Previously, it was thought that the call object was pointed to the global object when the function call was not set, but recently it was found that this of anonymous function was a little strange, and it was hard to be clear without an instance. Let's start with a piece of code from a graphql module case
import { Injectable, ProviderScope } from '@graphql-modules/di'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import axios from 'axios'; import { trackProvider } from '@safe-api/middleware'; import { RandomPhoto } from '../../types/unsplash'; interface RandomPhotoInput { query: string; orientation: 'landscape' | 'portrait' | 'squarish'; } @Injectable({ scope: ProviderScope.Application, }) export class UnsplashApi { baseURL = ''; async getRandomPhoto() { const trackedRandomPhoto = await trackProvider( async ({ query, orientation }: RandomPhotoInput) => { const response = await axios.get<RandomPhoto>('photos/random', { baseURL: this.baseURL, headers: { Authorization: 'Client-ID 4d048cfb4383b407eff92e4a2a5ec36c0a866be85e64caafa588c110efad350d', }, params: { query, orientation, }, }); return; }, { provider: 'Unsplash', method: 'RandomPhoto', location: resolve(__dirname, '../logs/main'), } ); try { return (await trackedRandomPhoto({ query: 'portrait', orientation: 'squarish', })).urls.small; } catch (err) { console.error('Cannot retrieve random photo:', err); return null; } } }
Executing the instance method getRandomPhoto of UnsplashApi class will execute await trackprovider (callback), which is an anonymous function. There are
baseURL: this.baseURL this here points to the UnsplashApi instance. If it is not a callback anonymous function, this points to the global
Then I designed the application of this phenomenon in proxy, an alarm
class A { showWaringMessage(property){ console.log(`${property} is not exit`) } createProxy() { let handeler = {} handeler.get=(target, property, receiver) =>{ //console.log(this) let result = Reflect.get(target, property, receiver) if(!result){ this.showWaringMessage(property) }; return result } const proxy = new Proxy({},handeler ); return proxy } } let aDemo = new A() aDemo.createProxy().a