Recently, official account official has been merged into one public official account for the company's business needs, that is to say, one official account (mainly fans) should be transferred to another public number. Two According to WeChat specification, the openid of the same user in different official account is different. Our business system records the openid of the user without exception. Therefore, the conversion of openid to two official account is involved. Fortunately, WeChat public platform provides a way to describe official account migration and API for calling.
Here we use Python to write a program, which is simple and fast. The main knowledge points are:
- MySQL connector, that is, Python DB API specification
- HTTP client library requests using
- WeChat official account platform API
First of all, the new and old openid cross reference table is established.
CREATE TABLE change_openidlist( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ori_openid varchar(100) NOT NULL, new_openid varchar(100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT crm_change_openidlist_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci ;
If not, you need to install the following class libraries first.
pip install mysql-connector-python pip install requests
Next, run the following python program to write the old and new openid cross reference data to change ﹣ openidlist, and then update other data tables according to the data of this table.
Other visible annotations, not detailed, of course, do not forget to replace appid and secret with their own official account.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import mysql.connector def handle_data(): try: token = get_access_token() #autocommit=True conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='', port='3306', user='user', password='password', database='wx', use_unicode=True,autocommit=True); qcursor = conn.cursor(buffered=True) wcursor = conn.cursor() #Old official account openid qcursor.execute('select openid from wxmembers') size = 100 while True: list = qcursor.fetchmany(size) if not list: break changeopenid_list = get_changeopenid_list(list,token) wcursor.executemany('insert into change_openidlist (ori_openid,new_openid) values (%s, %s)',changeopenid_list) except mysql.connector.Error as e: print ('Error : {}'.format(e)) finally: qcursor.close wcursor.close() conn.close print 'openid handle finished!' def get_access_token(): new_appid = '00000' new_secret = '11111' url = 'https://API. Weixin. QQ. COM / CGI bin / token? Grant? Type = client? Credential '? Grant? Type is a fixed value payload = {'appid': new_appid, 'secret': new_secret} r = requests.get(url,params = payload) response = r.json() return response['access_token'] def get_changeopenid_list(ori_openid_list,token): new_access_token = token ori_appid = '33333' url = ''+ new_access_token payload = {'to_appid': ori_appid, 'openid_list': ori_openid_list} r =,json = payload) response = r.json() result_list = response['result_list'] openid_list = [[result['ori_openid'],result['new_openid']] for result in result_list if result['err_msg'] == 'ok'] return openid_list if __name__ == '__main__': handle_data()