Today, the circle of friends is on fire again. I heard that the reason is that @Tencent official website can get a green hat. Ah, it's a beautiful National Day avatar, but I heard that 502 will be soon, so let's do it ourselves.
Because the code is relatively simple, it will not be introduced one by one.
var cvs = document.getElementById("cvs"); var ctx = cvs.getContext("2d"); var exportImage = document.getElementById("export"); var img = document.getElementById("img"); var hat = "hat6"; var canvasFabric; var hatInstance; var screenWidth = window.screen.width < 500 ? window.screen.width : 300; function viewer() { var file = document.getElementById("upload").files[0]; console.log(file); var reader = new FileReader; if (file) { reader.readAsDataURL(file); reader.onload = function(e) { img.src = reader.result; img.onload = function() { img2Cvs(img) } } } else { img.src = "" } } function img2Cvs(img) { cvs.width = img.width; cvs.height = img.height; = "block"; canvasFabric = new fabric.Canvas("cvs", { width: screenWidth, height: screenWidth, backgroundImage: new fabric.Image(img, { scaleX: screenWidth / img.width, scaleY: screenWidth / img.height }) }); changeHat(); document.getElementById("uploadContainer").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("uploadText").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("upload").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("change").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("exportBtn").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("tip").style.opacity = 1 } function changeHat() { document.getElementById(hat).style.display = "none"; var hats = document.getElementsByClassName("hide"); hat = "hat" + (+hat.replace("hat", "") + 1) % hats.length; var hatImage = document.getElementById(hat); = "block"; if (hatInstance) { canvasFabric.remove(hatInstance) } hatInstance = new fabric.Image(hatImage, { top: 40, left: screenWidth / 3, scaleX: 100 / hatImage.width, scaleY: 100 / hatImage.height, cornerColor: "#0b3a42", cornerStrokeColor: "#fff", cornerStyle: "circle", transparentCorners: false, rotatingPointOffset: 30 }); hatInstance.setControlVisible("bl", false); hatInstance.setControlVisible("tr", false); hatInstance.setControlVisible("tl", false); hatInstance.setControlVisible("mr", false); hatInstance.setControlVisible("mt", false); canvasFabric.add(hatInstance) } function exportFunc() { document.getElementsByClassName("canvas-container")[0].style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("exportBtn").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("tip").innerHTML = "Long Press Picture Save or Share"; document.getElementById("change").style.display = "none"; = "none"; = "block"; exportImage.src = canvasFabric.toDataURL({ width: screenWidth, height: screenWidth }) }
Final effect
Drag the picture to see that a complete picture has been assembled.
Right-click to view source code
All the pictures are from Tencent's official website.
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Demo address: