Use of psutil Library in Python operation and maintenance development

Keywords: Python network Linux


psutil can easily achieve the process of system operation and system utilization.

Import module

import psutils

Obtaining system performance information

CPU Info

Use the cpu_times() method to get the complete information of the CPU:

>>> psutil.cpu_times()

Get individual data, such as CPU time ratio of user user:

>>> psutil.cpu_times().user

Get the number of CPU s:

>>> psutil.cpu_count() # Default logic = True to get the number of logics
>>> psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)  # Get the physical number of CPU s

Memory information

Get the total physical memory size and used memory:

>>> mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
>>> mem          # Display all parameters
>>>    # Total memory
>>> mem.used     # Used memory
>>>     # Get the number of free memory 
>>> psutil.swap_memory()    # Get SWAP partition information

Disk information

Get complete disk information:

>>> psutil.disk_partitions()    

Get partition usage:

>>> psutil.disk_usage('C:/') # The internal parameters are the partitions of the disks in which they are located.

Get the total IO number of hard disks:

>>> psutil.disk_io_counters()
>>> psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True)   # Get the number of IO s for a single partition

network information

Get the total IO information of the network:

>>> psutil.net_io_counters()
>>> psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)   # Output IO information for a single network interface

Other system information

Returns user information for the current login system:

>>> psutil.users()

Get boot time:

>>> psutil.boot_time()  # Returns in Linux timestamp format
# If you want to convert to natural time format:
>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

Process management

Process information

List all process PID s

>>> psutil.pids()

Instantiate process objects

>>> p = psutil.Process(716)
>>>  # Process name
>>> p.exe()   # Process bin path
>>> p.cwd()   # Absolute path of process working directory
>>> p.status()   # Process state
>>> p.create_time()   # Process creation time
>>> p.uids()   # Process uid information
>>> p.gids()   # Process gid information
>>> p.cpu_times()   # Process CPU time information
>>> p.cpu_affinity()   # Affinity of get process
>>> p.memory_percent()    # Process memory utilization
>>> p.num_threads()    # Number of threads opened by a process

Use of popen class

The popen class can obtain information about the application process initiated by the user.

>>> p = putil.Popen(["/usr/bin/python","-c","print('Hello')"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> p.username()  # Users who create processes
>>> p.communicate()
>>> p.cpu_times()    # Get CPU time for the process to run

Posted by Ace_Online on Thu, 31 Jan 2019 11:51:14 -0800