This paper mainly studies the HAManager of artemis
public interface HAManager extends ActiveMQComponent { /** * return the current backup servers * * @return the backups */ Map<String, ActiveMQServer> getBackupServers(); }
- Ha manager inherits the ActiveMQComponent interface, which defines the getBackupServers method
public class StandaloneHAManager implements HAManager { Map<String, ActiveMQServer> servers = new HashMap<>(); boolean isStarted = false; @Override public Map<String, ActiveMQServer> getBackupServers() { return servers; } @Override public void start() throws Exception { if (isStarted) return; isStarted = true; } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { if (!isStarted) return; isStarted = false; } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return isStarted; } }
- Standaloneha manager implements the HA manager interface, and its getBackupServers method returns an empty map
public class ColocatedHAManager implements HAManager { private final ColocatedPolicy haPolicy; private final ActiveMQServer server; private final Map<String, ActiveMQServer> backupServers = new HashMap<>(); private boolean started; public ColocatedHAManager(ColocatedPolicy haPolicy, ActiveMQServer activeMQServer) { this.haPolicy = haPolicy; server = activeMQServer; } /** * starts the HA manager. */ @Override public void start() { if (started) return; server.getActivation().haStarted(); started = true; } /** * stop any backups */ @Override public void stop() { for (ActiveMQServer activeMQServer : backupServers.values()) { try { activeMQServer.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.errorStoppingServer(e); } } backupServers.clear(); started = false; } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return started; } public synchronized boolean activateBackup(int backupSize, String journalDirectory, String bindingsDirectory, String largeMessagesDirectory, String pagingDirectory, SimpleString nodeID) throws Exception { if (backupServers.size() >= haPolicy.getMaxBackups() || backupSize != backupServers.size()) { return false; } if (haPolicy.getBackupPolicy().isSharedStore()) { return activateSharedStoreBackup(journalDirectory, bindingsDirectory, largeMessagesDirectory, pagingDirectory); } else { return activateReplicatedBackup(nodeID); } } /** * return the current backup servers * * @return the backups */ @Override public Map<String, ActiveMQServer> getBackupServers() { return backupServers; } /** * send a request to a live server to start a backup for us * * @param connectorPair the connector for the node to request a backup from * @param backupSize the current size of the requested nodes backups * @param replicated * @return true if the request wa successful. * @throws Exception */ public boolean requestBackup(Pair<TransportConfiguration, TransportConfiguration> connectorPair, int backupSize, boolean replicated) throws Exception { ClusterController clusterController = server.getClusterManager().getClusterController(); try ( ClusterControl clusterControl = clusterController.connectToNode(connectorPair.getA()); ) { clusterControl.authorize(); if (replicated) { return clusterControl.requestReplicatedBackup(backupSize, server.getNodeID()); } else { return clusterControl.requestSharedStoreBackup(backupSize, server.getConfiguration().getJournalLocation().getAbsolutePath(), server.getConfiguration().getBindingsLocation().getAbsolutePath(), server.getConfiguration().getLargeMessagesLocation().getAbsolutePath(), server.getConfiguration().getPagingLocation().getAbsolutePath()); } } } private synchronized boolean activateSharedStoreBackup(String journalDirectory, String bindingsDirectory, String largeMessagesDirectory, String pagingDirectory) throws Exception { Configuration configuration = server.getConfiguration().copy(); ActiveMQServer backup = server.createBackupServer(configuration); try { int portOffset = haPolicy.getBackupPortOffset() * (backupServers.size() + 1); String name = "colocated_backup_" + backupServers.size() + 1; //make sure we don't restart as we are colocated haPolicy.getBackupPolicy().setRestartBackup(false); //set the backup policy backup.setHAPolicy(haPolicy.getBackupPolicy()); updateSharedStoreConfiguration(configuration, name, portOffset, haPolicy.getExcludedConnectors(), journalDirectory, bindingsDirectory, largeMessagesDirectory, pagingDirectory, haPolicy.getBackupPolicy().getScaleDownPolicy() == null); backupServers.put(configuration.getName(), backup); backup.start(); } catch (Exception e) { backup.stop(); ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.activateSharedStoreSlaveFailed(e); return false; } ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.activatingSharedStoreSlave(); return true; } /** * activate a backup server replicating from a specified node. * * decline and the requesting server can cast a re vote * * @param nodeID the id of the node to replicate from * @return true if the server was created and started * @throws Exception */ private synchronized boolean activateReplicatedBackup(SimpleString nodeID) throws Exception { final TopologyMember member; try { member = server.getClusterManager().getDefaultConnection(null).getTopology().getMember(nodeID.toString()); if (!Objects.equals(member.getBackupGroupName(), haPolicy.getBackupPolicy().getBackupGroupName())) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.activateReplicatedBackupFailed(e); return false; } Configuration configuration = server.getConfiguration().copy(); ActiveMQServer backup = server.createBackupServer(configuration); try { int portOffset = haPolicy.getBackupPortOffset() * (backupServers.size() + 1); String name = "colocated_backup_" + backupServers.size() + 1; //make sure we don't restart as we are colocated haPolicy.getBackupPolicy().setRestartBackup(false); //set the backup policy backup.setHAPolicy(haPolicy.getBackupPolicy()); updateReplicatedConfiguration(configuration, name, portOffset, haPolicy.getExcludedConnectors(), haPolicy.getBackupPolicy().getScaleDownPolicy() == null); backup.addActivationParam(ActivationParams.REPLICATION_ENDPOINT, member); backupServers.put(configuration.getName(), backup); backup.start(); } catch (Exception e) { backup.stop(); ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.activateReplicatedBackupFailed(e); return false; } ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.activatingReplica(nodeID); return true; } //...... }
- Coloratedhamanager implements the HA manager interface, and its getBackupServers method returns backupServers; the activateSharedStoreBackup method and activateReplicatedBackup method will create a backup through server.createBackupServer(configuration), and then add it to the backupServers; the activateBackup method selects to execute activatesharedstorebac according to haPolicy.getBackupPolicy() Kup or activateReplicatedBackup method
public class ColocatedPolicy implements HAPolicy<LiveActivation> { /*live stuff*/ private boolean requestBackup = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultHapolicyRequestBackup(); private int backupRequestRetries = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.getDefaultHapolicyBackupRequestRetries(); private long backupRequestRetryInterval = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.getDefaultHapolicyBackupRequestRetryInterval(); private int maxBackups = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.getDefaultHapolicyMaxBackups(); private int backupPortOffset = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.getDefaultHapolicyBackupPortOffset(); /*backup stuff*/ private List<String> excludedConnectors = new ArrayList<>(); private BackupPolicy backupPolicy; private HAPolicy<LiveActivation> livePolicy; //...... }
- Coloratedpolicy implements the HAPolicy interface, which defines the backupPolicy property
public abstract class BackupPolicy implements HAPolicy<Activation> { protected ScaleDownPolicy scaleDownPolicy; protected boolean restartBackup = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultRestartBackup(); public ScaleDownPolicy getScaleDownPolicy() { return scaleDownPolicy; } public void setScaleDownPolicy(ScaleDownPolicy scaleDownPolicy) { this.scaleDownPolicy = scaleDownPolicy; } @Override public boolean isBackup() { return true; } @Override public String getScaleDownClustername() { return null; } @Override public String getScaleDownGroupName() { return getScaleDownPolicy() != null ? getScaleDownPolicy().getGroupName() : null; } public boolean isRestartBackup() { return restartBackup; } public void setRestartBackup(boolean restartBackup) { this.restartBackup = restartBackup; } }
- The BackupPolicy declaration implements the HAPolicy interface, and its isBackup method returns true. It has two implementation classes, SharedStoreSlavePolicy and ReplicaPolicy
public class SharedStoreSlavePolicy extends BackupPolicy { private boolean failoverOnServerShutdown = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultFailoverOnServerShutdown(); private boolean allowAutoFailBack = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultAllowAutoFailback(); private boolean isWaitForActivation = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultWaitForActivation(); //this is how we act once we have failed over private SharedStoreMasterPolicy sharedStoreMasterPolicy; public SharedStoreSlavePolicy() { } public SharedStoreSlavePolicy(boolean failoverOnServerShutdown, boolean restartBackup, boolean allowAutoFailBack, ScaleDownPolicy scaleDownPolicy) { this.failoverOnServerShutdown = failoverOnServerShutdown; this.restartBackup = restartBackup; this.allowAutoFailBack = allowAutoFailBack; this.scaleDownPolicy = scaleDownPolicy; } @Deprecated public long getFailbackDelay() { return -1; } @Deprecated public void setFailbackDelay(long failbackDelay) { } public boolean isFailoverOnServerShutdown() { return failoverOnServerShutdown; } public void setFailoverOnServerShutdown(boolean failoverOnServerShutdown) { this.failoverOnServerShutdown = failoverOnServerShutdown; } public SharedStoreMasterPolicy getSharedStoreMasterPolicy() { if (sharedStoreMasterPolicy == null) { sharedStoreMasterPolicy = new SharedStoreMasterPolicy(failoverOnServerShutdown, isWaitForActivation); } return sharedStoreMasterPolicy; } public void setSharedStoreMasterPolicy(SharedStoreMasterPolicy sharedStoreMasterPolicy) { this.sharedStoreMasterPolicy = sharedStoreMasterPolicy; } @Override public boolean isSharedStore() { return true; } @Override public boolean canScaleDown() { return scaleDownPolicy != null; } public boolean isAllowAutoFailBack() { return allowAutoFailBack; } public void setAllowAutoFailBack(boolean allowAutoFailBack) { this.allowAutoFailBack = allowAutoFailBack; } public void setIsWaitForActivation(boolean isWaitForActivation) { this.isWaitForActivation = isWaitForActivation; } @Override public Activation createActivation(ActiveMQServerImpl server, boolean wasLive, Map<String, Object> activationParams, ActiveMQServerImpl.ShutdownOnCriticalErrorListener shutdownOnCriticalIO) { return new SharedStoreBackupActivation(server, this); } @Override public String getBackupGroupName() { return null; } }
- SharedStoreSlavePolicy inherits BackupPolicy, and its isSharedStore method returns true
public class ReplicaPolicy extends BackupPolicy { private String clusterName; private int maxSavedReplicatedJournalsSize = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.getDefaultMaxSavedReplicatedJournalsSize(); private String groupName = null; private boolean restartBackup = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultRestartBackup(); //used if we create a replicated policy for when we become live. private boolean allowFailback = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.isDefaultAllowAutoFailback(); private long initialReplicationSyncTimeout = ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration.getDefaultInitialReplicationSyncTimeout(); /* * what quorum size to use for voting * */ private int quorumSize; /* * whether or not this live broker should vote to remain live * */ private boolean voteOnReplicationFailure; private ReplicatedPolicy replicatedPolicy; private final NetworkHealthCheck networkHealthCheck; private int voteRetries; private long voteRetryWait; private final int quorumVoteWait; private long retryReplicationWait; //...... @Override public boolean isRestartBackup() { return restartBackup; } @Override public void setRestartBackup(boolean restartBackup) { this.restartBackup = restartBackup; } @Override public boolean isSharedStore() { return false; } //...... }
- ReplicaPolicy inherits BackupPolicy, and its isSharedStore method returns false
Ha manager inherits ActiveMQComponent interface, which defines getBackupServers method; standaloneha manager implements ha manager interface, whose getBackupServers method returns empty map; coloratedhamanager implements ha manager interface, whose getBackupServers method returns backupServers; activateSharedStoreBackup method and activateReplicatedBackup method all pass server.crea Tebackupserver (configuration) creates a backup, and then adds it to backupServers; the activateBackup method selects to execute activateSharedStoreBackup or activateReplicatedBackup according to haPolicy.getBackupPolicy()