Animation asset UAnimationAsset
type hierarchy structure
- UObjectBase
- UObjectBaseUtility
- UObject
- UAnimationAsset
- UAnimSequenceBase
- UAnimCompositeBase
- Animation Synthesis of UAnimComposite
- UAnimMontage animation Montage
- UAnimSequence animation sequence (note root motion)
- UAnimStreamable
- UAnimCompositeBase
- UBlendSpaceBase
- UBlendSpace mixed space
- UAimOffsetBlendSpace aim offset blend space
- UBlendSpace1D one dimensional mixed space
- Uaimoffsetblendspace 1D one dimensional aiming offset hybrid space
- UBlendSpace mixed space
- UPoseAsset
- UAnimSequenceBase
- UAnimationAsset
- UObject
- UObjectBaseUtility
C + + call
Loaded are derived classes such as animation sequence and animation montage, which can be played directly
// load UAnimationAsset* AnimDead_I; AnimDead_I = LoadObject<UAnimationAsset>(nullptr, TEXT("AnimSequence'/Game/Res/PolygonAdventure/Mannequin/Enemy/Animation/FightGroup/Enemy_Dead_I.Enemy_Dead_I'")); // Load constructor use UAnimationAsset* DeadAnim ; static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UAnimationAsset> StaticDeadAnim(TEXT("AnimSequence'/Game/Res/PolygonAdventure/Mannequin/Player/Animation/Player_Death.Player_Death'")); DeadAnim = StaticDeadAnim.Object; // Play, you can keep the last frame GetMesh()->PlayAnimation(DeadAnim, false); // Get duration AnimDead_I->GetMaxCurrentTime()
Can play directly
The length of time returned can be used for the behavior tree wait time
The returned transform can be used to Modify bone if necessary
Do not set cycle playback, you can freeze at the last frame
// load static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UAnimSequence> StaticAnimAttackSeq_III(TEXT("AnimSequence'/Game/Res/PolygonAdventure/Mannequin/Enemy/Animation/FightGroup/Enemy_Attack_III.Enemy_Attack_III'")); UAnimSequence* AnimAttackSeq_III; AnimAttackSeq_III = StaticAnimAttackSeq_III.Object; // Get duration AnimAttackSeq_III->GetPlayLength() // Get transform AnimAttackSeq_III->GetBoneTransform(OutputTrans, 0.f, CurrentPlayTime, true);
Animation fusion can be realized through slot
If necessary, you need to set it to freeze the last frame
The length of the corresponding UAnimSequence can be used for the waiting time of the behavior tree
It can be played after judging each frame; Or play when you want to call, such as characer and UBTTaskNode
//play Montage_Play(AnimHurt); // Determine whether to play Montage_IsPlaying(AnimHurt) //Stop Montage void Montage_Stop(float InBlendOutTime, const UAnimMontage* Montage = NULL); Montage_Stop(0); // Stop all montages // Several methods related to the last frame of freeze frame GetMesh()->GlobalAnimRateScale = 0.f; GetMesh()->bNoSkeletonUpdate = true; GetMesh()->bPauseAnims = true;
Animation instance UAnimInstance and animation blueprint UAnimBlueprint
Article address
- Generally, when creating an animation blueprint, you need to select the Parent Class of UAnimInstance
- Therefore, after creating the UAnimInstance, write various variables and methods inside it, and then realize the communication between C + + and the blueprint through the animation blueprint. For example, variables are used for animation state machines, and events are used for calling animation notifications
- When Montage is first used, it is usually called in character. Later, it is found that it can also be used in UAnimInstance
C + + call
- Load animation blueprint
// Loading and setting static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UAnimInstance> StaticEnemyAnim(TEXT("AnimBlueprint'/Game/Blueprints/Enemy/BPA_Eneymy.BPA_Eneymy_C'")); // GetMesh()->SetAnimationMode(EAnimationMode::AnimationBlueprint); GetMesh()->SetAnimClass(StaticEnemyAnim.Class); // character get * * UAnimInstance** SEAnim = Cast<UEnemyAnim>(GetMesh()->GetAnimInstance());
Behavior tree related modules
UBTService can be used for data update
UBlackboardData blackboard data can be inherited by Data Asset under Editor
virtual void PostLoad() override;
Add data, several types
//Waiting time FBlackboardEntry WaitTime; WaitTime.EntryName = FName(TEXT("WaitTime")); UBlackboardKeyType_Float* WaitTimeKeyType = NewObject<UBlackboardKeyType_Float>(); WaitTime.KeyType = WaitTimeKeyType; Keys.Add(WaitTime); //Enemy attack type FBlackboardEntry AttackType; AttackType.EntryName = FName(TEXT("AttackType")); UBlackboardKeyType_Enum* EnemyAttackTypeKeyType = NewObject<UBlackboardKeyType_Enum>(); // Get enumeration type through reflection EnemyAttackTypeKeyType->EnumType = FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKAGE, *FString("EEnemyAttackType"), true); EnemyAttackTypeKeyType->EnumName = FString("EEnemyAttackType"); AttackType.KeyType = EnemyAttackTypeKeyType; Keys.Add(AttackType); // Player pointer FBlackboardEntry PlayerPawn; PlayerPawn.EntryName = FName(TEXT("PlayerPawn")); UBlackboardKeyType_Object* PlayerPawnKeyType = NewObject<UBlackboardKeyType_Object>(); PlayerPawnKeyType->BaseClass = ASLAiPlayerCharacter::StaticClass(); PlayerPawn.KeyType = PlayerPawnKeyType; Keys.Add(PlayerPawn); //Whether an action is completed FBlackboardEntry ProcessFinish; ProcessFinish.EntryName = FName(TEXT("ProcessFinish")); ProcessFinish.KeyType = NewObject<UBlackboardKeyType_Bool>(); Keys.Add(ProcessFinish);
Rewritable function
// Override execution function virtual EBTNodeResult::Type ExecuteTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory) override; //Override termination function virtual EBTNodeResult::Type AbortTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory) override; // Set the blackboard data to associate UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,Category="Blackboard") struct FBlackboardKeySelector WaitTime; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,Category="Blackboard") struct FBlackboardKeySelector Destination; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,Category="Blackboard") struct FBlackboardKeySelector IsActionFinish;
- You can obtain character and controller through the parameter OwnerComp, and then access related functions or data
- Can change blackboard data
SEController = Cast<AEnemyController>(OwnerComp.GetAIOwner()); SECharacter = Cast<AEnemyCharacter>(SEController->GetPawn()); // Using the navigation system to obtain random points UNavigationSystemV1::K2_GetRandomReachablePointInRadius(SEController, WanderOrigin,DesLoc, WanderRadius); OwnerComp.GetBlackboardComponent()->SetValueAsVector(Destination.SelectedKeyName, DesLoc); // Play the animation and return the duration float AttackDuration = SECharacter->PlayAttackAction(EEnemyAttackType::EA_Normal); OwnerComp.GetBlackboardComponent()->SetValueAsFloat(WaitTime.SelectedKeyName, AttackDuration);
- It is generally used for finishing work, such as clearing timer
Return value EBTNodeResult
- According to the return value, let the behavior tree continue to execute the child node or jump out and return to the parent node
// Return value return EBTNodeResult::Failed; return EBTNodeResult::Succeeded; return EBTNodeResult::Aborted;