Talk about SSH Remote management configuration in CenOS 7

Keywords: Linux ssh openssh vim DNS

In the CenOS 7 system, openssh server is provided by openssh, openssh server and other software packages (installed by default), and sshd has been added as a standard system service. You can execute systemctl status sshd to view the status of the service. As long as you have a legal login shell, you can log in to the operating system remotely without considering the security restrictions.

The configuration file of the sshd service is located in the / etc/ssh/sshd_config directory by default, and there are many configuration items used to control the connection to the server. It can be roughly divided into three aspects, as follows:

1. Server monitoring related settings:

[root@localhost ~]# vim  /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Port 22                   #The default listening port is 22
ListenAddress             #Listen to all addresses by default
protocol 2                 #Using SSH V2 protocol, higher security than V1
UseDNS no                #Disable DNS reverse resolution

2. Control of user login:

LoginGraceTime 2m                       #Login authentication time is 2 minutes
PermitRootLogin no                       #Disable root login
MaxAuthTries 6                             #The maximum number of retries is 6
PermitEmptyPasswords no           #No blank password login

3. Login verification method:

PasswordAuthentication yes          #Enable password authentication
PubkeyAuthentication yes              #Enable key pair validation
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys        #Specify public key library file

In a production environment, the recommended configuration changes are as follows:

[root@localhost ~]# vim  /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Port 2345                   #The default listening port is 2345
ListenAddress             #Listen to an IP address instead of all IP addresses
protocol 2                 #Using SSH V2 protocol, higher security than V1
UseDNS no                #Disable DNS reverse resolution
LoginGraceTime 2m                       #Login authentication time is 2 minutes
PermitRootLogin no                       #Disable root login
MaxAuthTries 6                             #The maximum number of retries is 6
PermitEmptyPasswords no           #No blank password login
PasswordAuthentication yes          #Enable password authentication
PubkeyAuthentication yes              #Enable key pair validation
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys        #Specify public key library file
AllowUsers zhangsan admin@            #Only zhangsan and admin are allowed to log in remotely to
#This server, and admin can only log in to this server from
#AllowUsers means only allowed; on the contrary, DenyUsers means only denied.

Using the SSH client, connect to the server remotely:

[root@localhost ~]# ssh -p 2345 zhangsan@               #Connect to as user zhangsan
# The "- p" option is used to specify the port number as 2345. If the port number is the default 22, then the - p option can be omitted.
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is ad:a1:9b:f7:e3:41:bf:5f:da:cd:5e:3f:74:e0:8a:b9.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes              #Enter "yes"
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
zhangsan@'s password:               #Enter the password of user zhangsan
[zhangsan@localhost ~]$                   #Successful connection

scp remote replication:

If the remote target is not the default port number, you need to add "- P" option to specify the port number

[root@localhost /]# scp -r /etc/passwd root@           
#Upload the local / etc/passwd directory to the remote host "/" directory
root@'s password:                        #Enter the root password of 1.1 host
passwd                                  100% 2893     2.8KB/s   00:00     #Upload success

[root@localhost /]# scp root@ /root/           #Download the file of 1.1 host to local
root@'s password: 
test.txt                                100%   20     0.0KB/s   00:00    

Posted by youwh on Sun, 03 Nov 2019 05:31:46 -0800