T4870 Flood (sliker.cpp/c/pas) 1000MS 64MB

Keywords: C++

Title Description

The heavy rain should have lasted for several days, but it still didn't stop. Tuhao CCY has just returned from earning 1e yuan from other places, and knows that in the near future, except for his villa, other places will be flooded.

CCY's city can be represented by an N*M (N, M<=50) map with five symbols: "* X D S". Among them, "X" means stone, water and people can not pass through it. It means that plains, CCY and floods can pass through. "*" means the place where the flood started (there may be multiple places where the flood started). "D" means CCY's villa. "S" means the current position of CCY.

CCY can move to adjacent locations every minute, and floods will submerge adjacent unoccupied land (from submerged land) after CCY moves.

Seek CCY to return to the villa for the minimum time. If Cong Ge could not return home, he would probably be drowned, so he would worship the Golden God Rising RP to call the helicopter, so output "ORZ hzwer!!!".

Input and Output Format

Input format:

3 3 D.*

… .S.

Output format:


Input and Output Samples

Input sample #1:
3 3
Output sample #1:
ORZ hzwer!!!
Input sample #2:
3 6
Output sample #2:

Simple extensive search problem, according to the requirements of the title can be simulated.

  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<cmath>
  5 #include<queue>
  6 using namespace std;
  7 int n,m;
  8 int xx[7]={-1,+1,0,0};
  9 int yy[7]={0,0,-1,+1};
 10 struct peo
 11 {
 12     int juli;// 
 13     int x,y;
 14     int step;
 15 }now,nxt;
 16 int map[201][201];
 17 int bgx,bgy,homex,homey;
 18 int vis[201][201];// Where flooded, be careful map and vis Simultaneous judgement 
 19 int ans=438438;
 20 int watercishu=1;
 21 int flag=0;
 22 int vis2[201][201];
 23 int calca(int xxx,int yyy)
 24 {
 25     return max(xxx,homex)-min(xxx,homex)+max(yyy,homey)-min(yyy,homey);
 26 }
 27 void init()
 28 {
 29     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
 30     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
 31         for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
 32         {
 33             char p;
 34             cin>>p;
 35             if(p=='.')
 36             map[i][j]=0;// It's all passable.
 37             else if(p=='X')
 38             map[i][j]=1;// Neither can pass
 39             else if(p=='S')
 40             {map[i][j]=2;//Man's Present Position
 41             bgx=i;bgy=j;}
 42             else if(p=='*')
 43             map[i][j]=3,vis[i][j]=1;// Where the flood started 
 44             else if(p=='D')
 45             {
 46                 map[i][j]=4;// home
 47                 homex=i;
 48                 homey=j;    
 49             }
 51         }
 52 }
 53 void ex()
 54 {
 55     int flag=0;
 56     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
 57     {
 58         for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
 59         {
 60             if(vis[i][j]==watercishu)
 61             {
 62                 for(int k=0;k<4;k++)
 63                 {
 64                     int wx=i+xx[k];
 65                     int wy=j+yy[k];
 66                     if(vis[wx][wy]==0&&map[wx][wy]!=1&&map[wx][wy]!=4&&wx>=1&&wx<=n&&wy>=1&&wy<=m)
 67                     {
 68                         vis[wx][wy]=vis[i][j]+1;
 69                     }
 70                 }
 71             }
 72         }
 73     }
 74     watercishu++;
 75 }
 76 void bfs()
 77 {
 78     queue<peo>q;
 79     now.x=bgx;now.y=bgy;now.step=0;now.juli=calca(bgx,bgy);
 80     q.push(now);
 81     int last=0;// Record the number of steps taken during the last flood expansion 
 82     while(q.size()!=0)
 83     {
 84         peo p=q.front();
 85         if(vis[p.x][p.y]!=0)
 86         {
 87             q.pop();
 88             continue;
 89         }
 90         if(p.juli==0)
 91         {
 92             printf("%d",p.step);
 93             flag=1;
 94             return ;
 95         }
 97         q.pop();
 98         if(p.step>last)
 99         {
100             ex();// Flood propagation
101             last=p.step; 
102         }
103         if(vis[p.x][p.y]!=0)
104         {
105             continue;
106         }
107         for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
108         {
109             int wx=p.x+xx[i];
110             int wy=p.y+yy[i];
111             if(vis2[wx][wy]==0&&vis[wx][wy]==0&&map[wx][wy]!=1&&wx>=1&&wx<=n&&wy>=1&&wy<=m)
112             {
113                 vis2[wx][wy]=1;
114                 nxt.x=wx;
115                 nxt.y=wy;
116                 nxt.step=p.step+1;
117                 nxt.juli=calca(wx,wy);
118                 q.push(nxt);
119             }
120         }
122     }
123 }
124 int main()
125 {
126 ///    freopen("sliker.in","r",stdin);
127 //    freopen("sliker.out","w",stdout);
128     init();
129     bfs();
130     if(flag==0)
131         printf("ORZ hzwer!!!");
132     return 0;
133 }


Posted by Who27 on Thu, 14 Feb 2019 05:57:19 -0800