1, What is Ajax?
Asynchronous Javascript + XML (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is not a new technology in itself, but a 'new' method to describe a collection of existing technologies.
2, How to access background data?
1. Create XMLHttpRequest object
(1) Definition: XMLHttpRequest is used to exchange data with the server in the background. You can update a part of a web page without reloading the whole web page.
(2) Create
variable=new XMLHttpRequest();
function login(){ var username=document.getElementById("username").value; var password=document.getElementById("password").value; //Create a new httpRequest object var httpRequest=new XMLHttpRequest();
2. Send a request to the server
(1) Definition: use the open() and send() methods of the XMLHttpRequest object.
(2) Syntax:
Role: specify the type of request, URL and whether to process the request asynchronously.
1.method: type of request. get or post
2.url: the location of the file on the server
3.async: true (asynchronous) or false (synchronous)
(4) send(string)
Function: send the request to the server.
Parameter: string (for post requests only.)
1.GET is simpler and faster than POST.
2. Use post request when
(1) Cannot use cache file (update file or database on server)
(2) Send a large amount of data to the server (post has no data limit)
(3) When sending user input containing unknown characters, post is more stable and reliable than get.
//Configure the data format of the post request httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type',"application/json"); //Initiate request var obj={ username:username, password:password, } var jsonObj=JSON.stringify(obj); //Transfer parameters httpRequest.send(jsonObj);
There is a function setRequestHeader in the above code:
Role: add HTTP headers to requests
Header: Specifies the name of the header
Value: Specifies the value of the header
3. Server response
(1) Definition: use the responseText or responseXML attribute of the XMLHttpRequest object.
Function: get response data in string form
Parameter: None
Function: get response data in XML form
Parameter: None
//Processing response httpRequest.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(httpRequest.readyState===4&&httpRequest.status===200){ //Get response data var res=httpRequest.responseText; //console.log(res) var resObj=JSON.parse(res); console.log(resObj); if(resObj.status===200){ console.log("Login succeeded"); var token=resObj.data.token; //Save the token to the session in the browser sessionStorage.setItem("token",token); }else{ alert(resObj.message); } } }
The above has an onreadystatechange event:
When the request is sent to the server, we need to perform some response based tasks. The onreadystatechange event is triggered whenever the readyState changes.
The XMLHttpRequest object has three important properties:
Store the function (or function name) and call it whenever the readyState property changes.
The status of XMLHttpRequest is stored.
0: request not initialized
1: Server connection established
2: Request received
3: Request processing
4: The request has completed and the response is ready
200: "ok"
404: page not found
1. First write the login page link and background link of your project in the following code.
2. When entering the correct user name and password, click login, and you will see the successful login from the console; After successful login, you can access the background data by clicking query all users and query user permissions respectively.
html code:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>User login</title> //Third party js files <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/qs/6.10.1/qs.min.js"></script> //Create a new js file <script src="ajax.js"></script> </head> <body> user name <input type="text" id="username"> password <input type="text" id="password"> <br> <button onclick="login()">Sign in</button> <br> <hr> <button onclick="findAllUser()">Query all users</button> <button onclick="findMenuByUserId(25)">Query user permissions</button> <hr> <div id="main"></div> </body> <script> function login(){ var username=document.getElementById("username").value; var password=document.getElementById("password").value; //Create a new httpRequest object var httpRequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); //Open connection to login page httpRequest.open("post",'http://...'); //Configure the data format of the post request httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type',"application/json"); //Initiate request var obj={ username:username, password:password, } var jsonObj=JSON.stringify(obj); //Transfer parameters httpRequest.send(jsonObj); //Processing response httpRequest.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(httpRequest.readyState===4&&httpRequest.status===200){ //Get response data var res=httpRequest.responseText; //console.log(res) var resObj=JSON.parse(res); console.log(resObj); if(resObj.status===200){ console.log("Login succeeded"); var token=resObj.data.token; //Save the token to the session in the browser sessionStorage.setItem("token",token); }else{ alert(resObj.message); } } } } function findAllUser(){ //Create a request object var httpRequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); //Open background connection httpRequest.open('get','http://...'); //Get the token first var token=sessionStorage.getItem("token") if(token){ //Configure token httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Authorization',sessionStorage.getItem('token')); //Initiate request httpRequest.send(); //Processing response httpRequest.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(httpRequest.readyState===4&&httpRequest.status===200){ console.log(res); var res=httpRequest.responseText; document.getElementById("main").innerHTML=res; } } }else{ alert("Please log in again"); } } //Using encapsulated ajax function findMenuByUserId(id){ myAjax.get('/baseUser/findMenuByUserId',{id:id},function(res){ console.log("query was successful"); console.log(res); },function(err){ console.log("request was aborted"); console.log(err); }) } </script> </html>
js code to be referenced:
var qs=Qs; //Write a link to your project var baseURL="http://..."; var myAjax={ get:function(url,params,success,error){ var httpRequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.open('get',baseURL+url+'?'+qs.stringify(params)); //Configure token httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Authorization",sessionStorage.getItem("token")); //Send request httpRequest.send(); httpRequest.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(httpRequest.readyState===4&&httpRequest.status===200){ success(JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText)); } if(httpRequest.readyState===4&&httpRequest.status===500){ error(JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText)); } } } }