Talk about confirmation windowenabled of artemis

Keywords: Programming Java Apache Session


This paper mainly studies the confirmation window enabled of artemis



public class ClientProducerImpl implements ClientProducerInternal {


   public void send(SimpleString address1,
                    Message message,
                    SendAcknowledgementHandler handler) throws ActiveMQException {
      boolean confirmationWindowEnabled = session.isConfirmationWindowEnabled();
      if (confirmationWindowEnabled) {
         doSend(address1, message, handler);
      } else {
         doSend(address1, message, null);
         if (handler != null) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
               logger.debug("Handler was used on producing messages towards address " + (address1 == null ? null : address1.toString()) + " however there is no confirmationWindowEnabled");

            if (!confirmationNotSetLogged) {
               // will log thisonly once

            // if there is no confirmation enabled, we will at least call the handler after the sent is done
            session.scheduleConfirmation(handler, message);

  • The send method of ClientProducerImpl executes doSend(address1, message, handler) when confirmationWindowEnabled is true; otherwise, doSend(address1, message, null) is executed, and session.scheduleConfirmation(handler, message) is executed when handler is not null



public class ClientProducerImpl implements ClientProducerInternal {


   private void doSend(SimpleString sendingAddress,
                       final Message msgToSend,
                       final SendAcknowledgementHandler handler) throws ActiveMQException {
      if (sendingAddress == null) {
         sendingAddress = this.address;

      try {
         // In case we received message from another protocol, we first need to convert it to core as the ClientProducer only understands core
         ICoreMessage msg = msgToSend.toCore();

         ClientProducerCredits theCredits;

         boolean isLarge;
         // a note about the second check on the writerIndexSize,
         // If it's a server's message, it means this is being done through the bridge or some special consumer on the
         // server's on which case we can't' convert the message into large at the servers
         if (sessionContext.supportsLargeMessage() && (getBodyInputStream(msg) != null || msg.isLargeMessage() ||
            msg.getBodyBuffer().writerIndex() > minLargeMessageSize)) {
            isLarge = true;
         } else {
            isLarge = false;

         if (!isLarge) {
            session.setAddress(msg, sendingAddress);
         } else {

         // Anonymous
         theCredits = session.getCredits(sendingAddress, true);

         if (rateLimiter != null) {
            // Rate flow control


         if (groupID != null) {
            msg.putStringProperty(Message.HDR_GROUP_ID, groupID);

         final boolean sendBlockingConfig = msg.isDurable() ? blockOnDurableSend : blockOnNonDurableSend;
         // if Handler != null, we will send non blocking
         final boolean sendBlocking = sendBlockingConfig && handler == null;


         if (isLarge) {
            largeMessageSend(sendBlocking, msg, theCredits, handler);
         } else {
            sendRegularMessage(sendingAddress, msg, sendBlocking, theCredits, handler);
      } finally {

   private void sendRegularMessage(final SimpleString sendingAddress,
                                   final ICoreMessage msgI,
                                   final boolean sendBlocking,
                                   final ClientProducerCredits theCredits,
                                   final SendAcknowledgementHandler handler) throws ActiveMQException {
      // This will block if credits are not available

      // Note, that for a large message, the encode size only includes the properties + headers
      // Not the continuations, but this is ok since we are only interested in limiting the amount of
      // data in *memory* and continuations go straight to the disk

      logger.tracef("sendRegularMessage::%s, Blocking=%s", msgI, sendBlocking);

      int creditSize = sessionContext.getCreditsOnSendingFull(msgI);


      sessionContext.sendFullMessage(msgI, sendBlocking, handler, address);


  • The last execution of doSend method is largeMessageSend or sendRegularMessage, while the last execution of sendRegularMessage method is sessioncontext.sendfullmessage (msgi, sendlocking, handler, address)



public class ActiveMQSessionContext extends SessionContext {


   public void sendFullMessage(ICoreMessage msgI,
                               boolean sendBlocking,
                               SendAcknowledgementHandler handler,
                               SimpleString defaultAddress) throws ActiveMQException {
      final SessionSendMessage packet;
      if (sessionChannel.getConnection().isVersionBeforeAddressChange()) {
         packet = new SessionSendMessage_1X(msgI, sendBlocking, handler);
      } else if (sessionChannel.getConnection().isVersionBeforeAsyncResponseChange()) {
         packet = new SessionSendMessage(msgI, sendBlocking, handler);
      } else {
         boolean responseRequired = confirmationWindow != -1 || sendBlocking;
         packet = new SessionSendMessage_V2(msgI, responseRequired, handler);
      if (sendBlocking) {
         sessionChannel.sendBlocking(packet, PacketImpl.NULL_RESPONSE);
      } else {

  • sendFullMessage method creates SessionSendMessage, and its SendAcknowledgementHandler parameter is also passed to SessionSendMessage through the constructor of SessionSendMessage



public class SessionSendMessage extends MessagePacket {

   protected boolean requiresResponse;

   private final transient SendAcknowledgementHandler handler;

   /** This will be using the CoreMessage because it is meant for the core-protocol */
   protected SessionSendMessage(final byte id,
                             final ICoreMessage message,
                             final boolean requiresResponse,
                             final SendAcknowledgementHandler handler) {
      super(id, message);
      this.handler = handler;
      this.requiresResponse = requiresResponse;

   protected SessionSendMessage(final byte id,
                                final CoreMessage message) {
      super(id, message);
      this.handler = null;

   /** This will be using the CoreMessage because it is meant for the core-protocol */
   public SessionSendMessage(final ICoreMessage message,
                             final boolean requiresResponse,
                             final SendAcknowledgementHandler handler) {
      super(SESS_SEND, message);
      this.handler = handler;
      this.requiresResponse = requiresResponse;

   public SessionSendMessage(final CoreMessage message) {
      super(SESS_SEND, message);
      this.handler = null;

   // Public --------------------------------------------------------

   public boolean isRequiresResponse() {
      return requiresResponse;

   public SendAcknowledgementHandler getHandler() {
      return handler;

  • SessionSendMessage inherits MessagePacket; getHandler method can get SendAcknowledgementHandler



public final class ClientSessionImpl implements ClientSessionInternal, FailureListener {


   public void scheduleConfirmation(final SendAcknowledgementHandler handler, final Message message) {
      executor.execute(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {


  • The scheduleConfirmation method submits a run nable to the thread pool, which executes handler.sendAcknowledged(message)



public interface SendAcknowledgementHandler {

    * Notifies the client that a message sent asynchronously has been received by the server.
    * @param message message sent asynchronously
   void sendAcknowledged(Message message);

   default void sendFailed(Message message, Exception e) {
       * By default ignore failures to preserve compatibility with existing implementations.
       * If the message makes it to the broker and a failure occurs sendAcknowledge() will
       * still be invoked just like it always was.

  • The SendAcknowledgementHandler interface defines the sendAcknowledged and sendFailed methods



public class ServerSessionPacketHandler implements ChannelHandler {


   private void sendResponse(final Packet confirmPacket,
                             final Packet response,
                             final boolean flush,
                             final boolean closeChannel) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
         logger.trace("ServerSessionPacketHandler::scheduling response::" + response);

      storageManager.afterCompleteOperations(new IOCallback() {
         public void onError(final int errorCode, final String errorMessage) {
            ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorProcessingIOCallback(errorCode, errorMessage);

            Packet exceptionPacket = convertToExceptionPacket(confirmPacket, ActiveMQExceptionType.createException(errorCode, errorMessage));
            doConfirmAndResponse(confirmPacket, exceptionPacket, flush, closeChannel);

            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
               logger.trace("ServerSessionPacketHandler::exception response sent::" + exceptionPacket);


         public void done() {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
               logger.trace("ServerSessionPacketHandler::regular response sent::" + response);

            doConfirmAndResponse(confirmPacket, response, flush, closeChannel);

   private void doConfirmAndResponse(final Packet confirmPacket,
                                     final Packet response,
                                     final boolean flush,
                                     final boolean closeChannel) {
      // don't confirm if the response is an exception
      if (confirmPacket != null && (response == null || (response != null && response.getType() != PacketImpl.EXCEPTION))) {

         if (flush) {

      if (response != null) {

      if (closeChannel) {

  • The sendResponse method of ServerSessionPacketHandler registers IOCallback through storageManager.afterCompleteOperations. In the onError and done methods, the doConfirmAndResponse method executes channel.confirm(confirmPacket) when the response is not exception



public final class ChannelImpl implements Channel {


   public void confirm(final Packet packet) {
      if (resendCache != null && packet.isRequiresConfirmations()) {

         if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("RemotingConnectionID=" + (connection == null ? "NULL" : connection.getID()) + " ChannelImpl::confirming packet " + packet + " last commandID=" + lastConfirmedCommandID);

         receivedBytes += packet.getPacketSize();

         if (receivedBytes >= confWindowSize) {
            receivedBytes = 0;

            final Packet confirmed = new PacketsConfirmedMessage(lastConfirmedCommandID.get());



  • The confirm method of ChannelImpl writes PacketsConfirmedMessage



public class PacketsConfirmedMessage extends PacketImpl {

   private int commandID;

   public PacketsConfirmedMessage(final int commandID) {

      this.commandID = commandID;

   public PacketsConfirmedMessage() {

  • PacketsConfirmedMessage inherits PacketImpl, and its type is packets'defined



public final class ChannelImpl implements Channel {


   public void handlePacket(final Packet packet) {
      if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.PACKETS_CONFIRMED) {
         if (resendCache != null) {
            final PacketsConfirmedMessage msg = (PacketsConfirmedMessage) packet;


         if (!connection.isClient() && handler != null) {

      } else {
         if (packet.isResponse()) {


            try {
               response = packet;
            } finally {
         } else if (handler != null) {

   private void clearUpTo(final int lastReceivedCommandID) {
      final int numberToClear = 1 + lastReceivedCommandID - firstStoredCommandID;

      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
         logger.trace("RemotingConnectionID=" + (connection == null ? "NULL" : connection.getID()) + " ChannelImpl::clearUpTo lastReceived commandID=" + lastReceivedCommandID + " first commandID=" + firstStoredCommandID + " number to clear " + numberToClear);

      for (int i = 0; i < numberToClear; i++) {
         final Packet packet = resendCache.poll();

         if (packet == null) {
            ActiveMQClientLogger.LOGGER.cannotFindPacketToClear(lastReceivedCommandID, firstStoredCommandID);
            firstStoredCommandID = lastReceivedCommandID + 1;

         if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("RemotingConnectionID=" + connection.getID() + " ChannelImpl::clearUpTo confirming " + packet + " towards " + commandConfirmationHandler);
         if (commandConfirmationHandler != null) {
         if (responseAsyncCache != null) {

      firstStoredCommandID += numberToClear;

  • The handlePacket method of ChannelImpl executes the clearUpTo method when the type of the packet is packetimpl.packets ﹣ defined and the resendCache is not null; the clearUpTo method executes the commandConfirmationHandler.commandConfirmed(packet) when the commandConfirmationHandler is not null, and the responseAsyncCache.handleResponse(packet) when the responseAsyncCache is not null Finally, the responseHandler.handleResponse(packet, response) method will be executed



public class ActiveMQSessionContext extends SessionContext {


   private final CommandConfirmationHandler commandConfirmationHandler = new CommandConfirmationHandler() {
      public void commandConfirmed(Packet packet) {
         responseHandler.handleResponse(packet, null);

   private final ResponseHandler responseHandler = new ResponseHandler() {
      public void handleResponse(Packet packet, Packet response) {
         final ActiveMQException activeMQException;
         if (response != null && response.getType() == PacketImpl.EXCEPTION) {
            ActiveMQExceptionMessage exceptionResponseMessage = (ActiveMQExceptionMessage) response;
            activeMQException = exceptionResponseMessage.getException();
         } else {
            activeMQException = null;

         if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SESS_SEND) {
            SessionSendMessage ssm = (SessionSendMessage) packet;
            callSendAck(ssm.getHandler(), ssm.getMessage(), activeMQException);
         } else if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SESS_SEND_CONTINUATION) {
            SessionSendContinuationMessage scm = (SessionSendContinuationMessage) packet;
            if (!scm.isContinues()) {
               callSendAck(scm.getHandler(), scm.getMessage(), activeMQException);

      private void callSendAck(SendAcknowledgementHandler handler, final Message message, final Exception exception) {
         if (handler != null) {
            if (exception == null) {
            } else {
               handler.sendFailed(message, exception);
         } else if (sendAckHandler != null) {
            if (exception == null) {
            } else {
               sendAckHandler.sendFailed(message, exception);

  • commandConfirmed of CommandConfirmationHandler will execute the handleResponse method of ResponseHandler; handleResponse method will execute callSendAck, while callSendAck will execute sendAcknowledged or sendFailed of SendAcknowledgementHandler(ssm.getHandler())


  • The send method of ClientProducerImpl executes doSend(address1, message, handler) when confirmationWindowEnabled is true; otherwise, doSend(address1, message, null) is executed, and session.scheduleConfirmation(handler, message) is executed when handler is not null
  • The last execution of doSend method is largeMessageSend or sendRegularMessage, while the last execution of sendRegularMessage method is sessioncontext.sendFullMessage (msgi, sendlocking, handler, address); the last creation of sendFullMessage method is SessionSendMessage, and its SendAcknowledgementHandler parameter is also passed to sessionsendmes through the constructor of SessionSendMessage Sage
  • The sendResponse method of ServerSessionPacketHandler registers IOCallback through storageManager.afterCompleteOperations, and the doConfirmAndResponse method is executed in the onError and done methods; the doConfirmAndResponse method executes channel.confirm(confirmPacket) when the response is not exception; the confirmation method of ChannelImpl writes packetsconfirmedmessa Ge; PacketsConfirmedMessage inherits PacketImpl, whose type is packets ﹣ defined

The handlePacket method of ChannelImpl will execute the clearUpTo method when the type of the packet is packetimpl.packets ﹐ configured, and the resendCache is not null; finally, the responseHandler.handleResponse(packet, response) method will be executed, and the handleResponse method will execute callSendAck, while the callSendAck method will execute the SendAcknowledgementHandler(ssm.getHandler()) or sendFailed method


Posted by heepofajeep on Thu, 23 Jan 2020 03:01:54 -0800