This paper mainly studies the duplicateProperty of artemis
public interface Message { //...... default Object getDuplicateProperty() { return null; } default byte[] getDuplicateIDBytes() { Object duplicateID = getDuplicateProperty(); if (duplicateID == null) { return null; } else { if (duplicateID instanceof SimpleString) { return ((SimpleString) duplicateID).getData(); } else if (duplicateID instanceof String) { return new SimpleString(duplicateID.toString()).getData(); } else { return (byte[]) duplicateID; } } } //...... }
- The Message interface defines the getDuplicateProperty and getDuplicateIDBytes methods, where the getDuplicateIDBytes method reads the value of getDuplicateProperty and converts it to a byte array
public class CoreMessage extends RefCountMessage implements ICoreMessage { //...... public Object getDuplicateProperty() { return getObjectProperty(Message.HDR_DUPLICATE_DETECTION_ID); } //...... }
- CoreMessage implements ICoreMessage interface, which inherits Message interface; its getDuplicateProperty method takes the value of Message.hdr? Duplicate? Detection? ID property
public class PostOfficeImpl implements PostOffice, NotificationListener, BindingsFactory { //...... private final ConcurrentMap<SimpleString, DuplicateIDCache> duplicateIDCaches = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); //...... public RoutingStatus route(final Message message, final RoutingContext context, final boolean direct, boolean rejectDuplicates, final Binding bindingMove) throws Exception { RoutingStatus result; // Sanity check if (message.getRefCount() > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Message cannot be routed more than once"); } final SimpleString address = context.getAddress(message); setPagingStore(address, message); AtomicBoolean startedTX = new AtomicBoolean(false); applyExpiryDelay(message, address); if (context.isDuplicateDetection() && !checkDuplicateID(message, context, rejectDuplicates, startedTX)) { return RoutingStatus.DUPLICATED_ID; } message.clearInternalProperties(); Bindings bindings = addressManager.getBindingsForRoutingAddress(address); AddressInfo addressInfo = addressManager.getAddressInfo(address); //...... if (server.hasBrokerMessagePlugins()) { server.callBrokerMessagePlugins(plugin -> plugin.afterMessageRoute(message, context, direct, rejectDuplicates, result)); } return result; } private boolean checkDuplicateID(final Message message, final RoutingContext context, boolean rejectDuplicates, AtomicBoolean startedTX) throws Exception { // Check the DuplicateCache for the Bridge first Object bridgeDup = message.removeExtraBytesProperty(Message.HDR_BRIDGE_DUPLICATE_ID); if (bridgeDup != null) { // if the message is being sent from the bridge, we just ignore the duplicate id, and use the internal one byte[] bridgeDupBytes = (byte[]) bridgeDup; DuplicateIDCache cacheBridge = getDuplicateIDCache(BRIDGE_CACHE_STR.concat(context.getAddress(message).toString())); if (context.getTransaction() == null) { context.setTransaction(new TransactionImpl(storageManager)); startedTX.set(true); } if (!cacheBridge.atomicVerify(bridgeDupBytes, context.getTransaction())) { context.getTransaction().rollback(); startedTX.set(false); message.decrementRefCount(); return false; } } else { // if used BridgeDuplicate, it's not going to use the regular duplicate // since this will would break redistribution (re-setting the duplicateId) byte[] duplicateIDBytes = message.getDuplicateIDBytes(); DuplicateIDCache cache = null; boolean isDuplicate = false; if (duplicateIDBytes != null) { cache = getDuplicateIDCache(context.getAddress(message)); isDuplicate = cache.contains(duplicateIDBytes); if (rejectDuplicates && isDuplicate) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.duplicateMessageDetected(message); String warnMessage = "Duplicate message detected - message will not be routed. Message information:" + message.toString(); if (context.getTransaction() != null) { context.getTransaction().markAsRollbackOnly(new ActiveMQDuplicateIdException(warnMessage)); } message.decrementRefCount(); return false; } } if (cache != null && !isDuplicate) { if (context.getTransaction() == null) { // We need to store the duplicate id atomically with the message storage, so we need to create a tx for this context.setTransaction(new TransactionImpl(storageManager)); startedTX.set(true); } cache.addToCache(duplicateIDBytes, context.getTransaction(), startedTX.get()); } } return true; } public DuplicateIDCache getDuplicateIDCache(final SimpleString address) { DuplicateIDCache cache = duplicateIDCaches.get(address); if (cache == null) { cache = new DuplicateIDCacheImpl(address, idCacheSize, storageManager, persistIDCache); DuplicateIDCache oldCache = duplicateIDCaches.putIfAbsent(address, cache); if (oldCache != null) { cache = oldCache; } } return cache; } //...... }
- When the route method of PostOfficeImpl is true in context.isDuplicateDetection(), the checkDuplicateID method will be called, and when it returns false, the RoutingStatus.DUPLICATED_ID will be directly returned; when bridgeDup is null, the checkDuplicateID method will get duplicateIDBytes through message.getDuplicateIDBytes(), if it is not null, the duplicateIDCaches will be obtained from duplicateIDCaches through getDuplicateIDCache method Get the DuplicateIDCache, and then judge whether the duplicateIDBytes are included. If it is true and rejectDuplicates is true, false will be returned. If the cache is not null and isDuplicate is false, the duplicateIDBytes will be added to the cache through the cache.addToCache(duplicateIDBytes, context.getTransaction(), startedTX.get()) method
public class PostOfficeJournalLoader implements JournalLoader { //...... public void handleDuplicateIds(Map<SimpleString, List<Pair<byte[], Long>>> duplicateIDMap) throws Exception { for (Map.Entry<SimpleString, List<Pair<byte[], Long>>> entry : duplicateIDMap.entrySet()) { SimpleString address = entry.getKey(); DuplicateIDCache cache = postOffice.getDuplicateIDCache(address); if (configuration.isPersistIDCache()) { cache.load(entry.getValue()); } } } //...... }
- The handleDuplicateIds method of postofficejournallloader will execute cache.load(entry.getValue()) when configuration. Ispersitidcache() is true
public interface DuplicateIDCache { boolean contains(byte[] duplicateID); boolean atomicVerify(byte[] duplID, Transaction tx) throws Exception; void addToCache(byte[] duplicateID) throws Exception; void addToCache(byte[] duplicateID, Transaction tx) throws Exception; /** * it will add the data to the cache. * If TX == null it won't use a transaction. * if instantAdd=true, it won't wait a transaction to add on the cache which is needed on the case of the Bridges */ void addToCache(byte[] duplicateID, Transaction tx, boolean instantAdd) throws Exception; void deleteFromCache(byte[] duplicateID) throws Exception; void load(List<Pair<byte[], Long>> theIds) throws Exception; void load(Transaction tx, byte[] duplID); void clear() throws Exception; List<Pair<byte[], Long>> getMap(); }
- DuplicateIDCache defines methods such as contains, addToCache, load, etc
public class DuplicateIDCacheImpl implements DuplicateIDCache { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DuplicateIDCacheImpl.class); // ByteHolder, position private final Map<ByteArrayHolder, Integer> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final SimpleString address; // Note - deliberately typed as ArrayList since we want to ensure fast indexed // based array access private final ArrayList<Pair<ByteArrayHolder, Long>> ids; private int pos; private final int cacheSize; private final StorageManager storageManager; private final boolean persist; public DuplicateIDCacheImpl(final SimpleString address, final int size, final StorageManager storageManager, final boolean persist) { this.address = address; cacheSize = size; ids = new ArrayList<>(size); this.storageManager = storageManager; this.persist = persist; } @Override public void load(final List<Pair<byte[], Long>> theIds) throws Exception { long txID = -1; // If we have more IDs than cache size, we shrink the first ones int deleteCount = theIds.size() - cacheSize; if (deleteCount < 0) { deleteCount = 0; } for (Pair<byte[], Long> id : theIds) { if (deleteCount > 0) { if (txID == -1) { txID = storageManager.generateID(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl::load deleting id=" + describeID(id.getA(), id.getB())); } storageManager.deleteDuplicateIDTransactional(txID, id.getB()); deleteCount--; } else { ByteArrayHolder bah = new ByteArrayHolder(id.getA()); Pair<ByteArrayHolder, Long> pair = new Pair<>(bah, id.getB()); cache.put(bah, ids.size()); ids.add(pair); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl::load loading id=" + describeID(id.getA(), id.getB())); } } } if (txID != -1) { storageManager.commit(txID); } pos = ids.size(); if (pos == cacheSize) { pos = 0; } } public boolean contains(final byte[] duplID) { boolean contains = cache.get(new ByteArrayHolder(duplID)) != null; if (contains) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::constains found a duplicate " + describeID(duplID, 0)); } return contains; } public synchronized void addToCache(final byte[] duplID, final Transaction tx, boolean instantAdd) throws Exception { long recordID = -1; if (tx == null) { if (persist) { recordID = storageManager.generateID(); storageManager.storeDuplicateID(address, duplID, recordID); } addToCacheInMemory(duplID, recordID); } else { if (persist) { recordID = storageManager.generateID(); storageManager.storeDuplicateIDTransactional(tx.getID(), address, duplID, recordID); tx.setContainsPersistent(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCache Adding duplicateID TX operation for " + describeID(duplID, recordID) + ", tx=" + tx); } if (instantAdd) { tx.addOperation(new AddDuplicateIDOperation(duplID, recordID, false)); } else { // For a tx, it's important that the entry is not added to the cache until commit // since if the client fails then resends them tx we don't want it to get rejected tx.afterStore(new AddDuplicateIDOperation(duplID, recordID, true)); } } } private synchronized void addToCacheInMemory(final byte[] duplID, final long recordID) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory Adding " + describeID(duplID, recordID)); } ByteArrayHolder holder = new ByteArrayHolder(duplID); cache.put(holder, pos); Pair<ByteArrayHolder, Long> id; if (pos < ids.size()) { // Need fast array style access here -hence ArrayList typing id = ids.get(pos); // The id here might be null if it was explicit deleted if (id.getA() != null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory removing excess duplicateDetection " + describeID(id.getA().bytes, id.getB())); } cache.remove(id.getA()); // Record already exists - we delete the old one and add the new one // Note we can't use update since journal update doesn't let older records get // reclaimed if (id.getB() != null) { try { storageManager.deleteDuplicateID(id.getB()); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorDeletingDuplicateCache(e); } } } id.setA(holder); // The recordID could be negative if the duplicateCache is configured to not persist, // -1 would mean null on this case id.setB(recordID >= 0 ? recordID : null); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory replacing old duplicateID by " + describeID(id.getA().bytes, id.getB())); } holder.pos = pos; } else { id = new Pair<>(holder, recordID >= 0 ? recordID : null); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory Adding new duplicateID " + describeID(id.getA().bytes, id.getB())); } ids.add(id); holder.pos = pos; } if (pos++ == cacheSize - 1) { pos = 0; } } //...... }
- DuplicateIDCacheImpl implements the DuplicateIDCache interface. Its load method will load the data into the cache, with the key of ByteArrayHolder type. Its contains method will create ByteArrayHolder according to the byte array of duplID, and then find whether it exists in the cache. When tx is null, addToCache inmemory will be executed. Otherwise, AddDuplicateIDOperation or When the afterStore executes AddDuplicateIDOperation; addToCacheInMemory, it mainly adds records to the cache, and maintains the cache size at the specified cacheSize
private final class AddDuplicateIDOperation extends TransactionOperationAbstract { final byte[] duplID; final long recordID; volatile boolean done; private final boolean afterCommit; AddDuplicateIDOperation(final byte[] duplID, final long recordID, boolean afterCommit) { this.duplID = duplID; this.recordID = recordID; this.afterCommit = afterCommit; } private void process() { if (!done) { addToCacheInMemory(duplID, recordID); done = true; } } @Override public void afterCommit(final Transaction tx) { if (afterCommit) { process(); } } @Override public void beforeCommit(Transaction tx) throws Exception { if (!afterCommit) { process(); } } @Override public List<MessageReference> getRelatedMessageReferences() { return null; } }
- AddDuplicateIDOperation inherits the TransactionOperationAbstract; its afterCommit and beforeCommit will execute the process method, while the process method calls addToCacheInMemory(duplID, recordID)
- CoreMessage implements ICoreMessage interface, which inherits Message interface; its getDuplicateProperty method takes the value of Message.hdr? Duplicate? Detection? ID property
- When the route method of PostOfficeImpl is true in context.isDuplicateDetection(), the checkDuplicateID method will be called, and when it returns false, the RoutingStatus.DUPLICATED_ID will be directly returned; when bridgeDup is null, the checkDuplicateID method will get duplicateIDBytes through message.getDuplicateIDBytes(), if it is not null, the duplicateIDCaches will be obtained from duplicateIDCaches through getDuplicateIDCache method Get the DuplicateIDCache, and then judge whether the duplicateIDBytes are included. If it is true and rejectDuplicates is true, false will be returned. If the cache is not null and isDuplicate is false, the duplicateIDBytes will be added to the cache through the cache.addToCache(duplicateIDBytes, context.getTransaction(), startedTX.get()) method
- The handleDuplicateIds method of postofficejournallloader will execute cache.load(entry.getValue()) when configuration. Ispersitidcache() is true