Use of PostgreSQL_upsert function (insert_on_conflict_do)

Keywords: Session PostgreSQL


PostgreSQL , upsert , insert on conflict do


PostgreSQL 9.5 introduces a new feature, UPSERT(insert on conflict do), which returns directly when an insert encounters a constraint error, or performs UPDATE instead.

The syntax is as follows

Command:     INSERT  
Description: create new rows in a table  
[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] with_query [, ...] ]  
INSERT INTO table_name [ AS alias ] [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]  
    { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) [, ...] | query }  
    [ ON CONFLICT [ conflict_target ] conflict_action ]  
    [ RETURNING * | output_expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] ]  
where conflict_target can be one of:  
    ( { index_column_name | ( index_expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE index_predicate ]  
    ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name  
and conflict_action is one of:  
    DO UPDATE SET { column_name = { expression | DEFAULT } |  
                    ( column_name [, ...] ) = ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) |  
                    ( column_name [, ...] ) = ( sub-SELECT )  
                  } [, ...]  
              [ WHERE condition ]  

Pre-PostgreSQL version 9.5 can implement UPSERT-like functions through functions or with grammar.

Examples of 9.5+ UPSERT usage

Create a test table with one field as a unique key or primary key.

create table test(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);  

1. Insert if nonexistent, update if existent

test03=# insert into test values (1,'test',now()) on conflict (id) do update set,crt_time=excluded.crt_time;  
INSERT 0 1  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id | info |          crt_time            
  1 | test | 2017-04-24 15:27:25.393948  
(1 row)  
test03=# insert into test values (1,'hello digoal',now()) on conflict (id) do update set,crt_time=excluded.crt_time;  
INSERT 0 1  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |     info     |          crt_time            
  1 | hello digoal | 2017-04-24 15:27:39.140877  
(1 row)  

2. Insert if nonexistence exists, return directly if it exists (without any processing)

test03=# insert into test values (1,'hello digoal',now()) on conflict (id) do nothing;  
INSERT 0 0  
test03=# insert into test values (1,'pu',now()) on conflict (id) do nothing;  
INSERT 0 0  
test03=# insert into test values (2,'pu',now()) on conflict (id) do nothing;  
INSERT 0 1  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |     info     |          crt_time            
  1 | hello digoal | 2017-04-24 15:27:39.140877  
  2 | pu           | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
(2 rows)  

9.5 - Examples of UPSERT usage

Users can use different methods according to their actual needs.

1. function

test03=# create or replace function f_upsert(int,text,timestamp) returns void as $$  
  res int;  
  update test set info=$2,crt_time=$3 where id=$1;  
  if not found then  
    insert into test (id,info,crt_time) values ($1,$2,$3);  
  end if;  
  exception when others then  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  
test03=# select f_upsert(1,'digoal',now()::timestamp);  
(1 row)  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |  info  |          crt_time            
  2 | pu     | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  1 | digoal | 2017-04-24 15:31:29.254325  
(2 rows)  
test03=# select f_upsert(1,'digoal001',now()::timestamp);  
(1 row)  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |   info    |         crt_time            
  2 | pu        | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  1 | digoal001 | 2017-04-24 15:31:38.0529  
(2 rows)  
test03=# select f_upsert(3,'hello',now()::timestamp);  
(1 row)  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |   info    |         crt_time            
  2 | pu        | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  1 | digoal001 | 2017-04-24 15:31:38.0529  
  3 | hello     | 2017-04-24 15:31:49.14291  
(3 rows)  

2. WITH grammar, usage 1

create table test(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);  

If it exists, it will be updated, and if it does not exist, it will be inserted.

with upsert as (update test set info=$info,crt_time=$crt_time where id=$id returning *) insert into test select $id,$info,$crt_time where not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=$id);    

Replace variables for testing

with upsert as (update test set info='test',crt_time=now() where id=1 returning *) insert into test select 1,'test',now() where not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=1);    

At the same time, insert a non-existent value. Only one session succeeds and the other session reports a PK constraint error.

3. WITH grammar, usage 2

Concurrency can be guaranteed even if the table has no PK or unique constraints.

create table test(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp);  

3.1 For the record does not exist, it can ensure that only one session inserts data. For the same data update, the first session lock s the record, and the subsequent session wait s.

  w1 as(select ('x'||substr(md5('$id'),1,16))::bit(64)::bigint as tra_id),    
  upsert as (update test set info=$info,crt_time=$crt_time where id=$id returning *)    
  insert into test select $id, $info, $crt_time from w1     
    where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=$id);    

Replace variables for testing

  w1 as(select ('x'||substr(md5('1'),1,16))::bit(64)::bigint as tra_id),    
  upsert as (update test set info='digoal0123',crt_time=now() where id=1 returning *)    
  insert into test select 1, 'digoal0123', now() from w1     
    where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=1);    
INSERT 0 0  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |    info    |         crt_time            
  2 | pu         | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  3 | hello      | 2017-04-24 15:31:49.14291  
  1 | digoal0123 | 2017-04-24 15:31:38.0529  
(3 rows)  
  w1 as(select ('x'||substr(md5('4'),1,16))::bit(64)::bigint as tra_id),    
  upsert as (update test set info='digoal0123',crt_time=now() where id=4 returning *)    
  insert into test select 4, 'digoal0123', now() from w1     
    where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=4);    
INSERT 0 1  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |    info    |          crt_time            
  2 | pu         | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  3 | hello      | 2017-04-24 15:31:49.14291  
  1 | digoal0123 | 2017-04-24 15:31:38.0529  
  4 | digoal0123 | 2017-04-24 15:38:39.801908  
(4 rows)  

3.2 For the record does not exist, it can ensure that only one session inserts data. For the same data update, the first session updates the data, and the subsequent session does not wait and fails directly.

with w1 as(select ('x'||substr(md5('$id'),1,16))::bit(64)::bigint as tra_id),    
  upsert as (update test set info=$info,crt_time=$crt_time from w1 where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and id=$id returning *)    
  insert into test select $id,$info,$crt_time from w1   
    where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=$id);     

Replace variables for testing

with w1 as(select ('x'||substr(md5('1'),1,16))::bit(64)::bigint as tra_id),    
  upsert as (update test set info='test',crt_time=now() from w1 where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and id=1 returning *)    
  insert into test select 1,'test',now() from w1   
    where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(tra_id) and not exists (select 1 from upsert where id=1);    
INSERT 0 0  
test03=# select * from test;  
 id |    info    |          crt_time            
  2 | pu         | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  3 | hello      | 2017-04-24 15:31:49.14291  
  4 | digoal0123 | 2017-04-24 15:42:50.912887  
  1 | test       | 2017-04-24 15:44:44.245167  
(4 rows)  

Posted by tym on Sat, 22 Dec 2018 08:51:06 -0800