This paper mainly studies the persistence enabled of artemis
public class ConfigurationImpl implements Configuration, Serializable { //...... private boolean persistenceEnabled = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultPersistenceEnabled(); public boolean isPersistenceEnabled() { return persistenceEnabled; } public ConfigurationImpl setPersistenceEnabled(final boolean enable) { persistenceEnabled = enable; return this; } //...... }
- ConfigurationImpl defines the persistenceEnabled property, which defaults to ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultPersistenceEnabled()(true)
public class ActiveMQServerImpl implements ActiveMQServer { //...... protected StorageManager createStorageManager() { if (configuration.isPersistenceEnabled()) { if (configuration.getStoreConfiguration() != null && configuration.getStoreConfiguration().getStoreType() == StoreConfiguration.StoreType.DATABASE) { JDBCJournalStorageManager journal = new JDBCJournalStorageManager(configuration, getCriticalAnalyzer(), getScheduledPool(), executorFactory, ioExecutorFactory, shutdownOnCriticalIO); this.getCriticalAnalyzer().add(journal); return journal; } else { // Default to File Based Storage Manager, (Legacy default configuration). JournalStorageManager journal = new JournalStorageManager(configuration, getCriticalAnalyzer(), executorFactory, scheduledPool, ioExecutorFactory, shutdownOnCriticalIO); this.getCriticalAnalyzer().add(journal); return journal; } } return new NullStorageManager(); } //...... }
- The StorageManager created by the createStorageManager method of ActiveMQServerImpl when configuration.isPersistenceEnabled() is true is JDBC JournalStorageManager or JournalStorageManager; otherwise, the created StorageManager is NullStorageManager
public class PostOfficeImpl implements PostOffice, NotificationListener, BindingsFactory { //...... public void processRoute(final Message message, final RoutingContext context, final boolean direct) throws Exception { final List<MessageReference> refs = new ArrayList<>(); Transaction tx = context.getTransaction(); Long deliveryTime = message.getScheduledDeliveryTime(); for (Map.Entry<SimpleString, RouteContextList> entry : context.getContexListing().entrySet()) { PagingStore store = pagingManager.getPageStore(entry.getKey()); if (store != null && storageManager.addToPage(store, message, context.getTransaction(), entry.getValue())) { if (message.isLargeMessage()) { confirmLargeMessageSend(tx, message); } // We need to kick delivery so the Queues may check for the cursors case they are empty schedulePageDelivery(tx, entry); continue; } for (Queue queue : entry.getValue().getNonDurableQueues()) { MessageReference reference = MessageReference.Factory.createReference(message, queue); if (deliveryTime != null) { reference.setScheduledDeliveryTime(deliveryTime); } refs.add(reference); message.incrementRefCount(); } Iterator<Queue> iter = entry.getValue().getDurableQueues().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Queue queue = iter.next(); MessageReference reference = MessageReference.Factory.createReference(message, queue); if (context.isAlreadyAcked(context.getAddress(message), queue)) { reference.setAlreadyAcked(); if (tx != null) { queue.acknowledge(tx, reference); } } if (deliveryTime != null) { reference.setScheduledDeliveryTime(deliveryTime); } refs.add(reference); if (message.isDurable()) { int durableRefCount = message.incrementDurableRefCount(); if (durableRefCount == 1) { if (tx != null) { storageManager.storeMessageTransactional(tx.getID(), message); } else { storageManager.storeMessage(message); } if (message.isLargeMessage()) { confirmLargeMessageSend(tx, message); } } if (tx != null) { storageManager.storeReferenceTransactional(tx.getID(), queue.getID(), message.getMessageID()); tx.setContainsPersistent(); } else { storageManager.storeReference(queue.getID(), message.getMessageID(), !iter.hasNext()); } if (deliveryTime != null && deliveryTime > 0) { if (tx != null) { storageManager.updateScheduledDeliveryTimeTransactional(tx.getID(), reference); } else { storageManager.updateScheduledDeliveryTime(reference); } } } message.incrementRefCount(); } } if (tx != null) { tx.addOperation(new AddOperation(refs)); } else { // This will use the same thread if there are no pending operations // avoiding a context switch on this case storageManager.afterCompleteOperations(new IOCallback() { @Override public void onError(final int errorCode, final String errorMessage) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.ioErrorAddingReferences(errorCode, errorMessage); } @Override public void done() { context.processReferences(refs, direct); } }); } } //...... }
- The processRoute method of PostOfficeImpl will judge message.isDurable(). If it is true and durableRefCount is 1, the storageManager.storeMessage or storageManager.storeMessageTransactional method will be executed
public abstract class AbstractJournalStorageManager extends CriticalComponentImpl implements StorageManager { //...... protected Journal messageJournal; //...... public void storeMessage(final Message message) throws Exception { if (message.getMessageID() <= 0) { // Sanity check only... this shouldn't happen unless there is a bug throw ActiveMQMessageBundle.BUNDLE.messageIdNotAssigned(); } readLock(); try { // Note that we don't sync, the add reference that comes immediately after will sync if // appropriate if (message.isLargeMessage()) { messageJournal.appendAddRecord(message.getMessageID(), JournalRecordIds.ADD_LARGE_MESSAGE, LargeMessagePersister.getInstance(), message, false, getContext(false)); } else { messageJournal.appendAddRecord(message.getMessageID(), JournalRecordIds.ADD_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL, message.getPersister(), message, false, getContext(false)); } } finally { readUnLock(); } } //...... }
- Both JDBC JournalStorageManager and JournalStorageManager inherit AbstractJournalStorageManager, whose storeMessage method will call messageJournal.appendAddRecord method; the messageJournal implementation of the two methods is different, one is JDBC JournalImpl, the other is JournalImpl
public class NullStorageManager implements StorageManager { //...... public void storeMessage(final Message message) throws Exception { } //...... }
- NullStorageManager implements the StorageManager interface, and its storeMessage is an empty method
ConfigurationImpl defines the persistenceEnabled property, which defaults to ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultPersistenceEnabled()(true); the createStorageManager method of ActiveMQServerImpl creates a StorageManager when configuration.isPersistenceEnabled() is true, which is JDBC JournalStorageManager or JournalStorageManager; otherwise, the created StorageManager is nullstorage Manager; the processRoute method of PostOfficeImpl will judge message.isDurable(), and if it is true and durableRefCount is 1, the storageManager.storeMessage or storageManager.storeMessageTransactional method will be executed