Understanding jQuery DOM operation and data operation of jQuery (4)

1, Dom operation

1.parents(): get all the ancestor nodes of the current element, and the parameter is the filtering function;

2.closest(): to get the latest specified ancestor node (including the current element itself), you must write the filtered parameter, only one element can be found



    //body will turn red
    //Only div2 turns red
<body class="box">
<div id="div1">aaa
    <div id="div2" class="box">bbb</div>

3.siblings(), nextAll(), prevlall()

siblings(): find all sibling nodes. The parameter is the filtering function

nextAll(): all the following sibling nodes. The parameter is the filtering function

Prevlall(): all the sibling nodes above. The parameter is the filtering function

4.Until(), parentsUntil(), nextUntil(),prevUntil

Until(): cutoff, the parameter specifies the cutoff position, excluding itself







2, Dom operation and data operation

1.clone(): can receive a parameter and copy the previous operation behavior



    $('div').clone(true).appendTo( $('span') );
    //Click the newly generated div and 123 will pop up


Note: clone(true) makes the clone version have the original operation

2.wrap(): package

Wrap all(): whole package

wrapInner(): inner wrapper

unwrap(): delete wrapper (delete parent: excluding body)

wrapInner() property:






unwrap() property:





3.add(): a method of adding combination to nodes



    var elem = $('div');

    var elem2 = elem.add('span');

    //The background of div and span turns yellow


4.slice(): intercept the range of array

//Make li red from 1 to 3

Note: the second parameter indicates before the deadline

serialize() and serializeArray(): Data concatenation and parsing


    console.log($('form').serialize());  //string : a=1&b=2&c=3

    console.log( $('form').serializeArray() );
        { name : 'a' , value : '1' },
        { name : 'b' , value : '2' },
        { name : 'c' , value : '3' }
    <input type="text" name="a" value="1">
    <input type="text" name="b" value="2">
    <input type="text" name="c" value="3">

Posted by Tonic-_- on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 12:00:51 -0800