_Has written about 2 years of javaScript around, just for some form validation and operation of dom nodes, but not in-depth use, with the gradual deepening, do not want to write duplicate code (lazy start), so as to write simple inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction and so on, the ultimate effect of writing less repetitive code, high availability (mainly: fast iteration, generation). Codes can be used continuously and there is less overtime.
Demo constructor declaration class
function Person(name){ this.name = name; }
new generation instance
The disadvantage of new instance generation is that attributes and methods can not be shared. Each new instance will open up new memory space, resulting in a great waste of resources.
var personA = new Person('Xiao Ming'); console.log(personA.name);
this of the constructor points to a new instance
Such as:
function Person(name){ this.name = name; this.sex = 'female' } var personA = new Person('Xiao Ming'); var personB = new Person('Chick'); personA.sex = 'male'; console.log(personB.sex); //female
Should we adopt a declarative solution here? The designer has solved this problem very well, that is the introduction of prototype attributes (including objects).
prototype attribute
The advantage is that once an instance is created, it automatically shares shared properties and methods, such as:
function Person(name){ this.name = name; } Person.prototype.sex = 'female'; var personA = new Person('Xiao Ming'); var personB = new Person('Chick'); console.log(personA.sex); //female console.log(personB.sex); //female //Prove that they are shared Person.prototype.sex = 'male'; console.log(personA.sex); //male console.log(personB.sex); //male
You may not see the benefits of prototype here, but when you have many methods and attributes, are you still efficient? Then:
function Person(name, sex){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex, this.country = 'China', this.show = function(){ console.log(this.name + 'The nationality is:'+this.country+',Gender:'+this.sex); } } var personA = new Person('Xiao Ming'.'male'); personA.show(); //Xiao Ming's nationality is China, gender: male var personB = new Person('Chick','female'); personB.show(); //The girl's nationality is China, gender: female.
It seems that there is no problem, but both personA and personB contain the same content as country and show attributes, which wastes space and reduces efficiency. Then we can share attributes and methods between them.
function Person(name, sex){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex, } Person.prototype.country = 'China'; Person.prototype.show = function(){ console.log(this.name + 'The nationality is:'+this.country+',Gender:'+this.sex); } var personA = new Person('Xiao Ming'.'male'); var personB = new Person('Chick','female'); personA.show(); //Xiao Ming's nationality is China, gender: male personB.show(); //The girl's nationality is China, gender: female.
Attributes used with protorype -- isPrototype Of (), hasOwnPrototype (), in
function Person(name, sex){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex, } Person.prototype.country = 'China'; Person.prototype.show = function(){ console.log(this.name + 'The nationality is:'+this.country+',Gender:'+this.sex); } //IsPrototype Of () judges the relationship between instances and objects console.log(Person.prototype.isPrototype(personA)) //true console.log(Person.prototype.isPrototype(personB)) //true //hasOwnPrototype() determines whether the attribute is local or inherited from the prototype attribute console.log(personA.hasOwnPrototy('name')) //true console.log(personA.hasOwnPrototy('country')) //false //in determines whether there are attributes, whether local or inherited prototype console.log('name' in personA) //true console.log('country' in personA) //true
constructor attribute
Continue using the previous Person prototype object
function Person(name){ this.name = name; } Person.prototype.sex = 'female'; var personA = new Person('Xiao Ming'); var personB = new Person('Chick'); //New instances automatically contain constructor attributes console.log(personA.constructor == Person); //true console.log(personB.constructor == Person); //true
You can also use instanceof to determine the relationship between instances and prototype objects.
console.log(personA instanceof Person); //true console.log(personB instanceof Person); //true
"Inheritance" between commonly used Object s (constructor inheritance) (5)
Assuming there are two Object s, Person and Teacher, you want Teacher to inherit Person.
//Person object function Person(name){ this.name = name; } //Teacher object function Teacher(age,sex){ this.age = age; this.sex = sex; }
1. Use constructor binding (call or apply)
function Teacher(age,sex,name){ Person.apply(this,name);//Person.call(this,name); this.age = age; this.sex =sex; }
2. Modify the constructor pointing using prototype, which is the prototype attribute we mentioned earlier
Teacher.prototype = new Person('xiaoming'); //Modify the original value of the prototy object Teacher.prototype.constructor = Teacher; var teacher1 = new Teacher(19,'female');
3. Direct inheritance of prototype
function Person(){} person.prototype.name = "xiaoming"; function Teacher(age,sex){ this.age = age; this.sex = sex; } //Teacher's prototype object points directly to Person's prototype object Teacher.prototype = Person.prototype; Teacher.prototype.constructor = Teacher var teacher1 = new Teacher(19,"female");
4. Mediation new function() {} empty object
var Fn = new function(){}; Fn.prototype = Person.prototype; Teacher.prototype = new Fn(); Teacher.prototype.constructor = Teacher; //Extended encapsulation function Extend(ChildObj,ParentObj){ var Fn = new function(){}; Fn.prototype = ParentObj.prototype; ChildObj.prototype = new Fn(); ChildObj.prototype.constructor = ChildObj; ChildObj.uber = ParentObj.prototype; //Direct to the prototype attribute of the parent object } //Teacher inherits Person Extend(Teacher,Person); var teacher1 = new Teacher(19,'female');
5. Copy Inheritance (Complete)
function Extend(ChildObj, ParentObj) { var p = ParentObj.prototype; var c = ChildObj.prototype; for (var i in p) { c[i] = p[i]; } c.uber = p; } //Teacher inherits Person Extend(Teacher,Person); var teacher1 = new Teacher(19,'female');
Non-constructor "inheritance" (3)
//Original var Person = { name: 'Xiao Ming' } var Teacher ={ age:19, sex:'female' }
Here's how we can get Teacher to inherit Person
1. object method
function object(obj){ function Fn(){} Fn.prototype = obj; return new Fn(); } var teacher1 = object(Person); teacher1.age = 19; teacher1.sex = 'female';
2. Shallow copy method
function extendCopy(ParentObj){ var c = {}; for(var i in ParentObj){ c[i] = p[i]; } c.uber = p; return c; } //Using extended Copy var teacher1 = extendCopy(Person); teacher1.age = 19; teacher1.sex = 'female';
3. Deep copy method
function extendDeepCopy(ParentObj,ChildObj){ var ChildObj = ChildObj || {}; for(var i in ParentObj){ if(typeof ParentObj[i] === 'object'){ c[i] = (ParentObj[i].constructor === Array) ? [] : {}; extendDeepCopy(ChildObj[i],ParentObj[i]); }else{ ChildObj[i] = ParentObj[i]; } } return ChildObj; } //Use var teacher1 = extendDeepCopy(Person1); teacher1.age = 19; teacher1.sex = 'female';
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