The single linked list (c) will be supplemented when the strength is enough

Keywords: data structure linked list


1: Node creation

2: Traversal of linked list

3: Find the number of elements in the single linked list

4: Insertion and deletion of single linked list and release of all nodes



  Release all nodes

5: Implementation of single linked list (each time a new node is created, the next field of the node must be set to empty)

Head insertion

  Tail interpolation

1: Node creation

Create nodes through structures in c

Let's take the single linked list as an example and look at the following code. This is the structure type that creates a node

typedef struct node {//Structure creation
	int date;//Data domain
	struct Node* next;//Pointer field
}Node,*Link;//Alias. One is the structure type and the other is the pointer to the structure type

We create a node through malloc to reference #include < malloc. H >

The return value of malloc function is void * universal pointer type. This pointer type cannot be operated and can be forcibly converted to any type

Since l1 is of Link type, it is converted to Link type

	Link l1=(Link) malloc(sizeof(Node));//Create a node. The return value of malloc is void * and can be forcibly converted to any type

2: Traversal of linked list

It is easy to traverse the linked list by moving the pointer, but not p + +, because the linked list is logically continuous and physically discontinuous. Look at the following code. There is a header node here, and the next node of the header node stores data

void Display(Link l1) {//Traversal of single linked list
	Link p = l1->next;
	while (p) {//Determine whether p is empty
		printf("%d ", p->date);
		p = p->next;


3: Find the number of elements in the single linked list

This is still traversal

int Num(Link l1) {//Calculate from the initial node. If you calculate from the initial node, count=1
	int count = 0;
	while (l1) {//Judge whether l1 is empty
		l1 = l1->next;
	return count;

4: Insertion and deletion of single linked list and release of all nodes


The precursor is easier to use than the successor. Ouch

The pointer points to the previous node of the inserted node, that is, the precursor

int  insertNode(Link l1, int n, int x) {//l1 is the head pointer of the linked list, n is the insertion position, and x is the inserted data
	int count = 0;//Record where the pointer went
	Link p = l1->next;
	while (p != NULL && count < n - 1) {//n is the insertion position. We need to move the pointer to the precursor position because the precursor ratio
		//Subsequent easy to use [0-n-1] is n-1 number
		p = p->next;
	if (p == NULL) {//The linked list is not long enough
		return 0;
	else {
		Link node = (Link)malloc(sizeof(Node));//Node to insert
		node->date = x;
		node->next = p->next;//Insertion algorithm
		p->next = node;
	return 1;


Two pointers need to be scanned one after the other until the previous pointer is scanned to the node to be deleted. Before scanning, judge whether the linked list is not empty


Link  my_delete(Link head, int n) {
	if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) {//Judge whether the linked list passed in is an empty linked list
		return 0;
	Link p = head->next;//Initializes two previous and subsequent pointers
	Link q = head;
	while (p) {//Prevention of cross-border
		if (p->date == n) {//If equal, delete
			q->next = p->next;
			return 1;
		else {//The two pointers move forward
			q = p;
			p = p->next;
	return 0;

  Release all nodes

void my_free(Link head) {
	while (head->next) {//Release if not empty
		Link p = head;
		head = head->next;
	free(head);//Release header node

5: Implementation of single linked list (each time a new node is created, the next field of the node must be set to empty)

Head insertion

Suppose we have an array with n elements. We need to put the elements in a single linked list

The order of inserting elements by head interpolation is reversed

typedef struct node {
	int date;
	struct node* next;
Link newList(int *arr, int n) {
	Link head = (Link)malloc(sizeof(Node)) ;//Create a header node and make the pointer field null
	head->next= NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		Link node = (Link)malloc(sizeof(Node));//Each cycle creates a new node
		node->date = *arr++;//Put the elements in the array into the data field of the node
		node->next = head->next;//Set the pointer field of the node to null
		head->next = node;//The head node points to the new node
	return head;//Return header node
int main() {
	int arr[5] = { 1,2,3,4,5 };
	Link p=newList(arr, 5);
	while (p->next) {
		p = p->next;
		printf("%d ", p->date);


  Tail interpolation

Link newList2(int *arr, int n) {
	Link head = (Link)malloc(sizeof(Node));//When creating a header node, set its pointer and to null before creating a node
	head->next = NULL;
	Link rest = head;//At the beginning, the tail node and head receive you in one position
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		Link node = (Link)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		node->date = *arr++;
		rest->next = node;//Point the tail node pointer field to the new node
		rest = node;//Point the tail node to the new node
	rest->next = NULL;//Set the pointer field of the tail node to null, otherwise a wild pointer will appear, pointing to the unknown field
	return head;


Posted by ochi on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 05:35:57 -0700