TypeError: type str doesn't define __round__ method

Keywords: shell network sudo Linux

I was bluffed at first, but later I found it was a basic problem,

The final results are as follows:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import subprocess

def collect():
    filter_keys = ['Manufacturer', 'Serial Number', 'Product Name', 'UUID', 'Wake-up Type']
    raw_data = {}

    for key in filter_keys:
            res = subprocess.Popen("sudo dmidecode -t system|grep '%s'" % key,
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
            result = res.stdout.read().decode()
            data_list = result.split(':')

            if len(data_list) > 1:
                raw_data[key] = data_list[1].strip()
                raw_data[key] = ''
        except Exception as e:
            raw_data[key] = ''

    data = dict()
    data['asset_type'] = 'server'
    data['manufacturer'] = raw_data['Manufacturer']
    data['sn'] = raw_data['Serial Number']
    data['model'] = raw_data['Product Name']
    data['uuid'] = raw_data['UUID']
    data['wake_up_type'] = raw_data['Wake-up Type']

    return data

def get_os_info():
    //Get operating system information
    distributor = subprocess.Popen("lsb_release -a|grep 'Distributor ID'",
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    distributor = distributor.stdout.read().decode().split(":")

    release = subprocess.Popen("lsb_release -a|grep 'Description'",
                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

    release = release.stdout.read().decode().split(":")
    data_dic = {
        "os_distribution": distributor[1].strip() if len(distributor) > 1 else "",
        "os_release": release[1].strip() if len(release) > 1 else "",
        "os_type": "Linux",
    return data_dic

def get_cpu_info():
    //Get cpu Information
    raw_cmd = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'

    raw_data = {
        'cpu_model': "%s |grep 'model name' |head -1 " % raw_cmd,
        'cpu_count':  "%s |grep  'processor'|wc -l " % raw_cmd,
        'cpu_core_count': "%s |grep 'cpu cores' |awk -F: '{SUM +=$2} END {print SUM}'" % raw_cmd,

    for key, cmd in raw_data.items():
            result = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
            raw_data[key] = result.stdout.read().decode().strip()
        except ValueError as e:
            raw_data[key] = ""

    data = {
        "cpu_count": raw_data["cpu_count"],
        "cpu_core_count": raw_data["cpu_core_count"]

    cpu_model = raw_data["cpu_model"].split(":")

    if len(cpu_model) > 1:
        data["cpu_model"] = cpu_model[1].strip()
        data["cpu_model"] = ''

    return data

def get_ram_info():
    //Get memory information
    Memory Device:
    Memory Device:


    raw_data = subprocess.Popen("sudo dmidecode -t memory", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    raw_list = raw_data.stdout.read().decode().split("\n")
    raw_ram_list = []
    item_list = []
    for line in raw_list:
        if line.startswith("Memory Device"):
            item_list = []

    ram_list = []
    for item in raw_ram_list:
        item_ram_size = 0
        ram_item_to_dic = {}
        for i in item:
            data = i.split(":")
            if len(data) == 2:
                key, v = data
                if key == 'Size':
                    if v.strip() != "No Module Installed":
                        ram_item_to_dic['capacity'] = v.split()[0].strip()

                        # print("---------------------------------")
                        # print(type(a))
                        # print("a=",a)
                        item_ram_size = round(int(a))
                        ram_item_to_dic['capacity'] = 0

                if key == 'Type':
                    ram_item_to_dic['model'] = v.strip()
                if key == 'Manufacturer':
                    ram_item_to_dic['manufacturer'] = v.strip()
                if key == 'Serial Number':
                    ram_item_to_dic['sn'] = v.strip()
                if key == 'Asset Tag':
                    ram_item_to_dic['asset_tag'] = v.strip()
                if key == 'Locator':
                    ram_item_to_dic['slot'] = v.strip()

        if item_ram_size == 0:

    raw_total_size = subprocess.Popen("cat /proc/meminfo|grep MemTotal ", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    raw_total_size = raw_total_size.stdout.read().decode().split(":")
    ram_data = {'ram': ram_list}
    if len(raw_total_size) == 2:
        total_gb_size = int(raw_total_size[1].split()[0]) / 1024**2
        ram_data['ram_size'] = total_gb_size

    return ram_data

def get_nic_info():
    //Get network card information
    raw_data = subprocess.Popen("ifconfig -a", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

    raw_data = raw_data.stdout.read().decode().split("\n")

    nic_dic = dict()
    next_ip_line = False
    last_mac_addr = None

    for line in raw_data:
        if next_ip_line:
            next_ip_line = False
            nic_name = last_mac_addr.split()[0]
            mac_addr = last_mac_addr.split("HWaddr")[1].strip()
            raw_ip_addr = line.split("inet addr:")
            raw_bcast = line.split("Bcast:")
            raw_netmask = line.split("Mask:")
            if len(raw_ip_addr) > 1:
                ip_addr = raw_ip_addr[1].split()[0]
                network = raw_bcast[1].split()[0]
                netmask = raw_netmask[1].split()[0]
                ip_addr = None
                network = None
                netmask = None
            if mac_addr not in nic_dic:
                nic_dic[mac_addr] = {'name': nic_name,
                                     'mac': mac_addr,
                                     'net_mask': netmask,
                                     'network': network,
                                     'bonding': 0,
                                     'model': 'unknown',
                                     'ip_address': ip_addr,
                if '%s_bonding_addr' % (mac_addr,) not in nic_dic:
                    random_mac_addr = '%s_bonding_addr' % (mac_addr,)
                    random_mac_addr = '%s_bonding_addr2' % (mac_addr,)

                nic_dic[random_mac_addr] = {'name': nic_name,
                                            'mac': random_mac_addr,
                                            'net_mask': netmask,
                                            'network': network,
                                            'bonding': 1,
                                            'model': 'unknown',
                                            'ip_address': ip_addr,

        if "HWaddr" in line:
            next_ip_line = True
            last_mac_addr = line
    nic_list = []
    for k, v in nic_dic.items():

    return {'nic': nic_list}

def get_disk_info():
    //Get storage information.
    //This script is only for the use of sda in ubuntu, and only one hard disk.
    //For the specific command to view the hard disk information, please adjust it according to the actual situation.
    //If you need to view Raid information, try the MegaCli tool.
    raw_data = subprocess.Popen("sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep Model", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    raw_data = raw_data.stdout.read().decode()
    data_list = raw_data.split(",")
    model = data_list[0].split("=")[1]
    sn = data_list[2].split("=")[1].strip()

    size_data = subprocess.Popen("sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep Disk|head -1", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    size_data = size_data.stdout.read().decode()
    size = size_data.split(":")[1].strip().split(" ")[0]

    result = {'physical_disk_driver': []}
    disk_dict = dict()
    disk_dict["model"] = model
    disk_dict["size"] = size
    disk_dict["sn"] = sn

    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Information collection function test
    data = collect()

The above code is to obtain some physical parameters of the current linux machine


The above codes are:

Ubuntu19.10 AMD64

Python 3.7 runs through

The problem is that the round() function needs the numbers in parentheses instead of None/str

So type conversion is good




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Posted by Base on Tue, 04 Feb 2020 06:27:39 -0800