This paper mainly studies dubbo's ClassLoaderFilter
@Activate(group = CommonConstants.PROVIDER, order = -30000) public class ClassLoaderFilter implements Filter { @Override public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException { ClassLoader ocl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(invoker.getInterface().getClassLoader()); try { return invoker.invoke(invocation); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(ocl); } } }
- ClassLoaderFilter implements the Filter interface. Its invoke method first obtains the contextclassloader of the current thread, then sets its contextclassloader to invoker.getInterface().getClassLoader(), then executes the invoker.invoke method, and finally resets the classLoader of the current thread to the original contextclassloader.
public class ClassLoaderFilterTest { private ClassLoaderFilter classLoaderFilter = new ClassLoaderFilter(); @Test public void testInvoke() throws Exception { URL url = URL.valueOf("test://test:11/test?accesslog=true&group=dubbo&version=1.1"); String path = DemoService.class.getResource("/").getPath(); final URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new java.net.URL[]{new java.net.URL("file:" + path)}) { @Override public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { return findClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return super.loadClass(name); } } }; final Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(DemoService.class.getCanonicalName()); Invoker invoker = new MyInvoker(url) { @Override public Class getInterface() { return clazz; } @Override public Result invoke(Invocation invocation) throws RpcException { Assertions.assertEquals(cl, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); return null; } }; Invocation invocation = Mockito.mock(Invocation.class); classLoaderFilter.invoke(invoker, invocation); } }
- Here, the interface of the invoker is set to DemoService.class, and then verify that the Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() in the invoke method is the URLClassLoader for loading DemoService.class.
ClassLoaderFilter implements the Filter interface. Its invoke method first obtains the contextclassloader of the current thread, then sets its contextclassloader to invoker.getInterface().getClassLoader(), then executes the invoker.invoke method, and finally resets the classLoader of the current thread to the original contextclassloader.