Using Python 3 to save csv format to MySql database

Keywords: MySQL Database pip encoding

Next, you need to store the stock data in csv format in mysql database:
Here are two methods:
+Using pymysql
+Using sqlalchemy

See mysql installation here:

Using pymysql

Install pip install pymysql
You also need to use pandas PIP install pandas

First, establish a connection with mysql

import pymysql
# Set the output to dictionary mode and connect to the local user ffzs password to 666
config = dict(host='localhost', user='ffzs', password='666',
# Establish connection
conn = pymysql.Connect(**config)
# Auto confirm commit True
# Set cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()

Use pandas to read the csv file. Those who need data test can go to NetEase Finance and economics for the next one:
Let's first look at what the data looks like:

There are a lot of parameters. I only need date, closing price, maximum price, minimum price, opening price and trading volume. I don't need any other data

import pandas as pd
# pandas reads the file. Here, I found a name of the stock file I crawled
# usecols means that I only use these columns. I don't need other columns
# Because csv only stores str, int, and float formats, it can't store date formats, so the reading is to set the date column as the time format
df = pd.read_csv('stock.csv', encoding='gbk', usecols=[0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11], parse_dates=['date'] )

df.head() results are as follows:

Format conversion: when creating a table, you need to set the column type. Write a function here to convert the pandas type to sql type:

# Set the type of table according to the automatic recognition type of Panda
def make_table_sql(df):
    columns = df.columns.tolist()
    types = df.ftypes
    # Add id brake incremental primary key mode
    make_table = []
    for item in columns:
        if 'int' in types[item]:
            char = item + ' INT'
        elif 'float' in types[item]:
            char = item + ' FLOAT'
        elif 'object' in types[item]:
            char = item + ' VARCHAR(255)'           
        elif 'datetime' in types[item]:
            char = item + ' DATETIME'            
    return ','.join(make_table)

Create a table and batch write it to mysql:

# Input csv format into mysql
def csv2mysql(db_name, table_name, df):
    # Create database
    cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {}'.format(db_name))
    # Choose to connect to database
    # Create table
    cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}'.format(table_name))
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE {}({})'.format(table_name,make_table_sql(df)))
    # The extracted data is transferred to the list, and the time mode of pandas cannot be written. Therefore, the format of mysql has been set by changing to str
    df['date'] = df['date'].astype('str')
    values = df.values.tolist()
    # According to the number of columns
    s = ','.join(['%s' for _ in range(len(df.columns))])
    # executemany batch operation insert data batch operation is much faster than one by one operation
    cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO {} VALUES ({})'.format(table_name,s), values)

Then run function:

csv2mysql(db_name=stock, table_name=test1 , df)

Test whether the following is written successfully:

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM test1 LIMIT 5')
# scroll(self, value, mode='relative') Move pointer to a row; If mode='relative',Move from the current line value strip,If mode='absolute',Move from the first row of the result set value strip.

The results are as follows:

Log in to the database to view

Close cursor and connection after use:

# Cursor closing
# Connection closure

Using sqlalchemy

Using sqlalchemy is simpler than pymysql

Install pip install sqlalchemy

Also, establish a connection with mysql first:

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from datetime import datetime
from sqlalchemy.types import NVARCHAR, Float, Integer

# Connection settings connection mysql user name ffzs password 666 address localhost: 3306 database: stock
engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://ffzs:666@localhost:3306/stock')
# Establish connection
con = engine.connect()

pandas reads the csv file:

df = pd.read_csv('stock.csv', encoding='gbk',usecols=[0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11], parse_dates=['date'])

Type conversion function

# pandas type and sql type conversion
def map_types(df):
    dtypedict = {}
    for i, j in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes):
        if "object" in str(j):
            dtypedict.update({i: NVARCHAR(length=255)})
        if "float" in str(j):
            dtypedict.update({i: Float(precision=2, asdecimal=True)})
        if "int" in str(j):
            dtypedict.update({i: Integer()})
    return dtypedict

Save to mysql:

dtypedict = map_types(df)
# Set the type to dict format {"col" name ": type} through dtype
df.to_sql(name='test2', con=con, if_exists='replace', index=False, dtype=dtypedict)

Look at the results:

Next, we will analyze the stock data..

Posted by bitt3n on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 03:31:19 -0800