Use supervisor to guard the consumer process of RabbitMQ

Keywords: RabbitMQ multiple processes

When using RabbitMQ for asynchronous message processing, it is always found that after one or more consumer processes are started, they are automatically disconnected after a period of time, such as a few minutes or 10 minutes, resulting in a large number of messages in the queue and can not be processed.

In order to ensure the continuous high-performance operation of consumers, supervisor is used for supervision, and kill will restart automatically.

Its principle:

rabbitmq enables heartbeat detection after receiving the connection.tune-ok signaling from the client,

rabbitmq will create two processes for heartbeat detection for each tcp connection:

A process that regularly detects whether data is sent on the tcp connection (sending here means rabbitmq sends data to the client). If no data is sent to the client for a period of time, it immediately sends a heartbeat packet to the client (that is, the consumer), and then performs the next detection in a loop;

Another process regularly detects whether there is data reception on the tcp connection. If no data is received within a period of time, it is determined that the heartbeat has timed out, and finally the tcp connection will be closed.

Final solution:

Install and configure the supervisor to guard the consumer process. Once the process is closed, it will restart automatically.   

Environment: Centos

Step 1: Download

  1. yum install -y epel-release

  2. yum install -y supervisor

Step 2: Configure

cd /etc/
mkdir supervisord.d
echo_supervisord_conf > supervisord.conf
vim /etc/supervisord.conf

#Add the following configuration information
files = /etc/supervisord.d/*.conf

  Step 3: start the service file (write the file location vim    / etc/init.d/supervisord  )

# /etc/init.d/supervisord
# Supervisor is a client/server system that
# allows its users to monitor and control a
# number of processes on UNIX-like operating
# systems.
# chkconfig: - 64 36
# description: Supervisor Server
# processname: supervisord
# Source init functions
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
       echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
       ###Note that the following line must have - C / etc / supervisor.conf, otherwise the modified configuration file will not take effect at all!
       daemon $prog_bin -c /etc/supervisord.conf --pidfile $PIDFILE
       [ -f $PIDFILE ] && success $"$prog startup" || failure $"$prog startup"
       echo -n $"Shutting down $prog: "
       [ -f $PIDFILE ] && killproc $prog || success $"$prog shutdown"
case "$1" in
       status $prog
   echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"

3, Execute command  

chmod +x /etc/init.d/supervisord
chkconfig --add supervisord
chkconfig supervisord on
service supervisord start

Step 4: open web view

# If you want to view the managed process through the web, add the following code to listen to 9001, the default user user, and the default password 123


Step 5: create a listening task     (created in vim)   / (etc / Supervisor. D / rabbitmq_worker. Conf file)

command=curl http://IP/Delay.Consumer/start; command line operation at startup
autostart=true                                     ;Whether to follow supervisor start-up
autorestart=true                                   ;Whether to restart after hanging, and restart after accidental shutdown, such as kill Drop!
startsecs=10                                       ;How long does it last? The operation is considered successful
startretries=3                                     ;Number of startup attempts
stderr_logfile=/tmp/rabbitmq_worker_err.log        ;Location of standard error output
stdout_logfile=/tmp/rabbitmq_worker_out.log        ;Location of standard output  

Step 6: restart the supervisor service

service supervisord restart

Step 7: check the service startup status

[kingfly@kingfly supervisord.d]# lsof -i:9001
superviso 9452 root    4u  IPv4 40107676      0t0  TCP *:etlservicemgr (LISTEN)

Step 8: view in web mode (login is required after opening, default login account: user, default password: 123)

http://Server IP:9001

If you want to modify the login account password, you can modify it in the configuration file.  

vim /etc/supervisord.conf

  Well, here, the solution and actual combat of guarding the consumer process through Supervisor are completed.

Start the actual combat soon ~ ask if you don't understand

If you want to learn more about the various commands of the Supervisor, see the last one

Supervisor usage details

Posted by mikeblaszczec on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 17:18:27 -0700