Take you to the Quick Start-Advanced-Advanced ybatis-XML Approach

Keywords: Programming xml SQL Session Database

MyBatis-XML Schema

1. Brief Description - Differences from Notes

Execution efficiency: same

Speed of development: faster annotations

Easy maintenance: Notes are simpler.

Old company, old projects still use XML



2. Environmental Setup

1. Make sure the database has been created

2. Import jar package & core configuration file

3. (XML only) Create mapper package and import mapper.xml mapping file


4. Create a package package and import the MybatisUtils tool

5. Define JavaBean

User class:

public class User implements Serializable {
    private Integer uid;
    private String username;
    private Date birthday;
    private String sex;
    private String address;

    // get set Reference or no reference toString



6. (XML only) Define Dao & Set Mapper.xml & Register Mapper





3. Getting Started Cases - Query All

Code implementation'

Test class:

 *Case 1: Query all
public void run1(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    List<User> ulist =  dao.selectAll();
    //3. Close Session


UserDao: (no SQL statement)

List<User> selectAll();


UserMapper.xml (unique to XML)

<mapper namespace="com.czxy.user.dao.UserDao">
      In corresponding notes select
      id="Method name in interface"
      resultType="Return Value Type"
   <select id="selectAll" resultType="com.czxy.user.domain.User">
      select * from user



Differences between annotations and XML styles (Understanding)


Annotation is an alternative to XML.



4. Advanced-Advanced [Key]

1. Query by ID

Test class:

 *Case 2: Query by ID
public void run2(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    User user = dao.selectUserByUid(6);
    //3. Close Session



User selectUserByUid(@Param("uid") int i);



<select id="selectUserByUid" resultType="com.czxy.user.domain.User">
   select * from user where uid = #{uid}



2. Add

Test class:

 *Case 3: Add
public void run3(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    User user = new User(null, "Brilliant sir", new Date(), "male", "Pandora Box");
    int row = dao.insert(user);
    //3. Commit the transaction before closing the session


int insert(User user);



   In corresponding notes insert
   id="Method name in interface"
<insert id="insert">
   insert into user values (#{uid},#{username},#{birthday},#{sex},#{address})



3. Modification

Test class:

 *Case 4: Modification
public void run4(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    int row = dao.update("2010-01-01","female","Village",9);
    //3. Commit the transaction before closing the session



int update(@Param("birthday")String birthday, @Param("sex")String sex, @Param("address")String address, @Param("uid")int uid);


<update id="update">
   update user set birthday=#{birthday},sex=#{sex},address=#{address} where uid=#{uid}




4. Delete

Test class:

 *Case 5: Delete
public void run5(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    int row = dao.deleteByUid(5);
    //3. Commit the transaction before closing the session



int deleteByUid(@Param("uid") int i);


<delete id="deleteByUid">
   delete from user where uid=#{uid}



5. Summary


XML Schema


<select id="method name"resultType="return value type"></select>


<insert id="method name"></ Insert >


<update_id="method name"></ update >


<delete id="method name"></ delete >



Parameters are assigned and commented the same way




6. Total number of records queried

select count(*) from user;

Test class:

 *Case 6: Total number of records queried
public void run6(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    int count = dao.selectCount();
    //3. Close Session



int selectCount();



<select id="selectCount" resultType="int">
   select count(*) from user



7. Conditional Query (Fixed SQL Statement)

Query: User name contains "ao" and all users with gender of "male"

Test class:

 * Case 7: Query: User name contains "ao" and all users of gender "male"
public void run7(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    List<User> ulist = dao.selectUlistByParam("%ao%","male");
    //3. Close Session



List<User> selectUlistByParam(@Param("username") String username, @Param("sex") String sex);



<select id="selectUlistByParam" resultType="com.czxy.user.domain.User">
   select * from user where username like #{username} and sex = #{sex}




8. Conditional Query (Dynamic SQL) [Key]

Query: User name contains "ao" and all users with gender of "male"

  1. If username is not passed, only gender is filtered
  2. If gender is not passed in, filter user names
  3. If neither user name nor gender is passed, query all


Dynamic SQL: Split different SQL statements according to different conditions

Modified UserMapper.xml:

<select id="selectUlistByParam" resultType="com.czxy.user.domain.User">
   select * from user
      <if test="username!=null and username!=''">
         and username like #{username}
      <if test="sex!=null and sex!=''">
         and sex = #{sex}



9. Conditional Query (Dynamic SQL) [Key]

Query: data with uid 1 or 3 or 4 or 6

uid in (1,3,4,6)

Test class:

 * Case 8: Query: data with uid 1 or 3 or 4 or 6
public void run8(){
    //1. Get Dao Objects
    UserDao dao = MyBatisUtils.getMapper(UserDao.class);
    //2. Call Dao Object
    List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
    List<User> ulist = dao.selectUlistByUids(ids);
    //3. Close Session



List<User> selectUlistByUids(@Param("ids") List<Integer> ids);



collection: collection to traverse (equivalent to items in c:forEach)
item: Element traversed each time (equivalent to var in c:forEach)
open: Stitching before traversal
separator: Separation every traverse
close: stitching after traversal
<select id="selectUlistByUids" resultType="com.czxy.user.domain.User">
   select * from user
      <foreach collection="ids" item="uid" open="uid in (" separator="," close=")">



Extension: Dynamic SQL annotated


@Select("<script>select * from user\n" +
        "\t\t<where>\n" +
        "\t\t\t<if test=\"username!=null and username!=''\">\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tand username like #{username}\n" +
        "\t\t\t</if>\n" +
        "\t\t\t<if test=\"sex!=null and sex!=''\">\n" +
        "\t\t\t\tand sex = #{sex}\n" +
        "\t\t\t</if>\n" +
List<User> selectUlistByParam(@Param("username") String username, @Param("sex") String sex);


@Select("<script>select * from user\n" +
        "\t\t<where>\n" +
        "\t\t\t<foreach collection=\"ids\" item=\"uid\" open=\"uid in (\" separator=\",\" close=\")\">\n" +
        "\t\t\t\t#{uid}\n" +
        "\t\t\t</foreach>\n" +
List<User> selectUlistByUids(@Param("ids") List<Integer> ids);

The programmer opens two projects:

An XML way

A way to annotate

Write dynamic SQL in XML and migrate to annotation after testing.



Today's summary:

XML environment setup:

1. Determine if the database has been created

2. Import jar package & core configuration file

3. Create a mapper package and import the Mapper.xml file

4. Create a package package and import the MybatisUtils tool

5. Define JavaBeans, modify JavaBeans to reflect multitable relationships

6. Define Dao & Set Mapper.xml Mapping & Register Mapper.xml File



Dynamic SQL: Split different SQL statements according to different conditions





Please give yourself a compliment on your efforts!

Make a little progress every day `~~

Posted by morphboy23 on Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:13:57 -0700