tornado learning notes day07 synchronous and asynchronous

Keywords: Python Database



Synchronization is to execute our code step by step


But in some cases, we have some time-consuming operations, such as getting some resources from other places, requesting data from other websites, accessing databases, uploading files, etc., so there are advantages and disadvantages in this, and there are small compilations coming together
For example.

''' Function of this module:<Synchronous asynchronous demo>'''

# This is equivalent to a client request
import time

# Add a time-consuming operation
def longIO():
    print("Start time consuming operation")
    print("End time consuming operation")

def reqA():
    print("Start processing reqA")
    print("End processing reqA")

# This is equivalent to another client's request
def reqB():
    print("Start processing reqB")
    print("End processing reqB")
def main():
    # This is what synchronization is doing
    while True:
        # If you want to write a dead cycle, you don't write a dead cycle. You have to sleep
        # Why sleep? Because if you don't, you'll find that your CPU utilization is 100%
if __name__ == '__main__':


Begin processing reqA
 Time consuming operation started ා 5 seconds waiting here
 End time consuming operation
 End processing reqA
 Begin processing reqB
 End processing reqB

A time-consuming operation is added to the request, which leads to the inefficiency of our synchronization, which does not reflect the efficiency of our tornado


       ┌─┐       ┌─┐ + +
    ┌──┘ ┴───────┘ ┴──┐++
    │                 │
    │       ───       │++ + + +
    ███████───███████ │+
    │                 │+
    │       ─┴─       │
    │                 │
    └───┐         ┌───┘
        │         │
        │         │   + +
        │         │
        │         └──────────────┐
        │                        │
        │                        ├─┐
        │                        ┌─┘
        │                        │
        └─┐  ┐  ┌───────┬──┐  ┌──┘  + + + +
          │ ─┤ ─┤       │ ─┤ ─┤
          └──┴──┘       └──┴──┘  + + + +
                 Gods and beasts bless you
                No BUG in code!



Your colleagues who do one thing do another


For the time-consuming operations, they will be handed over to others (another thread) for processing. We continue to execute them downward. When others finish the time-consuming operations, we will return the processing results to us

Asynchronous implementation of callback function

In fact, we have used asynchronous. There is a very obvious asynchronous in js, that is, when we send ajax, we go to other jobs after we send ajax, and then we take care of ajax when it responds

Here, the code is shown as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Created by victor
# Function of this module: < asynchronous demo >

# This is equivalent to a client request
import time
import threading
''' Add a time-consuming operation'''

//There will be a problem. We can't accept the return value of the run() function
//To solve this problem, we need to write a function, which is called a callback function
def longIO(callback):
    def run(cb):
        print("Start time consuming operation")
        print("End time consuming operation")
        cb("victor is a wonderful man")

This longio part, like ajax, doesn't need to be written by us

def finish(data):
    print("Start processing callback function")
    print("receive longIO The data are:",data)
    print("End processing callback function")

def reqA():
    print("Start processing reqA")
    print("End processing reqA")

# This is equivalent to another client's request
def reqB():
    print("Start processing reqB")
    print("End processing reqB")
def main():
    # This is what synchronization is doing
    while True:
        # If you want to write a dead cycle, you don't write a dead cycle. You have to sleep
        # Why sleep? Because if you don't, you'll find that your CPU utilization is 100%

if __name__ == '__main__':

Asynchrony just means that tornado can handle multiple requests. Your browser should wait

Implementation of asynchrony by cooperation

If you don't understand the process and want to implement asynchrony, you can just implement it

Don't worry about the support. You're in trouble with process threads, let alone processes

Version 1

A basic version of the low est

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Created by victor
# Function of this module: < >

# This is equivalent to a client request
import time
import threading

gen = None

# Add a time-consuming operation
def longIO():
    def run():
        print("Start time consuming operation")
            global gen
            gen.send("victor is wonderful!!!")
        except StopIteration as e:

        print("End time consuming operation")
# This longio part, like ajax, doesn't need to be written by us
//There will be a problem. We can't accept the return value of the run() function
//To solve this problem, we need to write a function, which is called a callback function

def reqA():
    print("Start processing reqA")
    res = yield longIO()
    print("receive longIO The data are:",res)
    # It's like hanging up
    print("End processing reqA")

# This is equivalent to another client's request
def reqB():
    print("Start processing reqB")
    print("End processing reqB")

def main():
    # This is what synchronization is doing
    global gen
    gen = reqA()    # Build a generator
    next(gen)   # Implementation of reqA

    while True:
        # If you want to write a dead cycle, you don't write a dead cycle. You have to sleep
        # Why sleep? Because if you don't, you'll find that your CPU utilization is 100%

if __name__ == '__main__':
Version 2
We have a question

In version 1, when calling reqA, it is not the same as reqB
In other words, numbers can not be regarded as simple functions, but need to be used as generators. When we think about it, we treat it as a common function

global gen
gen = reqA()    # Build a generator
next(gen)   # Implementation of reqA
reqA()   # Just a simple call

It's time to send our decorators

''' Can the decorator still write'''
def genCoroutine(func):
    # This is a decorator with parameters
    def wapper(*args,**kwargs):
        # In fact, it's the three sentences
        global gen
        gen = func(*args,**kwargs)  # Build a generator
        next(gen)  # Implementation of reqA
    return wapper 

And when it's defined

def reqA():
    print("Start processing reqA")
    res = yield longIO()
    print("receive longIO The data are:",res)
    # It's like hanging up
    print("End processing reqA")

And then when it's done

'''This is equivalent to another client's request '''
def reqB():
    print("Start processing reqB")
    print("End processing reqB")

def main():
    # This is what synchronization is doing
    # global gen
    # gen = reqA()    # Build a generator
    # next(gen)   # Implementation of reqA
    while True:
        # If you want to write a dead cycle, you don't write a dead cycle. You have to sleep
        # Why sleep? Because if you don't, you'll find that your CPU utilization is 100%

if __name__ == '__main__':
Version 3

In fact, there is another problem in version 2. He has a global gen variable. To put it bluntly, he pretends that he doesn't want to be there anymore

This is the most complicated version. Let's see

  1. Document description, import related modules
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Created by victor
# Function of this module: < >

import time
import threading

  1. Define decorators (the most important part is to realize asynchronous, efficient and concurrent principle)
def genCoroutine(func):
    //A lot of people are confused
    def wapper(*args, **kwargs):
        //In this way, the decorator will be in trouble, because I have to ask for the general gen
        //I need to get multiple generators
        gen1 = func()  # reqA's generator
        gen2 = next(gen1)  # Generator for longIO

        # Create my thread here
        # Hang him up
        def run(g):
            # This is to execute longIO
            res = next(g)
                gen1.send(res)  # Return to reqA data
            except StopIteration as e:
                # Do nothing

            target=run, args=(gen2,)

    return wapper
  1. The most difficult part
#Add a time-consuming operation
 #handler obtains data (database, other servers, cycle time)
def longIO():
    Now you just need to know what your time-consuming operations are,
    You don't have to worry about threads
    tornado's done it for you
    print("start time consuming operation")
    print("end time consuming operation")
    #Return data after finishing time consuming operation
    yield "victor is a cool man"
  1. Decorated function definition
def reqA():
    print("Start processing reqA")
    res = yield longIO()
    print("receive longIO The data are:", res)
    # It's like hanging up
    print("End processing reqA")
  1. Another time-consuming function
''' This is equivalent to another client's request'''
def reqB():
    print("Start processing reqB")
    print("End processing reqB")
  1. Program entry function
def main():
    while True:

if __name__ == '__main__':

In the future, we don't need to thank such a complex decorator. tornado has already written it for us. As long as you have asynchrony, you can use the decorator to decorate it. No need to write anything else

It's pointed out in tornado that the code is not written in this way. Otherwise, if you write in this way, you will spend all your money. What tornado left is easy to use

It's not that you don't understand this thing. At the beginning, you specified that you don't understand it. You can understand its principle only when you use multiple methods

In fact, the asynchrony in this cooperation process is not a cooperation process in essence, because it uses multiple threads, because the definition of the cooperation process is played in one thread, just to understand the implementation principle of tornado

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Posted by earl_dc10 on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 21:20:32 -0800