Writing skills of python setup.py file
Environment: the latest version of setuptools. For a preliminary understanding of setuptools, please refer to This article
1. Custom command
from setuptools import setup, Command
class MyCommand(Command):
description = "Description of the command"
user_options = []
# This method must be implemented
def initialize_options(self):
# This method must be implemented
def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
print("My command runs!")
setup(..., cmdclass={
#Commands: inherited classes
"mycommand": MyCommand
The format is like the above. This is the simplest example without custom command sub options. The following is a slightly complex example. Its function is to publish packages to pypi:
import os
from setuptools import setup, Command
class PublishCommand(Command):
description = "Publish a new version to pypi"
user_options = [
# The format is (long option, short option, description).
("test", None, "Publish to test.pypi.org"),
("release", None, "Publish to pypi.org"),
def initialize_options(self):
"""Set default values for options."""
self.test = False
self.release = False
def finalize_options(self):
"""Post-process options."""
if self.test:
print("V%s will publish to the test.pypi.org" % version)
elif self.release:
print("V%s will publish to the pypi.org" % version)
def run(self):
"""Run command."""
os.system("pip install -U setuptools twine wheel")
os.system("rm -rf build/ dist/ Flask_PluginKit.egg-info/")
os.system("python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel")
if self.test:
os.system("twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*")
elif self.release:
os.system("twine upload dist/*")
os.system("rm -rf build/ dist/ Flask_PluginKit.egg-info/")
if self.test:
print("V%s publish to the test.pypi.org successfully" % version)
elif self.release:
print("V%s publish to the pypi.org successfully" % version)
setup(..., cmdclass={
'publish': PublishCommand,
The usage of this release command is as follows:
$ python setup.py publish --help
Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more)
setup.py build will build the package underneath 'build/'
setup.py install will install the package
Global options:
--verbose (-v) run verbosely (default)
--quiet (-q) run quietly (turns verbosity off)
--dry-run (-n) don't actually do anything
--help (-h) show detailed help message
--no-user-cfg ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory
Options for 'PublishCommand' command:
--test Publish to test.pypi.org
--release Publish to pypi.org
usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
or: setup.py --help-commands
or: setup.py cmd --help
Explanation: with reference to the code and help, publish defines two sub options, test and release. Later run executes the commands uploaded to different environments according to the value of the sub options. Therefore, executing python setup.py publish --test can be published to python official test warehouse test.pypi.org, and executing python setup.py publish --release can be published to python official warehouse pypi.org!