I. installation and use of navicate
Baidu searches navicate directly, as shown below
- Connect to database
New database and new table
Select and right-click
- modeling
- Using navicate to query practice
--Query the names of all courses and the corresponding teachers -- SELECT -- course.cname, -- teacher.tname -- FROM -- course -- INNER JOIN teacher ON course.teacher_id = teacher.tid;
-- Query the names and average scores of students with an average score greater than 80 SELECT student.sname, t1.av FROM student INNER JOIN ( SELECT score.student_id, avg( score.num ) AS av FROM score GROUP BY score.student_id HAVING avg( score.num ) > 80 ) AS t1 ON student.sid = t1.student_id;
-- Check the names of students who did not report to Mr. Li Ping at the same time -- 1,The course taught by Mr. Zha Liping id -- 2,go score The students whose courses are reported by Mr. Li Ping id -- 3,Go to the student list and check the student's name SELECT * FROM student WHERE student.sid NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT score.student_id FROM score WHERE score.course_id IN ( SELECT course.cid FROM course INNER JOIN teacher ON course.teacher_id = teacher.tid WHERE teacher.tname = 'Mr. Li Ping' ) );
Query the names of students who do not take physics courses and physical education subjects at the same time(You can only choose between them) -- 1,Check physical and sports id Number #2. Get the id of all the students who have reported physics and sports SELECT student.sname FROM student WHERE student.sid IN ( SELECT score.student_id FROM score WHERE score.course_id IN ( SELECT course.cid FROM course WHERE course.cname IN ( 'Physics', 'Sports' ) ) GROUP BY score.student_id HAVING COUNT( score.course_id ) = 1 );
-- Check the names and classes of students who have more than two (including two) suspended courses # 1. Get all scores less than 60 first SELECT student.sname, class.caption FROM student INNER JOIN class ON student.class_id = class.cid WHERE student.sid IN ( SELECT score.student_id FROM score WHERE num < 60 GROUP BY score.student_id HAVING count( score.course_id ) >= 2 );
II. pymysql
- First acquaintance
import pymysql coon = pymysql.connect( user = 'root', password = '123456', host = '', port = 3306, charset = 'utf8', database = 'day36_1' ) cursor = coon.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # A cursor object was generated # cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor returns the result in the form of a dictionary sql = 'select * from student' res = cursor.execute(sql) # Execute sql statement # print(res) # execute returns the number of rows affected by the current SQL # ret = cursor.fetchone() # Get only one piece of data in the query result # ret = cursor.fetchall() # Get all data in query results # ret = cursor.fetmany() # Specify to get several pieces of data. If the number exceeds the limit, it will not report an error # print(ret) print(cursor.fetchone()) print(cursor.fetchone()) # Relative movement cursor.scroll(2, 'relative') # Back offset based on the position of the pointer # Absolute movement # cursor.scroll(3, 'absolute') # Back offset based on start position print(cursor.fetchall())
Relative movement
Absolute movement
- sql injection problem
import pymysql coon = pymysql.connect( user = 'root', password = '123456', db = 'day36_1', host = '', port = 3306, charset = 'utf8' ) cursor = coon.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) #Obtain the user name and password entered by the user, and then go to the database for verification username = input('username>>>:').strip() password = input('password>>>:').strip() sql = "select * from emp where name = '%s' and password = '%s'" %(username, password) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() if res: print(res) else: print('username or password error!') # I. only user name # username>>>:yafeng ' -- daflakjflal # password>>>: # [{'id': 1, 'name': 'yafeng', 'password': '123'}] # II. The user name and password are unknown # username>>>:xxx' or 1=1 -- dalfjakdaj # password>>>: # [{'id': 1, 'name': 'yafeng', 'password': '123'}] ''' sql Injection problem //Using special symbols and annotation syntax to skilfully bypass the real sql verification //Solution //Key data should not be spliced manually, but should be spliced by execute '''
- Solve injection problems
import pymysql coon = pymysql.connect( user = 'root', password = '123456', db = 'day36_1', host = '', port = 3306, charset = 'utf8' ) cursor = coon.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) #Obtain the user name and password entered by the user, and then go to the database for verification username = input('username>>>:').strip() password = input('password>>>:').strip() sql = "select * from emp where name = %s and password = %s" print(sql) cursor.execute(sql, (username, password)) res = cursor.fetchall() if res: print(res) else: print('username or password error!')
- Data addition, deletion, modification and query
import pymysql coon = pymysql.connect( user = 'root', password = '123456', db = 'day36_1', host = '', port = 3306, charset = 'utf8', autocommit = True # Auto submit confirmation ) cursor = coon.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # # # Obtain the user name and password entered by the user, and then go to the database for verification # username = input('username>>>:').strip() # password = input('password>>>:').strip() # # sql = "select * from userinfo where name=%s and password=%s" # print(sql) ''' //The importance of adding, deleting and modifying operations is too high //If you really want to operate, you must further confirm the operation (commit) ''' # increase # sql = "insert into emp(name,password) values('jason',456)" # change # sql = "update emp set name='jason_nb' where id = 2" # Delete sql = "delete from emp where id = 1" res = cursor.execute(sql) print(res)