This paper mainly studies handleRegularMessage of artemis ClientConsumer
public final class ClientConsumerImpl implements ClientConsumerInternal { //...... private final PriorityLinkedList<ClientMessageInternal> buffer = new PriorityLinkedListImpl<>(ClientConsumerImpl.NUM_PRIORITIES); private final Runner runner = new Runner(); private volatile MessageHandler handler; //...... private void handleRegularMessage(ClientMessageInternal message) { if (message.getAddress() == null) { message.setAddress(queueInfo.getAddress()); } message.onReceipt(this); if (!ackIndividually && message.getPriority() != 4 && !message.containsProperty(ClientConsumerImpl.FORCED_DELIVERY_MESSAGE)) { // We have messages of different priorities so we need to ack them individually since the order // of them in the ServerConsumerImpl delivery list might not be the same as the order they are // consumed in, which means that acking all up to won't work ackIndividually = true; } // Add it to the buffer buffer.addTail(message, message.getPriority()); if (handler != null) { // Execute using executor if (!stopped) { queueExecutor(); } } else { notify(); } } private void queueExecutor() { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(this + "::Adding Runner on Executor for delivery"); } sessionExecutor.execute(runner); } //...... }
- The handleRegularMessage method of ClientConsumerImpl executes buffer.addTail(message, message.getPriority()) first, and then the queueExecutor() will be executed if the handler is not null, otherwise notify() will be executed; the queueExecutor method executes runner through sessionExecutor
public final class ClientConsumerImpl implements ClientConsumerInternal { //...... private class Runner implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { callOnMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQClientLogger.LOGGER.onMessageError(e); lastException = e; } } } private void callOnMessage() throws Exception { if (closing || stopped) { return; } session.workDone(); // We pull the message from the buffer from inside the Runnable so we can ensure priority // ordering. If we just added a Runnable with the message to the executor immediately as we get it // we could not do that ClientMessageInternal message; // Must store handler in local variable since might get set to null // otherwise while this is executing and give NPE when calling onMessage MessageHandler theHandler = handler; if (theHandler != null) { if (rateLimiter != null) { rateLimiter.limit(); } failedOver = false; synchronized (this) { message = buffer.poll(); } if (message != null) { if (message.containsProperty(ClientConsumerImpl.FORCED_DELIVERY_MESSAGE)) { //Ignore, this could be a relic from a previous receiveImmediate(); return; } boolean expired = message.isExpired(); flowControlBeforeConsumption(message); if (!expired) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(this + "::Calling handler.onMessage"); } final ClassLoader originalLoader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() { @Override public ClassLoader run() { ClassLoader originalLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(contextClassLoader); return originalLoader; } }); onMessageThread = Thread.currentThread(); try { theHandler.onMessage(message); } finally { try { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() { @Override public Object run() { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalLoader); return null; } }); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQClientLogger.LOGGER.failedPerformPostActionsOnMessage(e); } onMessageThread = null; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(this + "::Handler.onMessage done"); } if (message.isLargeMessage()) { message.discardBody(); } } else { session.expire(this, message); } // If slow consumer, we need to send 1 credit to make sure we get another message if (clientWindowSize == 0) { startSlowConsumer(); } } } } private void flowControlBeforeConsumption(final ClientMessageInternal message) throws ActiveMQException { // Chunk messages will execute the flow control while receiving the chunks if (message.getFlowControlSize() != 0) { // on large messages we should discount 1 on the first packets as we need continuity until the last packet flowControl(message.getFlowControlSize(), !message.isLargeMessage()); } } public void flowControl(final int messageBytes, final boolean discountSlowConsumer) throws ActiveMQException { if (clientWindowSize >= 0) { creditsToSend += messageBytes; if (creditsToSend >= clientWindowSize) { if (clientWindowSize == 0 && discountSlowConsumer) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(this + "::FlowControl::Sending " + creditsToSend + " -1, for slow consumer"); } // sending the credits - 1 initially send to fire the slow consumer, or the slow consumer would be // always buffering one after received the first message final int credits = creditsToSend - 1; creditsToSend = 0; if (credits > 0) { sendCredits(credits); } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Sending " + messageBytes + " from flow-control"); } final int credits = creditsToSend; creditsToSend = 0; if (credits > 0) { sendCredits(credits); } } } } } //...... }
- Runner implements the Runnable interface, and its run method executes callOnMessage(); the method executes rateLimiter.limit(), if rateLimiter is not null; then it executes buffer.poll() to get ClientMessageInternal, if not null, it executes flowControlBeforeConsumption(message), if not, it executes the handler. Onmessage (message) method, if clientWindowSize is 0 The flowControlBeforeConsumption method will execute the flowControl method, which will calculate the credits, and then execute sendCredits(credits)
The handleRegularMessage method of ClientConsumerImpl executes buffer.addTail(message, message.getPriority()) first, and then the queueExecutor() will be executed if the handler is not null, otherwise notify(); the queueExecutor method executes runner through sessionexecution; runner implements the Runnable interface, and its run method executes callOnMessage(); the method is not null for rateLimiter rateLimiter.limit() will be executed; after that, buffer.poll() will be executed to get the ClientMessageInternal for processing