Use of Saltstack Function Modules in Linux (salt-ssh, salt-syndic and salt-api)

Keywords: ssh MySQL vim yum

Introduction of Saltstack Function Module

1. Introduction to salt-ssh

Sal-ssh can run independently without minion, and use sshpass to interact with passwords, but it works in serial mode, resulting in a significant performance degradation.

2. Introduction to salt-syndic

Syndic is actually a proxy, separating master from minion. Syndic must run on master and connect to another topmaster. The status of Topmaster's download needs to be transmitted to the lower master through syndic, and the data from minion to master is also transferred from syndic to topmaster. Topmaster does not know how many minions there are. The directories of file_roots and pillar_roots of syndic and topmaster should be consistent, otherwise errors will occur.

3. Introduction to salt-api

SaltStack officially provides a salt-api project in REST API format, which will make Salt's integration with third-party systems particularly easy.

Officially provided three api modules: rest_cherrypy, rest_tornado, rest_wsgi

II. Deployment of salt-syndic

Experimental preparation:


server2 and server3 - minion ( and - salt-minion


Installation software

yum install -y salt-syndic
yum install -y salt-master

1. Note the parameters of mysql in the configuration file / etc/salt/master

vim /etc/salt/master
#master_job_cache: mysql 'localhost'
#mysql.user: 'salt'
#mysql.pass: 'salt'
#mysql.db: 'salt'
#mysql.port: 3306
systemctl restart salt-master

2. Setting up ip of managed master in server 4

vim /etc/salt/master
systemctl restart salt-master
netstat -antlp

3. Write topmaster ip in server 1 configuration file

vim /etc/salt/master
systemctl restart salt-master
systemctl start salt-syndic

4. Testing in server 4

server2 and server3 are minion-side managed by server1, while server4 (topmaster) manages master, which can also be pushed indirectly by item minion-side.

salt-key -L
salt-key -A    #Add key
salt '*'

III. Deployment of salt-ssh

1. Close server 2 (minion) using the [system CTL stop salt-minion] command

2. Setting up salt-ssh roster file in server 1

yum install -y salt-ssh
cd /etc/salt
vim roster
  user: root
  passwd: westos

3. Test connection

salt-ssh '*'
salt-ssh server2 -r "df"    #View mount information
salt-ssh server2 -r "hostname"    #View Host Name

4. salt-api invocation

Open the previously closed server 2 (minion) end [system CTL start salt-minion]

1. Install salt-api software

yum isntall -y salt-api

2. Create public and private keys

cd /etc/pki/tls/
cd private
openssl genrsa 2048 > localhost.key
cd ../certs
make testcert

3. Write api files and open ports

cd /etc/salt/master.d/
vim api.conf 
  port: 8000
  ssl_crt: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
  ssl_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

4. Authenticate and authorize users to create users

cd master.d
      - .*
      - '@wheel'
      - '@runner'
      - '@jobs'

5. Restart master and api

systemctl restart salt-master
systemctl start salt-api
netstat -antlp | grep 8000

6. The user logs in and gets token

curl -sSk https://localhost:8000/login \
 -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
 -d username=saltapi \
 -d password=westos -d eauth=pam

7. Test whether you can use api to control server2 and server3

curl -sSk https://localhost:8000 \
 -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
 -H 'X-Auth-Token:4f041660e6f08cac934233853c671209a4301df3' \
 -d client=local \
 -d tgt='*' \

8. py files are used for push

def main():
    sapi = SaltAPI(url='https://localhost:8000',username='saltapi',password='westos')
    print sapi.list_all_key()

Push to server 3

Use the [python] command to push to server 3. After the push, we can see that the nginx service has been started in server 3.

Posted by ruthsimon on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 03:01:11 -0700