Recently, the company's project needs to be transferred from SQL Server to MySQL. In the process of transferring, some differences between the two grammars are encountered. After finding a solution on the Internet, it is recorded here. Since there may be many solutions, I only record what I have used for reference.
1. Splicing string
Using the group ABCD concat method
( SELECT LEFT(dal.DeliveryAreaList, LEN(dal.DeliveryAreaList) - 1) FROM ( SELECT ( SELECT CAST(DeliveryArea AS VARCHAR) + '|' FROM Rel_MainCommodityDeliveryArea WHERE MainCommodityId = a.MainCommodityId AND DeliveryArea <> 0 AND Disabled = 0 ORDER BY DeliveryArea ASC FOR XML PATH('') ) AS DeliveryAreaList ) dal ) AS DeliveryAreasList
(select group_concat(rmcda.DeliveryArea order by rmcda.DeliveryArea desc separator '|') from Rel_MainCommodityDeliveryArea rmcda where rmcda.MainCommodityId = a.MainCommodityId and rmcda.DeliveryArea <> 0 and rmcda.Disabled = 0) as DeliveryAreasList
2. MySQL and update set select syntax
In MySQL, update set select has no from, so it needs to use the syntax of updating multiple tables
update fc set fc.UseScenarios = (ISNULL(fc.InheritName, '') + ISNULL(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix, '') + '-' + ISNULL(cn.ChannelAlias, '') + ISNULL(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')), fc.UseScenariosEn = (ISNULL(fc.CommodityName_Prefix, '') + ISNULL(fc.InheritName, '') + ISNULL(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix, '') + ISNULL(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')), fc.[Rec_ModifyBy] = '{updateUser}', fc.[Rec_ModifyTime] = now(3) from Fct_Commodity as fc inner join Fct_MainCommodity as fmc on fc.MainCommodityId = fmc.MainCommodityId inner join Dim_Channel as cn on fc.ChannelId = cn.ChannelId where fc.Disabled = 0 and fmc.Disabled = 0 and fc.InheritName is not null and fc.InheritName <> '' and fmc.[MainCommodityCode] in ({codeList})
update Fct_Commodity fc, Fct_MainCommodity fmc, Dim_Channel cn set fc.UseScenarios = (ifnull(fc.InheritName, '') + ifnull(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix, '') + '-' + ifnull(cn.ChannelAlias, '') + ifnull(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')), fc.UseScenariosEn = (ifnull(fc.CommodityName_Prefix, '') + ifnull(fc.InheritName, '') + ifnull(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix, '') + ifnull(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')), fc.Rec_ModifyBy = '{updateUser}', fc.Rec_ModifyTime = now(3) where fc.MainCommodityId = fmc.MainCommodityId and fc.ChannelId = cn.ChannelId and fc.Disabled = 0 and fmc.Disabled = 0 and fc.InheritName is not null and fc.InheritName <> '' and fmc.MainCommodityCode in ({codeList})
3. Use limit in MySQL subquery
limit is not allowed for some subqueries in MySQL. If you need to use it, you need to use select to package another layer
SELECT UnitId,UnitName FROM Dim_Unit WHERE UnitName IN ( SELECT TOP 6 fmc.Unit FROM Fct_MainCommodity fmc INNER JOIN Dim_Unit du ON fmc.Unit=du.UnitName WHERE fmc.Disabled=0 AND du.Disabled=0 GROUP BY fmc.Unit ORDER BY COUNT(fmc.Unit) DESC )
select UnitId, UnitName from Dim_Unit where UnitName in ( select temp.Unit from (select fmc.Unit from Fct_MainCommodity fmc inner join Dim_Unit du on fmc.Unit = du.UnitName where fmc.Disabled = 0 and du.Disabled = 0 group by fmc.Unit order by COUNT(fmc.Unit) desc limit 6) temp)
4. Parameter '@Rec_CreateTime' must be defined
Parameterized spell sql, do not use now(3), directly get the current time in the code
public static Hashtable CreateByCheck(Hashtable htValue,string userID) { if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateTime")) { htValue.Add("Rec_CreateTime", "now(3)"); } if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateBy")) { htValue.Add("Rec_CreateBy", HttpContext.Current == null ? "admin" : userID); } return htValue; }
public static Hashtable CreateByCheck(Hashtable htValue,string userID) { if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateTime")) { htValue.Add("Rec_CreateTime", DateTime.Now); } if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateBy")) { htValue.Add("Rec_CreateBy", HttpContext.Current == null ? "admin" : userID); } return htValue; }
5 concatenated string + character set
(maincommonityname + ifnull (maincommonityname ﹣ postfix, "")) splicing can not get the desired result
[HY000] [1267] illegal mix of collations (utf8 bin, none) and (utf8 general Ci, cooperative) for operation '=': need to add the collate utf8 general CI unified character set
select MainCommodityName from Fct_MainCommodity where (MainCommodityName + ifnull(MainCommodityName_Postfix, '')) = 'Attachment upload raw materials A enter A Out of 1003' and Disabled = 0 and ifnull(IsAutoHide, 0) != 1 and MainCommodityId != '27135417-a42b-453f-a1cc-1617d6fc471e';
select MainCommodityName from Fct_MainCommodity where CONCAT(MainCommodityName, cast(ifnull(MainCommodityName_Postfix, '') as nchar(50))) collate utf8_general_ci = 'Attachment upload raw materials A enter A Out of 1003' and Disabled = 0 and ifnull(IsAutoHide, 0) != 1 and MainCommodityId != '27135417-a42b-453f-a1cc-1617d6fc471e';
6 use regular in SQL
Regular can be used after LIKE in MSSQL, but REGEXP is required for MYSQL
select isnull( MAX(BrandCode),99999)+1 as BrandCode from Fct_Brand where BrandCode like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
select ifnull( MAX(BrandCode),99999)+1 as BrandCode from Fct_Brand where BrandCode regexp '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'