Using gRPC client in PHP

Keywords: Programming PHP github Windows Google

Because the work needs to use gRPC, I use windows 10, but the operation flow of linux is basically the same.

Go directly to the topic, divided into several parts

1. Download Protoc

Download address:

Select the corresponding platform and download the binary file used here

After unzipping, I get it in protoc.exe under bin folder. I put it under D:\Program Files\protoc-3.7.1-win64\bin and add it to the system environment variable Path. Then I can use the protoc command. I can use protoc --version to check whether it is successful. (this step is very important for generating the PHP code corresponding to the protobuf file.)

2. Write protocol buffers file

How to write Protobuf3 Language Guide Good writing. First, I created a testgrpc com project. My location is e: \ www \ testgrpc com. I simply wrote a xuexitest.proto under the project

syntax = "proto3";  // Specify proto version

package xuexitest; // Specify package name

//Define the Xuexitest service
service Xuexitest {
    //Define SayTest method
    rpc SayTest(TestRequest) returns (TestReply) {}

//TestRequest request structure
message TestRequest {
    int64 typeid = 1;

//TestReply response structure
message TestReply {
   //Return data type
    message GetData {
      int64 id = 1;
      string name = 2;
   repeated GetData getdataarr = 1;

3. Download gRPC extension and protobuf extension of PHP

gRPC extension for PHP:

protobuf extension of PHP:

Note: 1. The protobuf extension of PHP does not have the windows version, but it does not affect the use. It is just a little slower. (use composer to load the protobuf class library, see the composer.json configuration file below.)

Note: 2. How to install PHP extensions is not covered here.

4. Compile the protocol buffers file

Compile xuexitest.proto and use protoc --php_out=. xuexitest.proto to generate:

5. Use PHP composer

First, install composer to manage and load the PHP class library. How to install it will not be discussed here. (this step is also important to solve the PHP class library dependency of Grpc and protobuf)

Write composer.json under the project and put it under the same level of the newly compiled protocol buffers file

  "name": "grpc-go-php",
  "require": {
    "grpc/grpc": "^v1.3.0",
    "google/protobuf": "^v3.3.0"

6. Use Composer to download PHP code

1. Enter the directory of the project, for example: e: \ www \ testgrpc? Com, enter cmd in the address bar and enter

2. Enter composer install at the command prompt (black window) and wait for the download to complete.

7. Define the gRPC client of PHP

In the Xuexitest folder of the project, create a new XuexitestClient.php file

namespace Xuexitest;

 * service Xuexitest{}
 * Write a client (gprc defines the Xuexitest service)
class XuexitestClient extends \Grpc\BaseStub{

    public function __construct($hostname, $opts, $channel = null) {
        parent::__construct($hostname, $opts, $channel);

     * rpc SayTest(TestRequest) returns (TestReply) {}
     * Try to use the same method name as (gprc defines the Xuexitest service)
     * For request and response services
    public function SayTest(\Xuexitest\TestRequest $argument,$metadata=[],$options=[]){
        // (/ xuexitest.Xuexitest/SayTest) is the service and method that requests the server, basically the same as the proto file definition
        // (\ Xuexitest\TestReply) is the response information (that kind), basically the same as the proto file definition
        return $this->_simpleRequest('/xuexitest.Xuexitest/SayTest',
            ['\Xuexitest\TestReply', 'decode'],
            $metadata, $options);


8. Write PHP executive file

Create a new xuexitest.php under the project

//Automatic loading with composer
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

//Used to connect to the server
$client = new \Xuexitest\XuexitestClient('', [
    'credentials' => Grpc\ChannelCredentials::createInsecure()

//Instantiate TestRequest request class
$request = new \Xuexitest\TestRequest();

//Call remote service
$get = $client->SayTest($request)->wait();

//Return array
//$reply is a TestReply object
//$status is an array
list($reply, $status) = $get;

$getdata = $reply->getGetdataarr();

foreach ($getdata as $k=>$v){
    echo $v->getId(),'=>',$v->getName(),"\n\r";

9. Hurry up

This is the source code:

Posted by jexx on Fri, 29 Nov 2019 01:01:08 -0800