Executor is brought in by java 5. This mechanism is called execution framework. It focuses on executor interface and its subclass interface ExecutorService, as well as the implementation of these two interfaces
Expanded by ThreadPoolExecutor
Executors creating executors
ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
executor.getPoolSize(); //Returns the size of the thread pool executor.getActiveCount(); //Returns the number of threads that are executing the task. executor.getCompletedTaskCount(); //Returns the number of completed task tasks. executor.getLargestPoolSize(); //Returns the maximum number of threads that were in the thread pool at the same time. /* Close now. 1.No longer executing the waiting thread 2.Returns a list of threads waiting to execute 3.The running thread will continue to run */ executor.shutdownNow(); /* If the shutdownNow() or shutdown() method is called and the executor completes the shutdown process, true is returned */ executor.isTerminated(); /* If the shutdown() method is called, true is returned */ executor.isShutdown();
Single thread executor
executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Fixed size actuator 2
executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
Run multiple tasks and process the first result
/* invokeAny Method to receive multiple threads and return the execution result of the first completed task without throwing an exception */ executor.invokeAny(Collections.emptyList());
Run multiple tasks and process all results
//Send a thread list to the executor and wait for all tasks in the list to finish. executor.invokeAll(Collections.emptyList());
Delay task execution
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledThreadPoolExecutor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5); //The size of the thread pool is 5 scheduledThreadPoolExecutor.schedule(() -> { }, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //The task will be executed one second later.
If you want to execute at a certain point in time, you need to calculate the difference between the current time and the expected time
Periodic execution of tasks
1 means the task will be executed in 1 second
2 means that the interval between two tasks is 2 seconds
Note: Although the interval between the two tasks is 2 seconds, if the execution time of the previous thread is greater than 2 seconds. It is possible that two or more threads coexist
2 indicates the interval from the end time of the previous task to the start time of the next task.
Note that in this case. There will be no coexistence of the previous task and the next task