Using encapsulation for ionic3 toastController

Keywords: Android angular Programming

1. description

toastController is an official message prompt box component provided by ionic, which is used to give feedback and prompt to users after operation.
Official website address:
The following is the default style. To use it in a project, you need to change many styles, and you need to explain some parameters.

2. use

  • Console run command, create service
ionic g provicer ToastService
  • Programming
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
Import the ionic message prompt box module ToastController
import { ToastController } from "ionic-angular";

  Generated class for the ToastServiceProvider provider.

  See for more info on providers
  and Angular DI.
export class ToastServiceProvider {

//Three message box styles defined by ourselves

Constructor introduction
  constructor(public toast:ToastController) {
    console.log('Hello ToastServiceProvider Provider');

   * Error message prompt box
   * @param message news

   * General information prompt box
   * @param message news

   * Success message prompt box
   * @param message

   * @param message Information to show
   * @param css Custom background color
  presentToast(message:any,css:string) {
    let toast = this.toast.create({
      message: message,//Prompt message content
      duration: 3000,//Display time in milliseconds
      position: 'bottom',//Where the message box appears, bottom is the meaning of the bottom. Naturally, there are top and middle
      showCloseButton:true,//If there is a close button, true means there is
      cssClass:css,//The style defined for the message box, css style name
      closeButtonText:'Close'//Close text on button

    toast.onDidDismiss(() => {
      console.log('Dismissed toast');

    toast.present();//Departure message prompt box

  • Corresponding css file
  //  color: #a94442;
  .toast-wrapper {
    //background: #eba6ac;
    background: #f53d3d;
  .toast-wrapper {
    background: #488aff;
  .toast-wrapper {
    background: #32db64;

3. import

The service is declared in app.module.ts, which page needs to be used and can be referenced.

4. effect

Success message:

Failure prompt:

Posted by dstockto on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 11:12:54 -0800