This article mainly studies nacos'HealthCheck Common.
@Component public class HealthCheckCommon { @Autowired private DistroMapper distroMapper; @Autowired private SwitchDomain switchDomain; @Autowired private ServerListManager serverListManager; @Autowired private PushService pushService; private static LinkedBlockingDeque<HealthCheckResult> healthCheckResults = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(1024 * 128); private static ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread thread = new Thread(r); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.setName("com.taobao.health-check.notifier"); return thread; } }); public void init() { executorService.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { List list = Arrays.asList(healthCheckResults.toArray()); healthCheckResults.clear(); List<Server> sameSiteServers = serverListManager.getServers(); if (sameSiteServers == null || sameSiteServers.size() <= 0) { return; } for (Server server : sameSiteServers) { if (server.getKey().equals(NetUtils.localServer())) { continue; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(10); params.put("result", JSON.toJSONString(list)); if (Loggers.SRV_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { Loggers.SRV_LOG.debug("[HEALTH-SYNC] server: {}, healthCheckResults: {}", server, JSON.toJSONString(list)); } HttpClient.HttpResult httpResult = HttpClient.httpPost("http://" + server.getKey() + RunningConfig.getContextPath() + UtilsAndCommons.NACOS_NAMING_CONTEXT + "/api/healthCheckResult", null, params); if (httpResult.code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { Loggers.EVT_LOG.warn("[HEALTH-CHECK-SYNC] failed to send result to {}, result: {}", server, JSON.toJSONString(list)); } } } }, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } //...... public void reEvaluateCheckRT(long checkRT, HealthCheckTask task, SwitchDomain.HealthParams params) { //...... } public void checkOK(Instance ip, HealthCheckTask task, String msg) { //...... } public void checkFail(Instance ip, HealthCheckTask task, String msg) { //...... } public void checkFailNow(Instance ip, HealthCheckTask task, String msg) { //...... } //...... }
- HealthCheckCommon's init method registers a delayed task to synchronize healthCheckResults with other server s; it mainly provides reEvaluateCheckRT, checkOK, checkFail, checkFailNow methods
public void reEvaluateCheckRT(long checkRT, HealthCheckTask task, SwitchDomain.HealthParams params) { task.setCheckRTLast(checkRT); if (checkRT > task.getCheckRTWorst()) { task.setCheckRTWorst(checkRT); } if (checkRT < task.getCheckRTBest()) { task.setCheckRTBest(checkRT); } checkRT = (long) ((params.getFactor() * task.getCheckRTNormalized()) + (1 - params.getFactor()) * checkRT); if (checkRT > params.getMax()) { checkRT = params.getMax(); } if (checkRT < params.getMin()) { checkRT = params.getMin(); } task.setCheckRTNormalized(checkRT); }
- The reEvaluateCheckRT method first updates checkRTLast, then determines whether to update checkRTWorst and checkRTBest, then resets checkRT according to factor and checkRTNormalized parameters, and finally updates checkRTNormalized.
public void checkOK(Instance ip, HealthCheckTask task, String msg) { Cluster cluster = task.getCluster(); try { if (!ip.isHealthy() || !ip.isMockValid()) { if (ip.getOKCount().incrementAndGet() >= switchDomain.getCheckTimes()) { if (distroMapper.responsible(cluster, ip)) { ip.setHealthy(true); ip.setMockValid(true); Service service = cluster.getService(); service.setLastModifiedMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); pushService.serviceChanged(service); addResult(new HealthCheckResult(service.getName(), ip)); Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {POS} {IP-ENABLED} valid: {}:{}@{}, region: {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), UtilsAndCommons.LOCALHOST_SITE, msg); } else { if (!ip.isMockValid()) { ip.setMockValid(true); Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {PROBE} {IP-ENABLED} valid: {}:{}@{}, region: {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), UtilsAndCommons.LOCALHOST_SITE, msg); } } } else { Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {OTHER} {IP-ENABLED} pre-valid: {}:{}@{} in {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), ip.getOKCount(), msg); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Loggers.SRV_LOG.error("[CHECK-OK] error when close check task.", t); } ip.getFailCount().set(0); ip.setBeingChecked(false); }
- checkOK sets the instance of non-health or mockValid to health and mockValid, then publishes the change event through pushService.serviceChanged, and adds HealthCheckResult to health CheckResults.
public void checkFail(Instance ip, HealthCheckTask task, String msg) { Cluster cluster = task.getCluster(); try { if (ip.isHealthy() || ip.isMockValid()) { if (ip.getFailCount().incrementAndGet() >= switchDomain.getCheckTimes()) { if (distroMapper.responsible(cluster, ip)) { ip.setHealthy(false); ip.setMockValid(false); Service service = cluster.getService(); service.setLastModifiedMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); addResult(new HealthCheckResult(service.getName(), ip)); pushService.serviceChanged(service); Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {POS} {IP-DISABLED} invalid: {}:{}@{}, region: {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), UtilsAndCommons.LOCALHOST_SITE, msg); } else { Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {PROBE} {IP-DISABLED} invalid: {}:{}@{}, region: {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), UtilsAndCommons.LOCALHOST_SITE, msg); } } else { Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {OTHER} {IP-DISABLED} pre-invalid: {}:{}@{} in {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), ip.getFailCount(), msg); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Loggers.SRV_LOG.error("[CHECK-FAIL] error when close check task.", t); } ip.getOKCount().set(0); ip.setBeingChecked(false); }
- checkFail sets its health and mockValid to false for instance of health or mockValid, then publishes change events through pushService.serviceChanged, and adds HealthCheckResult to healthCheckResults
public void checkFailNow(Instance ip, HealthCheckTask task, String msg) { Cluster cluster = task.getCluster(); try { if (ip.isHealthy() || ip.isMockValid()) { if (distroMapper.responsible(cluster, ip)) { ip.setHealthy(false); ip.setMockValid(false); Service service = cluster.getService(); service.setLastModifiedMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); pushService.serviceChanged(service); addResult(new HealthCheckResult(service.getName(), ip)); Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {POS} {IP-DISABLED} invalid-now: {}:{}@{}, region: {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), UtilsAndCommons.LOCALHOST_SITE, msg); } else { if (ip.isMockValid()) { ip.setMockValid(false); Loggers.EVT_LOG.info("serviceName: {} {PROBE} {IP-DISABLED} invalid-now: {}:{}@{}, region: {}, msg: {}", cluster.getService().getName(), ip.getIp(), ip.getPort(), cluster.getName(), UtilsAndCommons.LOCALHOST_SITE, msg); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { Loggers.SRV_LOG.error("[CHECK-FAIL-NOW] error when close check task.", t); } ip.getOKCount().set(0); ip.setBeingChecked(false); }
- checkFailNow sets its health and mockValid to false for instances of health or mockValid, then publishes change events through pushService.serviceChanged, and adds HealthCheckResult to healthCheckResults; unlike Fail, it immediately marks mockVlid as false for instances that are not responsible for itself.
HealthCheckCommon's init method registers a delayed task to synchronize healthCheckResults with other server s; it mainly provides reEvaluateCheckRT, checkOK, checkFail, checkFailNow methods