Use of SwiftyJSON for iOS(Swift) Learning Notes

Keywords: JSON iOS

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1. Install SwiftyJSON via CocoaPods

platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do


  pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 4.0.0'


2. Initialization

import SwiftyJSON

let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking)
let json = JSON(jsonObject)
if let dataFromString = .utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) {
    let json = JSON(data: dataFromString)

3. Subscript Access

// Mode 1
let name = json[1]["list"][2]["name"].string

//Mode 2
let name = json[1,"list",2,"name"].string

//Mode 3
let keys:[JSONSubscriptType] = [1,"list",2,"name"]
let name = json[keys].string
let arrayNames =  json["users"]{$0["name"].stringValue})

4. Loop traversal

Whether the JSON is an array type or a dictionary type key is a String.

for (key,subJSON) in json {

5. Error handling

The enumeration type SwiftyJSONError contains unsupportedType, indexOutOfBounds, elementTooDeep, wrongType, notExist, invalidJSON, errorDomain.

6. Optional value acquisition

Optional values are obtained from.number,.string,.bool,.int, and so on.

if let id = json["user"]["name"].string {
} else {

7. Non-optional value acquisition

The.xxxValue method gives you non-optional values.

// Return''if it is not a String or nil
let name: String = json["name"].stringValue

8. Set Value

json["name"] = JSON("new-name")
json[0] = JSON(1)
json["name"].string =  "Jack"
json.arrayObject = [1,2,3,4]
json.dictionaryObject = ["name":"Jack", "age":25]

9. Raw Data

let rawObject: Any = json.object
let rawValue: Any = json.rawValue
do {
	let rawData = try json.rawData()
} catch {
	print("Error \(error)")
if let rawString = json.rawString() {
} else {
	print("json.rawString is nil")

10. Other methods


// Judging whether there is
if json["name"].exists()


let original: JSON = [
    "first_name": "Theo",
    "age": 20,
    "skills": ["Coding", "Reading"],
    "address": [
        "street": "Software St",
        "zip": "210046",

let update: JSON = [
    "last_name": "Tsao",
    "age": 22,
    "skills": ["Writing"],
    "address": [
        "zip": "210012",
        "city": "Nanjing"

let updated = original.merge(with: update)


    "first_name": "Theo",
    "last_name": "Tsao",
    "age": 22,
    "skills": ["Coding", "Reading", "Writing"],
    "address": [
        "street": "Software St",
        "zip": "210012",
        "city": "Nanjing"

Posted by Cronikeys on Mon, 13 Jan 2020 09:48:06 -0800