source
  • The err object can be used directly without referring to instances


on error resume next
dim a,b,c
msgbox "hi!"
if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

wscript.echo Similar to msgbox

3.12 file operation

vbs reading and writing operation of files

1. Open the file

  • Using the opentextfile method

    set fs =createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set ts=fs.opentextfile("d:\1.txt",1,true)
  • Note that you need to fill in the full path of the file. The latter parameter is access mode. You can open the file in the current directory without entering the path

  • 1 is forreading

  • 2 is for writing

  • 8 is appending

  • The third parameter specifies whether to create the specified file if it does not exist.

2. Read file

There are three ways to read a file:

read(x) read x characters

readline reads a line

readall read all

For example:

set fs =createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set ts=fs.opentextfile("d:\1.txt",1,true)

The atendofstream property of the textstream object. This property returns true when it is at the end of the file. We can use a loop to detect that the end of the file is not reached. For example:

set fs =createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set t=fs.opentextfile("d:\3.txt",1,false)
do while t.atendofstream<>true
msgbox str
  • skip(x) skip x characters
  • Skip a line

3. Writing documents

It can be written in the form of forwriting and forappending

There are three ways to write:

  1. write(x), the output of this method does not newline. It needs to use chr(13) carriage return character, chr(10) line feed character, vbcrlf carriage return line feed character (when chr(13) and chr(10) are used separately, they are carriage return character and line feed character respectively; but if they are not used together, they are both carriage return and line feed character)
  2. writeline, which will wrap the line automatically (one line will be empty automatically)
  3. Write blank lines (n) write n blank lines


'Writing documents
data="hello, I like script programing"+vbcrlf
set fs =createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if (fs.fileexists("d:\4.txt")) then
    set f =fs.opentextfile("d:\4.txt",8)
    f.write data
    f.writeline data
    set f=fs.opentextfile("d:\4.txt",8, true)
    f.writeblanklines 2
    f.write data
end if
'Read write operation
dim fs,f,t,str
set fs =createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set f=fs.createtextfile("d:\test.txt")
f.write("hello world!")
set t=fs.opentextfile("d:\test.txt",1,false)
do while t.atendofstream<>true
msgbox str

3.13 shell operation

1. Open Notepad

The following vbscript code uses Notepad to open a copy of the currently running script.

set wshshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
wshshell.run "%windir%\notepad "

Here% windir%, or% systemroot%, represents the path C: windows

2. Execute the CMD command

The following vbscript code opens a command window, changes the path to c: \, and executes the dir command.

dim oshell
set oshell = wscript.createobject ("wscript.shell")
oshell.run "cmd /k " 

Analog keyboard input:

3. Basic keyboard input

dim wshshell
set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.Sleep 3000  'Delay 3 seconds
wshshell.SendKeys " {Enter}" 'Analog input carriage return
wshshell.SendKeys "hello"   'Analog input hello

Input 4, special keyboard

For keys that need to be combined with shift, ctrl and alt, sendkeys uses special characters to indicate:

—shift +

—ctrl ^

—alt %

Press ctrl+E at the same time


Hold down the ctrl key while pressing the e and c keys


Hold down the ctrl and e keys at the same time, then release the ctrl key, and press the c letter key alone


5. Special control button

Special control keys, as long as the braces around these characters.

Send plus sign "+":


Send enter key:


Send down arrow key:


6. Repeat the letters:

The format is: {key number}

Send 10 letters "x"

—wshshell.sendkeys"{x 10}"

regular expression

4.1 introduction to regular expressions

What is a regular expression

Regular expression was first proposed by mathematician Stephen Kleene in 1956. Now the standard has been approved by ISO and recognized by Open Group

A regular expression uses a single string to describe and match a series of strings that conform to a certain syntactic rule.

Regular expressions consist of some common characters and some metacharacters with special meanings.

What do regular expressions do

Find / replace

Verify data format

Verify data validity

Data analysis


Application scenarios

It can quickly filter and replace some specific strings

– search text

- web crawler

- user input validation

- batch text processing

Three ways to search for characters:

- precise search, wildcard search, regular expression search

What do regular expressions do

· regular expression process

Take out the expression and compare the characters in the text at a time. If each character can match, the matching is successful, otherwise it fails.

Learning regular expressions is, in principle, learning various metacharacters.

It's not difficult to write regular expressions, but it's not very readable.

4.2 regular expression basis


· wildcards

· qualifier

? locator

- metacharacters that represent the range and selection

- escape character

· non captured metacharacters



character describe
. Match any single character, match any character except newline
\d Match any number
\w Match characters that can form words, match letters, numbers, and underscores
\x Matches any hexadecimal digit
\s Match any white space character

- matches any single character except "\ n". To match any character, including "|", use "(. |)".


- matches a numeric character. It is equivalent to [0-9].


- matches any word characters that include underscores. Equivalent to "[A-Za-z0-9"_ ]”. 


- matches any white space characters, including spaces, tabs, page breaks, and so on. It is equivalent to [\ f / N / R / T / v].


- matches a non numeric character. Equivalent to [^ 0-9].


- matches any non word characters. Equivalent to "[^ A-Za-z0-9"_ ]”. 


- matches any non white space characters. It is equivalent to [^ / F / N / R / T / v].


character describe
* Matches the preceding subexpression zero or more times, equivalent to {0,}
+ Matches the previous subexpression one or more times, equivalent to {1,}
? Matches the previous subexpression zero or once, equivalent to {0,1}
{n} Matching determined n times (n nonnegative integer)
{n,} Match at least N times (n nonnegative integer)
{n,m} Minimum matching n times and maximum matching m times (n, m non negative integer and N < = m)

character repeat


– zo * can match "z" and "zoo". *It is equivalent to {0,}.


– "zo +" can match "zo" and "zo", but not "z". +It is equivalent to {1,}.


- "do(es)?" can match "does" or "do" in "does". ? is equivalent to {0,1}.


- "o{2}" cannot match "O" in "Bob", but can match two o's in "food".


- "o{2,}" cannot match "O" in "Bob", but can match all o in "fooood." o{1,} "is equivalent to" O + " o{0,} "is equivalent to" O * ".


- "o{1,3}" will match the first three o's in "food." o{0,1} "is equivalent to" O? ". Note that you cannot have spaces between commas and two numbers.


Metacharacter describe
^ Match the beginning of the string, or exclude
$ Matches the end of the string
\b Matches the boundary of a string, matches the beginning or end of a word
\B Non boundary of matching string

The qualifier cannot be used for locators

Character escape


Mark the next character as a special character, or an literal character, or a backward reference, or an octal escape character.

· "\ \ n" matches a newline character

· \ + means match+

· \ * match*

"\" matches "\"

· "\ (" matches "("

www.zjei.net And www.zjei.net

Scope, selection

Metacharacter describe
. Match any single character
[] Match any character in the bracket. If you don't match the character in bracket, add ^ after [to exclude
- specified area
| or

Nonprinting characters

character describe
\cx Matches the control character specified by x. For example, cM matches a Control-M or carriage return. The value of x must be one of A-Z or A-Z. Otherwise, c is treated as an original 'c' character.
\f Match a page break. It is equivalent to ﹣ x0c and ﹣ cL
\n Matches a newline character. It is equivalent to both the ﹣ x0a and the ﹣ cJ.
\r Match a carriage return. It is equivalent to both the ﹣ x0d and the ﹣ cM.
\s Matches any white space characters, including spaces, tabs, page breaks, and so on. It is equivalent to [\ f / N / R / T / v].
\S Matches any non white space characters. Equivalent to 1.
\t Match a tab. It is equivalent to the two.
\v Match a vertical tab. It is equivalent to both the ﹣ x0b and the ﹣ cK.

How to construct regular expression

Regular expressions are constructed in the same way as mathematical expressions. That is to use a variety of metacharacters and operators to combine small expressions to create larger expressions. The components of a regular expression can be a single character, a set of characters, a range of characters, a selection between characters, or any combination of all of these components.


Priority (descending from top to bottom) Metacharacter describe
1 \ Escape character
2 (), (?😃, (?=), [] Subexpressions and qualifications
3 *, +, ?, {n}, {n,}, {n,m} qualifier
4 ^, $, \metacharacter Location and sequence
5 | or


^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$  //Match positive integers 
^((-\d+)|(0+))$  //Match non positive integers
^-?\d+$    //Match integer 
^(-?\d+)(\.\d+)?$  //Matching floating point numbers
^[A-Za-z]+$  //Matches a string of 26 English letters
[\u4e00-\u9fa5]	//Match Chinese characters
[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@[1-9a-z]+(\.[a-z]{2,5})+ //email
1[358][0-9]{9}Or 1[358]\d{9}  //phone number

Priority of character class operators

They are arranged from the highest to the lowest as follows: 
1 literal escape 
Group 2 [...] 
3 range a-z 
4 union [a-e][i-u] 
5 intersection [A-Z & [aeiou]]


[abc] a, b or c
 [^ abc] any character except a, b, or c (negative) 
[a-zA-Z] a to Z or a to Z, including the letters at both ends 
[a-d[m-p]] a to d or m to P: [a-dm-p] (Union) 
[A-Z & & [def]] d, e, or f (intersection) 
[A-Z & [^ BC]] A to Z, except b and c: [ad-z] (minus) 
[A-Z & & [^ M-p]] A to Z, not m to p: [a-lq-z] (minus)  

4.3 VBS regular expression

RegExp object

In VBS, RegExp objects are used to support the use of regular expressions.

The RegExp object provides three properties and three methods:

· attributes: Pattern, Global, IgnoreCase

Methods: Test, Replace and Execute

The creation of RegExp object

•set re = new regexp

•Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

Properties of RegExp object


· this attribute is used to describe the matching pattern of a regular expression, such as "+" to match one or more previous expressions, and "." to match any single character other than the newline character.


This property is used to set whether only the first or all matches are matched during the search process. When = True, all matches, if False, only one match.


· this property is used to set whether the matching string is case sensitive or not, = True is not sensitive, and = False is case sensitive.

Methods of RegExp object


The method is used to perform a regular expression search on the specified string string and returns a Boolean value indicating whether a matching pattern has been found.


This method is used for string2 to replace the text found by performing regular expression in string1. The return value is the replaced string.


The method is used to perform a regular expression search on the specified string string, which returns a set of matches containing each match found in the specified string.

Dim re, str
Set re = New RegExp	
		'Equivalent to CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Pattern = "[23456789]"	'Equivalent to"[2-9]"
str = "Spain received 3 millimeters of rain last week."
MsgBox re.Test(str)
MsgBox re.Replace(str, "many")
Dim re, str
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\d"		'Change to"\d+"See what's different
str = "a b c d e f 1 g 2 h ... 10 z"
MsgBox re.Test(str)
MsgBox re.Replace(str, "number")

Matches object

The Matches object is a collection that contains several independent Match objects.

· can only be created using the Execute method of the RegExp object.

The Matches object provides two properties:

Properties: Count, Item

Properties of the Matches object


This property describes the total number of matching objects.


This property is used to return the Match object i+1 in the Matches object.

Dim re, s, mtchs
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\w+"
s = "Apple:iphone_5s;NOKIA:Nokia_1020"

Set mtchs = re.Execute(s)

msgbox mtchs.count
For i=0 to mtchs.count-1
    msgbox mtchs.item(i)

Match object

When a regular expression is executed, zero or more Match objects may be generated.

Each Match object provides access to the string that matches the regular expression, the length of the string, and an index that identifies the location of the Match.

The Match object provides three properties:

Properties: FirstIndex, Length, Value

Properties of Match object

•FirstIndex :

Returns the matching position in the search string. Uses a zero based offset relative to the start of the search string.


Returns the length of the match found in a string search.


This property is used to return a matching value or text found in a search string.

Dim re, s, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\w+"
s = "Apple:iphone_5s;NOKIA:Nokia_1020"

Set colMatches = re.Execute(s)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value
    msgbox mtch.firstindex
    msgbox mtch.length

4.4 advanced applications of regular expressions

Greedy and non greedy matching (1)

· first, match greedy and non greedy as much as possible

· Greed: matching as much as possible

character string expression Matching results explain
abcabca (a)(\w+) abcabca Where (\ w +) matches all characters after a, that is, bcabca
abcabca (a)(\w+)(a) abcabca Although (\ \ w +) can also match all characters after the first a, in order to make the following (a) match, (\ w +) will match all characters between the first a and the last a, namely bcabc, and give up the last a
Dim re, str, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "(a)(\w+)"	'try(a)(\w+)(a)
str = "abcabca"		'try abcabcabc

Set colMatches = re.Execute(str)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value

Greedy and non greedy matching (2)

· non greedy: matching as little as possible

Add a '?' to the metacharacter that limits the number of matches

character string expression Matching results explain
abcabca (a)(\w+?) ab Where (﹥ w +?) only matches b after a
abcabca (a)(\w+?)(a) abca In order for the following (a) to match, (\ w +) will match bc after the first a
Dim re, str, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "(a)(\w+?)"	'try(a)(\w+?)(a)
str = "abcabca"			'try abaabaa

Set colMatches = re.Execute(str)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value

Reverse reference

The matching result of the subexpression contained in parentheses () in the expression is recorded

· use the matching result that can refer to the previous nth subexpression

The ordinal number n of the subexpression is arranged in the order of the left bracket "("

The next value is the same as the first subexpression

String expression matching results
 AAA, ාාාාාාාාාාාාාාාාාාා
                                  Second matching bb

*Hello *, ාා##########|########|###) (. *?) (\ 1) first match * hello*
                                  Second match ා world#
Dim re, str, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "([ab])(\1)"	
str = "aaa,#bbb#"		'try aba,#bab#

Set colMatches = re.Execute(str)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value
Dim re, str, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "(\*|#)(. *?) (- 1) "try to remove? And set greedy matching
str = "*hello*,#world#"		'try*hello*,#world*

Set colMatches = re.Execute(str)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value

Non capture metacharacter

character describe
(?😃 Do not cache the subexpression in which it is located
(?=) The right side of the match must satisfy the pattern after? =
(?!) The right side of the match must not satisfy the pattern after? =
(?<=) The left side of the match must satisfy the pattern after? < =
(?<!) The left side of the match must not satisfy the pattern after? < =

Pre search

The pre search does not match and is a limiting condition


- matches the pattern but does not get the matching result, that is, it is a non fetched match and is not stored for future use. This is useful when using the or character "(|)" to combine parts of a pattern.

For example, "industry (?: y|ies)" is a simpler expression than "industry|industries".

Forward pre search


- forward positive prefetching to match the lookup string at the beginning of any string that matches a pattern. This is a non fetch match, that is, the match does not need to be retrieved for later use. For example, "Windows(?=95|98|NT|2000)" can match "windows" in "Windows2000", but not "windows" in "Windows3.1". Prefetching does not consume characters, that is, after a match occurs, the search for the next match begins immediately after the last match, rather than after the character that contains the prefetch.


- forward negative prefetching, matching the lookup string at the beginning of any string that does not match the pattern. This is a non fetch match, that is, the match does not need to be retrieved for later use. For example, "Windows(?!95|98|NT|2000)" can match "windows" in "Windows3.1", but not "windows" in "Windows2000". Prefetching does not consume characters, that is, after a match occurs, the search for the next match begins immediately after the last match, rather than after the character that contains the prefetch.

· forward pre search:

The right side of – (? = xxx) must match the expression corresponding to xxx

- (?! xxx) right must not match the expression corresponding to xxx

character string expression result
windows98 windowsNT windows2000 Windows(?=NT|XP) windows in windows NT
Dim re, str, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "Windows(?=NT|XP)"	'Change to Windows(?!NT|XP)
str = "windows98; windowsNT; windows2000"

Set colMatches = re.Execute(str)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value

Reverse pre search


Reverse positive pre check is similar to positive pre check, but in the opposite direction. For example, (? < = 95| 98 | NT | 2000) Windows can match "Windows" in "2000 Windows", but not "Windows" in "3.1 Windows".


- reverse negative pretest is similar to positive negative pretest, but in the opposite direction. for example

"(? <! 95| 98| nt| 2000) windows" can match

"Windows" in "3.1 windows", but cannot match

Windows in 2000 windows.

· reverse pre search:

- (? < = xxxxx) the left side must match the expression corresponding to xxx

- (? <! Xxxxx) the left side must not match the expression corresponding to xxx



•The beginning of words ending with 'ing'


•The end of words starting with 're'

- matches the second half of a word that starts with re (except for re), for example, when looking for reading a book, it matches ading.

Dim re, str, mtch
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "\b\w+(?=ing\b)"		
str = "The beginning of words ending with 'ing'."

Set colMatches = re.Execute(str)

msgbox colMatches.count
For each mtch in colMatches
    msgbox mtch.value

Exercises after class

1. Write a program to output your specialty. Input box () should have two parameters and output box msgbox() should have three parameters.

dim a
a=inputbox("Enter professional name","major")
msgbox a,0,"The major is:"

2. Write a program for three times input, respectively input your student number, name, class, and output three times.

dim a,b,c
a=inputbox("Student number:")
msgbox a
b=inputbox("full name:")
msgbox b
msgbox c

3. Make a program to get the remainder of 20 / 3.

dim a
a=20 mod 3
msgbox a,,"a The remainder of is:"

4. Make a cuboid volume small program, respectively pop up three input boxes, input length, width, height, pop-up dialog box shows the volume.

dim a,b,c,v
msgbox v,0,"The volume is:"

5. Given a number, greater than 10 and less than 20, output "correct", otherwise output "error".

dim a
a=inputbox("Enter a number:")
if a>10 and a<20 then
     msgbox "correct"
     msgbox "error"
end if

6. Input 12 or 15, output "correct", otherwise output "error".

dim a
a=inputbox("Enter a number:")
if a=12 or a=15 then
      msgbox "correct"
      msgbox "error"
end  if

7. A program is compiled to calculate the area of the circle. The radius is given by the user (using Inputbox), and PI value is 3.14159.

dim r,s
const pi=3.14159

1. Outputs all numbers from 1 to 100 that cannot be divisible by 3

dim i,s
for i=1 to 100
      if i mod 3<>0 then
      s=s&i&" "
      end if
msgbox s

2. Find out whether 1-99 is a multiple of 7 or a digit number is 7 or a 10 digit number is 7, and output these numbers, and count how many

dim i,s,m
for i=1 to 99
      if i mod 7=0 or i mod 10=7 or i \10=7 then
      s=s&i&" "
      end if
msgbox s,,"These figures are:"
msgbox m,,"The number is as follows:"

3. If a number is exactly equal to the sum of its factors, the number is called "perfect number". (factor: excluding the positive divisor of the number itself), for example, 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. Program to find all the completion within 1000.

dim i,j,s,m
for i=2 to 999
     for j=1 to i-1
         if i mod j=0 then
         end if
  if i=s then
     m=m&i&" "
  end if
msgbox m,,"1000 The number of completion within is:"

4. Narcissus number refers to an n-digit number (n ≥ 3). The sum of the n-th powers of the numbers on each digit is equal to itself. (for example: 1 ^ 3 + 5 ^ 3 + 3 ^ 3 = 153)


153 digits are 3, 10 digits are 5, and 100 digits are 1

The number of 236 digits is 6, the number of tens is 3, and the number of 100 is 2

dim a,i,j,k,s
for a=100 to 999
    j=(a mod 100)\10
    k=a mod 10
    if i^3+j^3+k^3=a then
       s=s&a&" "
   end if
msgbox s,,"100 From 999 to 999, the number of all daffodils is:" 

5. In our country's classic mathematical work "nine chapters of arithmetic", there is such a question: 100 money for 100 chickens, 5 yuan for a rooster, 3 yuan for a hen and 1 yuan for 3 chickens) to find out how many ways to buy these chickens. If I can't understand it, I use colloquial language to say: someone wants to buy chickens, and with 100 yuan they just buy 100 chickens. The price is as follows: male: 5, female: 3, female: 3, small: 1 $3, Let's ask how many ways to sell (how to match the male and the female). Please solve this problem by circulation


If the number of roosters is a, then the range of a is?

If the number of hens is b, then the range of b is?

dim gj,mj,xj,s
for gj=0 to 100
  for mj=0 to 100
      for xj=0 to 100
       if(gj+mj+xj=100 and 5*gj+3*mj+xj/3=100) then
          s=s&"cock:"&gj&"    hen:"&mj&"    chick:"&xj&vbCrlf
        end if
msgbox s,,"All combinations:"

1. Define an array, including 5 elements, which are random integers (random input). They are required to be sorted from large to small and output.

dim a(4),m,s,t
for m=0 to 4
      s= inputbox ("Please input 5 numbers in sequence,The first"&(m+1)&"individual:")
for i=0 to 3
    for j=0 to 3-i
      if a(j+1)>a(j) then
      end if
msgbox join(a,",")

2. The existing string "10 / 12 / 34 / 23 / 45 / 35 / 45" is used to divide the characters according to the character "\" and calculate the sum of each character.

dim s,a,i,sum
for i=lbound(a) to ubound(a)
msgbox sum,," The sum of the characters is:"

3. Read in 10 numbers, output even and their sum, and output odd and their average.

dim m,s,a(9),s1,s2,i,j,sum1,sum2,avr
for m=0 to 9
      s= inputbox ("Please input 10 numbers in turn,The first"&(m+1)&"individual:")
for i=0 to 9
      if a(i) mod 2=0 then
          s1=s1&a(i)&" "
          s2=s2&a(i)&" "
      end if
msgbox s1,,"Even numbers are:"
msgbox sum1,,"The sum of even terms is:"
msgbox s2,,"The odd number is:"
msgbox sum2/j,,"The average number of odd items is as follows:"

4. Define an array and read in 10 numbers. Please use for each next to output their sum and average value.

dim v,m,s,a(9),sum,avr
for m=0 to 9
      s= inputbox ("Please input 10 numbers in turn,The first"&(m+1)&"individual:")
for each v in a
msgbox sum&","&avr,,"Their sum and average values were as follows:"

5. There are two two-dimensional arrays a(4,4) and b(4,4) (the element values are arbitrary), and exchange two arrays (the original values of all elements of a become b, and all the element values of b become a).

dim a(4,4),b(4,4),i,j,s1,s2
for m=0 to 4
     for n=0 to 4
for m=0 to 4
     for n=0 to 4

rem  transformation:
for i=0 to 4
    for j=0 to 4

rem Output:
for v1=0 to 4
    for v2=0 to 4
      str1=str1&a(v1,v2)&" "
for v1=0 to 4
    for v2=0 to 4
      str2=str2&b(v1,v2)&" "
msgbox str1,,"a Converted to:"
msgbox str2,,"b Converted to:"

1. Using the function, the user inputs two numbers and outputs the maximum value and the minimum value.

dim a,b
a=inputbox ("Please enter 2 numbers: the first one")
b=inputbox ("Please enter 2 numbers: the second") 
function hh(a,b)
      if a>b then
           hh="The maximum value is:"&a&","&"The minimum value is:"&b
      else if a<>b then
           hh="The maximum value is:"&b&","&"The minimum value is:"&a
            hh="The two numbers are equal and there is no maximum or minimum"
      end if
      end if
end function
msgbox hh(a,b)

2. Using the function, the user input the radius of the circle and output the area of the circle.

dim r
r=inputbox("Please enter the radius of the circle:")
const pi=3.14
function s(r)
     s="The area of the circle is: "&pi*r^2
end function
msgbox s(r)

3. Using the process, the user inputs two numbers and outputs the maximum value and the minimum value.

dim a,b
a=inputbox ("Please enter 2 numbers: the first one")
b=inputbox ("Please enter 2 numbers: the second") 
sub hh(a,b)
      if a>b then
           msgbox "The maximum value is:"&a&","&"The minimum value is:"&b
      else if a<>b then
            msgbox "The maximum value is:"&b&","&"The minimum value is:"&a
            msgbox "The two numbers are equal and there is no maximum or minimum"
      end if
      end if
end sub
call hh(a,b)

4. Using the process, users input the radius of the circle and output the area of the circle.

dim r
const pi=3.1
r=inputbox("Please enter the radius of the circle:")
sub s(r)
      msgbox "The area of the circle is: "&pi*r^2
end sub
call s(r)

5. Use function or procedure to judge whether the string length input by user is greater than 10.

dim s
s=inputbox("Please enter a string of any characters:")
sub str(s)
      if len(s)>10 then
            msgbox "String length greater than 10"
            msgbox "String length less than 10"
      end if
end sub
call str(s)

6. Use function or procedure to count the number of numbers in user input string.

dim s
s=inputbox("Please enter a string of any characters:")
sub str(s)
      dim n,m,i
      for n=1 to len(s)
             m=mid(s,n,1)                         'Returns the specified number of characters from a string, mid()function
             if asc(m)>=48 and asc(m)<=57 then    'That corresponds to the first letter of a string ANSI Character code, asc()function
              end if
      msgbox "The number of numbers is:"&i
end sub
call str(s)

1. At the same time, open the CMD command, Notepad

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

2. First turn off notepad and then turn on the calculator

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

3. Open Chrome browser

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

4. Use VBS to create a text document D / 1.txt, which contains the following contents:


on error resume next
dim fs,t
set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set t=fs.createtextfile("d:/1.txt")
set t=nothing
if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

5. Use VBS to pop up the input box, where you can input the name and create a text document D / 2.txt. The contents are as follows:

Welcome (name in input box)!

on error resume next

dim fs,t,h
set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set t=fs.createtextfile("d:/2.txt")
h=inputbox("Please enter name:")
set t=nothing

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

6. Using VBS, merge the contents of the text documents of the previous two questions as follows:

Welcome to Beijing!

on error resume next

dim fs,t1,t2,str1,str2
set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set t1=fs.opentextfile("d:\1.txt",1)
set t2=fs.opentextfile("d:\2.txt",1)
set t1=nothing
set t2=nothing

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

7. Open notepad and input the following two lines through the analog keyboard:

This is the most wonderful day of my life

because I´m here with you now

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")
wscript.sleep 3000
a.sendkeys"^ "
a.sendkeys"This is most wonderful day fo my life"
a.sendkeys"because I'm here with you now"

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

8. Use VBS to open the "CMD" command and create a folder named with your name in pinyin on disk C

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")
wscript.sleep 3000
a.sendkeys"md d:\yanli"

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

9. Use VBS to open notepad and input your related information in it. The template is as follows:

Name: Zhang San

Student number: XXX

Current date: date()

Current time: time()

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")
wscript.sleep 1000
a.sendkeys"^ "
if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

10. Open Chrome browser and enter http://www.baidu.com ,

Enter Baidu website and search for "VBScript" keyword

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")
a.run"""C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"""
wscript.sleep 10000
a.sendkeys"^ "
wscript.sleep 3000
wscript.sleep 3000
wscript.sleep 3000

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

1. Using VBS regular expression, search for and display each mobile phone number in the following string:

"NO1002028; Yanjing emor5;24; female; Zhejiang; civil servant; 13507593654;NO1002024; zhimunlov5; 40; female; Sichuan; worker; 13411652253;NO1002071; tongshuores; 27; female; Tianjin; medical staff; 13306512368"

dim str,matchs,reg
str="NO1002028;Yan Jing emor5;24;female;Zhejiang;civil servant;13507593654;NO1002024;The admiration of nlov5;40;female;Sichuan;worker;13411652253;NO1002071;Children's books ores;27;female;Tianjin;medical staff;13306512368"
set reg=new regexp
set matchs=reg.execute(str)
for i=0 to matchs.count-1
      msgbox matchs.item(i)

2. Using VBS regular expressions, search for and replace each person's age in the following string:

"NO1002028; Yanjing emor5;24; female; Zhejiang; civil servant; 13507593654;NO1002024; zhimunlov5; 40; female; Sichuan; worker; 13411652253;NO1002071; tongshuores; 27; female; Tianjin; medical staff; 13306512368"

dim str,matchs,reg
str="NO1002028;Yan Jing emor5;24;female;Zhejiang;civil servant;13507593654;NO1002024;The admiration of nlov5;40;female;Sichuan;worker;13411652253;NO1002071;Children's books ores;27;female;Tianjin;medical staff;13306512368"
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.replace(str,"age")

3. The VBS regular expression is used to verify whether the user's user name meets the format requirements of "can contain numbers, letters and underscores, and the first character is a letter, and the length is 6-20 digits".

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please enter user name:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

4. The VBS regular expression is used to verify whether the password entered by the user meets the format requirements of "must contain upper case, lower case and number, and special characters (!, @, #,%, &), and greater than 6 digits".

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please input a password:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

5. Use VBS regular expression to verify whether the ID card number entered by the user conforms to the specification.

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please input ID card number:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

6. Use VBS regular expression to verify whether the format of the mailbox input by the user conforms to the specification.

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please enter email address:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

wscript.echo err.number&"–"&err.description&"–"&err.source
end if

10.open Chrome Browser, input http://www.baidu.com,

//Enter Baidu website and search for "VBScript" keyword

on error resume next

dim a
set a=createobject("wscript.shell")
a.run"""C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"""
wscript.sleep 10000
a.sendkeys"^ "
wscript.sleep 3000
wscript.sleep 3000
wscript.sleep 3000

if err.number<>0 then
         wscript.echo err.number&"--"&err.description&"--"&err.source
end if

1. Using VBS regular expression, search for and display each mobile phone number in the following string:

"NO1002028; Yanjing emor5;24; female; Zhejiang; civil servant; 13507593654;NO1002024; zhimunlov5; 40; female; Sichuan; worker; 13411652253;NO1002071; tongshuores; 27; female; Tianjin; medical staff; 13306512368"

dim str,matchs,reg
str="NO1002028;Yan Jing emor5;24;female;Zhejiang;civil servant;13507593654;NO1002024;The admiration of nlov5;40;female;Sichuan;worker;13411652253;NO1002071;Children's books ores;27;female;Tianjin;medical staff;13306512368"
set reg=new regexp
set matchs=reg.execute(str)
for i=0 to matchs.count-1
      msgbox matchs.item(i)

2. Using VBS regular expressions, search for and replace each person's age in the following string:

"NO1002028; Yanjing emor5;24; female; Zhejiang; civil servant; 13507593654;NO1002024; zhimunlov5; 40; female; Sichuan; worker; 13411652253;NO1002071; tongshuores; 27; female; Tianjin; medical staff; 13306512368"

dim str,matchs,reg
str="NO1002028;Yan Jing emor5;24;female;Zhejiang;civil servant;13507593654;NO1002024;The admiration of nlov5;40;female;Sichuan;worker;13411652253;NO1002071;Children's books ores;27;female;Tianjin;medical staff;13306512368"
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.replace(str,"age")

3. The VBS regular expression is used to verify whether the user's user name meets the format requirements of "can contain numbers, letters and underscores, and the first character is a letter, and the length is 6-20 digits".

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please enter user name:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

4. The VBS regular expression is used to verify whether the password entered by the user meets the format requirements of "must contain upper case, lower case and number, and special characters (!, @, #,%, &), and greater than 6 digits".

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please input a password:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

5. Use VBS regular expression to verify whether the ID card number entered by the user conforms to the specification.

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please input ID card number:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)

6. Use VBS regular expression to verify whether the format of the mailbox input by the user conforms to the specification.

dim str,matchs,reg
str=inputbox("Please enter email address:")
set reg=new regexp
msgbox reg.test(str)
  1. ↩︎

Posted by DJTim666 on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 19:26:57 -0700