Third-party library production for Egret

Keywords: PHP JSON TypeScript Javascript

Reference resources:

Use of third-party libraries



The goal is to build a third-party library of existing game frameworks and reduce compilation time.Do not want others to see the source code, reduce readability.


Create a third-party library

In any folder, I create a test folder here, shift+right-click, open the command line window, type

egret create_lib demo


Under the test folder, a demo folder with package.json and tsconfig.json files is generated


Create a new src, bin, typings, libs folder in the demo folder.



2 TypeScript Library

This method uses.ts files to make third-party libraries

Place the ts file in the src folder, where I use several management classes for the framework.Scene management, layer management, event management classes, etc. as tests.

Modify pagckage.json

	"name": "demo",              
	"compilerVersion": "5.2.22"  


Modify tsconfig.json file

	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "es5",
		"noImplicitAny": false,
		"sourceMap": false,
		"declaration": true,   //Whether to generate the.d.ts file, if the typescript library is set to true, if the javascript library is set to false
		"outFile": "bin/demo.js",
		"allowJs": false       //Whether to allow compilation of js files.If the typescript library is set to false, if the javascript library is set to true
	"files": [                     //libs is a dependent egret library, just use the.d.ts file, because eui, egret.Stage, and so on are used in the management class.


files can also be replaced directly with include

	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "es5",
		"noImplicitAny": false,
		"sourceMap": false,
		"declaration": true,
		"outFile": "bin/demo.js",
		"allowJs": false


Command Line Input

egret build demo



The following files are generated in the bin folder


Create a new Egret project named project to use this third-party library


Modify the project's egretProperties.json file, add references to third-party libraries, and compile the engine once.


Use my own EventManager event class in the code to successfully output Trigger Events.Indicates that third-party libraries are working.

    protected createGameScene(): void {
        EventMananger.getInstance().addEvent("test", this.onTestHandler, this);  //Listen for test events
        EventMananger.getInstance().sendEvent("test");                           //Dispatch test event

    public onTestHandler(){
        console.log("Trigger Event");  //Print trigger events



Three JavaScript Libraries

This method is to make.js files into third-party libraries

Here we use demo.js and demo.d.ts exported above as examples

Place demo.js in the src directory

Place demo.d.ts in the typings directory


Modify package.json file

	"name": "demo222",
	"compilerVersion": "5.2.22",


Modify tsconfig.json file

	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "es5",
		"noImplicitAny": false,
		"sourceMap": false,
		"declaration": false,       //false does not generate.d.ts files
		"outFile": "bin/demo.js",   
		"allowJs": true             //true allows js files to be compiled


Command Line Input

egret build demo


Build under bin folder



Third-party libraries are used in the same way as above, which is not mentioned here.

Posted by GoodGuy201 on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 14:41:00 -0700