Preview all the code first:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Per.js Demo</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body id="body"> <div id="page1"> <h1>Welcome to use this price calculation!</h1> </div> <div id="page2" style="display: none;"> <ul p-loop-in="var1"> <li>This is {{}}</li> <li>The price is: {{var1.price}}<span p-con="{{var1.price > 20}}"> - To expensive!</span></li> </ul> </div> <button id="tp1">to page1</button> <button id="tp2">to page2</button> <button id="btn-refre">Refresh</button> <script src="Per.js"></script> <script> Per.use("");"allPage");"allPage","#page1");"allPage","#page2"); var app = Per("ul"); app.dom({ loop: [{name: "apple",price: 20},{name: "bread",price: 30},{name: "banana",price: 25}], callback: function(){ Per("span").dom({ con: "in" }); } },true,true); Per("#btn-refre").dom({ info: { item: [{name: "apple",price: 20},{name: "bread",price: 30},{name: "banana",price: 25}] }, click: function(){ this._super.innerHTML = "Refresh now!"; var val = parseInt(Math.random()*30+1); this.item[0].price = val; val = parseInt(Math.random()*30+1); this.item[1].price = val; val = parseInt(Math.random()*30+1); this.item[2].price = val; app.dom.loop = this.item; } }); Per("#tp1").dom({ click: function(){"allPage",1); } }); Per("#tp2").dom({ click: function(){"allPage",2); } }); </script> </body> </html>
Then send out a wave of effects:
Yes, it's such a page. Then I'll teach you how to make it.
Write the basic page format first.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Per.js Demo</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
Then we use script tags to introduce Per.js files:
<script src="Per.js"></script> <script> </script>
Then we put the basic structure in the body tag:
<div id="page1"> <h1>Welcome to use this price calculation!</h1> </div> <div id="page2" style="display: none;"> <ul p-loop-in="var1"> <li>This is {{}}</li> <li>The price is: {{var1.price}}<span p-con="{{var1.price > 20}}"> - To expensive!</span></li> </ul> </div> <button id="tp1">to page1</button> <button id="tp2">to page2</button> <button id="btn-refre">Refresh</button>
Then write the js statement in the script tag:
Per.use("");"allPage");"allPage","#page1");"allPage","#page2"); var app = Per("ul"); app.dom({ loop: [{name: "apple",price: 20},{name: "bread",price: 30},{name: "banana",price: 25}], callback: function(){ Per("span").dom({ con: "in" }); } },true,true); Per("#btn-refre").dom({ info: { item: [{name: "apple",price: 20},{name: "bread",price: 30},{name: "banana",price: 25}] }, click: function(){ this._super.innerHTML = "Refresh now!"; var val = parseInt(Math.random()*30+1); this.item[0].price = val; val = parseInt(Math.random()*30+1); this.item[1].price = val; val = parseInt(Math.random()*30+1); this.item[2].price = val; app.dom.loop = this.item; } }); Per("#tp1").dom({ click: function(){"allPage",1); } }); Per("#tp2").dom({ click: function(){"allPage",2); } });
Then open the browser, and it will execute normally!
The effect is the same as the gif chart above!
[tips: Per.js >= version 3.0 must be used]