The direction of this in JS and changing the direction of this

Keywords: Javascript Front-end ECMAScript

1, this point

1. Definitions

this is a keyword used within the scope
Global is rarely used, and most of it is used inside functions

2. Direction

2-1. Global usage

When used globally, this points to window

2-2. Function usage

Note: no matter how the function is defined, no matter where the function is, it only depends on the call of the function (except the arrow function)

  1. Normal call (direct call / global call)
      Function name ()
        this -> window
function fn() { console.log(this) }

fn()  Normal call this -> window
  1. Object call
    xxx. Function name ()
         This - > who is in front of the point is who
var obj = {
	f: fn,
	name: 'I am obj object'
obj.f()   Object call this -> obj
  1. Timer processing function
    setTimeout(function () {}, 0)
        this -> window
setTimeout(fn, 0)   Timer processing function call this -> window
setTimeout(obj.f(), 0)   Timer processing function call this -> window
  1. Event handler
    xxx.onclick = function () {}
         This - > event source (event bound to whom)
    xxx.addEventListener('event type ', function() {})
         This - > event source
var div = document.querySelector('div')
//When you click div, execute obj.f
div.onclick = obj.f   Event handler   this -> Event source (div)
div.addElentListener('click', obj.f)   Event handler this -> Event source (div)
  1. Self executing function
    (function () {})
        this -> window

Comprehensive small test:

function fn() {

fn()    this -> window

setTimeout(function () { fn() }, 0)   this -> window

var div = document.querySelector('div')
div.onclick = function () {
	function f() {
	fn()   this -> window

var obj = {
	name: 'I am obj object',
	fn: function () {
		function () {
		fun()   this -> window
obj.fn()   this -> obj

// The function address stored by fn member in obj is assigned to the global variable f
// The global variables f and obj.fn point to the same function space
var f = obj.fn
f()   this -> window

2, Change this point

this has its own directivity
There are three ways to change the direction of this:

1. call()

Usage: connect directly after the function name
        The first parameter is this point inside the function
        Starting with the second parameter, pass the parameters to the function in turn
Features: it will execute the function immediately (not suitable for timer processing function or event processing function)
Function: pseudo array borrowing array method

	function f() {

       Pseudo arrays don't use common array methods
       But arrays can be used

       every() Method call, You need to receive a function as an argument
       arguments.every() because arguments No, every method, So report an error
       var res = arguments.every(function (t) { return t >= 20 })

       Array recall every method
       every Inside this Point to the previous array
       var res = [].every()

       utilize call Method to execute the array every() function
       var res = []

       The first parameter is every Inside this point
       original every of this When pointing to an array, Traversal view array
       Now? every of this point arguments, Traversal view arguments
       var res = []

       call The second argument to is to pass arguments to the function
       function a Is passed on to every Method
       var res = [], function a(item) { return item >= 8 })

     f(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

2. apply()

Usage: connect directly after the function name
        The first parameter is this point inside the function
        The second parameter: it is an array or pseudo array, and each item in it passes parameters to the function in turn
Features: it will execute the function immediately (not suitable for timer processing function or event processing function)
Function: you can pass parameters to some function functions in the form of array

var arr = [100, 5, 30, 80, 900, 60]
var res = Math.max.apply(null, arr)

3. bind()

Usage: connect directly after the function name
        The first parameter is this point inside the function
        Starting with the second parameter, pass the parameters to the function in turn
        The function is not called immediately
        It will return a new function, a function that has changed the point of this
Function: change the this point of the event handler or timer handler


function fn(a, b) {'fn function')
var obj = {
      name: 'I am obj object'

fn(100, 200)   this -> winodw

1.use call Method to call fn Function, put the inside of the function this Change direction to obj, 100, 200)

2.use apply Method call fn Function, put the inside of the function this Change direction to obj
fn.apply(obj, [100, 'hello', 'world'])

3.use bind Method change fn Functional this point
res It's a fn A clone of the function, just inside thsi Point is locked, point obj
var res = fn.bind(obj, 'hello', 'world')

Posted by Russia on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 01:31:56 -0800