MySQL common operation instructions and built-in functions, welcome to add!
- Build library, select Library
create database class1824; use python1804;
- Delete Library
drop database class1824;
3. Create and delete tables
create table user(userid int(11),username varchar(32),password char(32)); drop table user;
- Change name
alter table user rename users;
- Table field rename
alter table user change userid id int(11);
- Modify field type and location
alter table user modify username char(32) first;
- Add delete table field
alter table user add column password char(64) after username; alter table user drop column sex;
- Create creates an index. Create cannot create a primary key index. Note the difference between create and alter
create index in_id on t1(id);
- Alter creates an index. Create cannot create a primary key index. Note the difference with alter
Alter table users add unique; #Fulltext (field name); primary key (field name); index (field name)
- Delete index
alter table users drop index username on t1;
- Delete primary key index, remove increment first
alter table users modify id int(11) unsigned not null; alter table users drop primary key;
- Insert data method 1, all fields in the same order
insert into users values(1,"haha","adfdsfadsf12"),(2,"xixi","afdsf123321");
- Insert data method 2, set the incrementing field not to operate
insert into users(id,username,password) values(3,"hehe","12333adf123");
- Replace column data
update scores set nu=replace(nu,1,2);
- Duplicate removal
select distinct balance from money;
- Sort, desc descending, asc ascending.
select * from money where age>30 order by balance desc,age asc limit 2 ,5; asc Ascending order;
17. group by
select count(province),province from money group by province;
18. Condition screening group by
select count(province) as result,province from money group by province with rollup;
19. Condition screening group by
select count(province) as result,province from money group by province having result>1;
20. Table joint query
select user.username as 'User name',order_goods.oid, as "Trade name" from user,order_goods where user.uid=order_goods.uid;
21. Table joint query 2
select user.username as 'user', as "commodity" from user inner join order_goods on user.uid=order_goods.uid;
22.left join syntax
select * from user left join order_goods on user.uid=order_goods.uid;
23. Attention and 22
select * from user where uid in(select uid from order_goods); select uid from user union all select uid from order_goods;
24. update data
update user set username="Ha-ha",password="123456" where uid=8;
25. Update two tables at the same time
update money m,users u set m.balance=m.balance*,u.password=m.balance where;
26.delete from, add ID from the original basis, for example, 1, 2, 3, delete id=2, and id=3 does not change! Note the difference between truncate and 27
delete from money where id>9; delete from Table name;
- id starts from 1 after truncate clears the table
truncate table users;
28. Database remote connection, pay attention to the use of the symbol *
grant Jurisdiction on Library name.Table name to 'User name'@'ip address' identified by Password; grant all on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by '123456' with grant option; grant select,insert on class1824.* to 'jinxingping'@'localhost' identified by '123321'; flush privileges; service mysql restart;
29. Delete the specified permission
revoke insert on class1824.* from 'jinxingping'@'localhost';
30. Copy table structure and data
create table user1 like users; insert into user1 select * from users;
31. Table view
create view v_t1 as select * from t1 where id>2 and id<8; show create/drop view v_t1;
- mysql common built-in functions
mysql For display content select //String function mysql> select concat("hello","world") as nihao; #Concatenate string select lcase("MYSQL");#Turn lowercase select ucase("mysql"); #Turn capitalization mysql> select length("haha"); Length of string mysql> select ltrim(" haha"); Remove left space +-------------------+ | ltrim(" haha") | +-------------------+ | haha | +-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select rtrim(" haha ");Remove right space mysql> select repeat("Important things are to be repeated for 3 times",6); select replace("java Is the best language in the world","java","python"); mysql> select substr("python is so good",2,7); 7 from the second character mysql Starting from 1 mysql> select concat(space(20),'haha'); #Generate 20 spaces //Mathematical function mysql> select ceiling(123.1); mysql> select floor(123.1); mysql> select rand(); Find random number 0-1 Decimal between mysql> select bin(10); //Date function mysql> select curdate(); Return date 2018-7-25 mysql> select curtime(); 11:21:33 mysql> select now(); date+Time 2018-07-25 11:22:14 mysql> select week(now()); Return 29 indicates the current week mysql> select year(now()); Return to 2018 mysql> select unix_timestamp(now()); Timestamp of current time mysql> select from_unixtime(1532489069); +---------------------------+ | from_unixtime(1532489069) | +---------------------------+ | 2018-07-25 11:24:29 | +---------------------------+ Format the current timestamp as a date