Using divide and conquer algorithm to realize merge and sort

Keywords: REST

//@1 -- first divide array a into 2
//@2 -- judge array pairs and put the smallest element after array a comparison into array d
//@3 -- after the comparison between the two groups, judge the conditions
//@4 -- when the rest is on the left, it means that the starting limit on the right has exceeded the range. Then, cycle to copy the remaining array directly to the d array
//@5 -- when the rest is on the right, it means that the start limit on the left has exceeded the range, then cycle to copy the remaining array directly to the d array
The above explains the idea of Merger algorithm

Here's a detailed idea for implementing the MergerSort function
Suppose you have a bunch of arrays:
8 4 5 7 1 3 6 2
In fact, this algorithm is similar to a binary tree, which is decomposed as follows
                   8 4 5 7 1 3 6 2
              8 4 5 7           1 3 6 2
          8 4       5 7      1 3     6 2
4 8 5 7 1 3 6 / / / merger
               4 5 7 8             1 2 3 6
                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The following is the implementation of the code:
using namespace std;
template<class Type>
///For example: 5 25 55 10 20 30
//@1 -- first divide array a into 2
//@2 -- judge array pairs and put the smallest element after array a comparison into array d
//@3 -- after the comparison between the two groups, judge the conditions
//@4 -- when the rest is on the left, it means that the starting limit on the right has exceeded the range. Then, cycle to copy the remaining array directly to the d array
//@5 -- when the rest is on the right, it means that the start limit on the left has exceeded the range, then cycle to copy the remaining array directly to the d array
void Merger(Type a[],Type d[],int left,int mid,int right)///Merge two ordered arrays (also called merge sort)
   int i=left,j=mid+1,k=left;
   while((i<=mid)&&(j<=right) )///To ensure that the boundary between two sides can be compared within a certain range
   if(i>mid)///When the limit on the left is out of range, the array on the right is left;
     for(int p=j;p<=right;p++)
     for(int p=i;p<=mid;p++)
template<class Type>
void MergerSort(Type a[],int left,int right)
   int d[right];
   if(left<right)///There are at least two points
     int i=(left+right)/2;
     MergerSort(a, left,i);///Divide and rule (divide and rule) divide left constantly
     MergerSort(a,i+1,right);///On the right
     ////When there is only one number left on both sides
     for(int p=left;p<=right;p++)
        a[p]=d[p];///Copy back to array a (because I'm going to output array a at the end)
int main()
    int a[]={1,21,12,36,67,99,56,100,99};
    int b[9];
    for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
    cout<<a[i]<<"  ";
    return 0;

The operation results are as follows:

Posted by mcguinkc on Sun, 03 May 2020 01:00:19 -0700