Knowledge points of ecarts data visualization (I)
1. Use steps
(1) Import the echorts.js file
(2) Prepare a box to present the chart
(3) Initialize the ecarts instance object (parameters, dom elements, which determine the final rendering position of the chart)
var mCharts = echarts.init(document.querySelector('div'))
(4) Prepare configuration items
(5) Set the configuration item to the ecarts instance object
2. Common charts
(1) Histogram
var option = { //x-axis configuration xAxis:{ type:'category',// data:xDataArr//Data can be defined in advance, and only assignment is required here; }, yAxis:{ type:'value'//Numerical type }, series:[{ name:'language', type:'bar', //sign markPoint:{ data:[{type:'max',name:'Maximum'},{type:'min',name:'minimum value'}] }, //average value markLine:{ data:[{type:'average',name:'average value'}] }, lable:{ show:true, rotate:60, position:'inside' }, barWidth:30%, data:yDateArr//Define it in advance. Here, you only need to assign a value }] }
Common effects:
Marking: maximum, minimum, average
Display: numerical display, column width, horizontal histogram
Change the roles of the x and y axes;
(2) Line chart
Common effects:
Maximum value, minimum value, average value and marked interval;
Markpoint (maximum, minimum);
Markline (average);
Line control:
Fill style:
Next to edge:
Scaling: scale off 0 values
Stacking diagram:
series:[ { name:'a brand of instant noodles', data:yDataArr, stack:'all', type:'line', markPoint:{ data:[{type:'max'},{type:'min'}] }, markLine:{ data:[{type:'average'}] }, markArea:{ data:[[{xAxis:'1 month'},{yAxis:'2 month'}],[{xAxis:'7 month',yAxis:'8 month'}]] }, smooth:true, lineStyle:{ color:'', type:'dashed' }, areaStyle:{ color:'' }, }, { type:'line', data:yDataArr, stack:'all', areaStyle:{} } ], xAxis:{ type:'category', data:xDataArr, boundaryGap:false }, yAxis:{ type:'value', scale:true }
(3) Scatter diagram
var option = { xAxis:{ type:'value', scale:true }, yAxis:{ type:'value', scale:true }, series:[ { //type:'scatter', type:'effectScatter' data:axisData, //symbolSize:20, symbolSize: function(arg){ var height = arg[0]/100; var weight = arg[1]; //bmi = weight kg / (height m * height m) greater than 28 represents obesity var bmi = weight /(height * height) if(bim > 28){ return 20 } return 5 }, itemStyle:{ color:function(arg){ console.log(arg);//The logic is the same as above return 'pink' } } } ] }
Common effects:
Bubble chart effect:
The size of scatter points is different (symbol size);
The color of scatter points is different (itemStyle);
Effect of ripple Animation:
(4) Common configurations in rectangular coordinate system
Rectangular coordinate system chart: histogram, broken line chart and scatter chart
Configuration 1: grid
Grid is used to control the layout and size of rectangular coordinate system. x-axis and y-axis are drawn on the basis of grid
Display grid:show
gird's border: borderWidth/borderColor
Location and size of grid: left/top/right/bottom/width/height
grid:{ show:true,//display borderWidth:10, borderColor:'red', left:120, top:120, width:300, height:150 }
Configuration 2: axis
The coordinate axes are divided into x-axis and y-axis. There are at most two positions of x-axis and y-axis in a grid
Coordinate system type: type
Value - value axis, which will automatically read data from the target data;
Category - category axis, which must set category data through data;
Display position: position
xAxis: the value can be top or bottom;
yAxis: can be left or right;
Configuration 3: Area zoom dataZoom
dataZoom is used for area scaling and data range filtering. Both x-axis and y-axis can be used
dataZoom is an array, which means that multiple area scalers can be configured
var option = { dataZoom:[{ type:'slider' type:'inside'//This type is generally not used xAxisIndex:0 } },{ type:'slider', yAxisIndex:0, start:0, end:50 }] }
Type: type
Slider: slider;
inside: built in, zoom by mouse wheel or two fingers;
Indicate which axis is active:
xAxisIndex: set which x-axis is controlled by the scaling component, generally write 0;
yAxisIndex: set which y-axis is controlled by the scaling component, generally write 0;
Indicates the scaling of the initial state:
start: the starting percentage of the data window range;
End: end percentage of data window range;
(5) Pie chart
Data is an array of objects consisting of: name and value
var option = { series:[ { type:'pie', data:pieData//Data prepared in advance label:{//Display of pie chart text show:true//display text formatter:function(arg){ return'platform'+'arg.value+'element\n'+arg.percent + '%' }, radius:20,//Radius of pie chart radius:'20%'//Percentage refers to the smaller half of the width and height to set the percentage radius:['50%','75%']//The 0th element represents the radius of the outer circle, and the first element represents the radius of the outer circle roseType:'radius'//The radius of each area of the nandinger chart and pie chart is different and will change with the change of the value selectedMode:'single'//The selected effect can deviate the selected area from the dot by a short distance selectedMode:'multiple' selectedOffset:30 } } ] }
Common values:
Display value: label.formatter;
Ring: These are two radii: ['50%', '70%'];
Nandingertu: roseType: 'radius';
Selected effect:
Selected mode: selected mode (single / multiple);
Selected quantity: selectedOffset:30;
(6) Maps
How to use maps and charts:
Baidu map API: you need to apply for Baidu map API;
Vector map: vector map data needs to be prepared;
//Data acquisition //Register map vector data ecarts. Registermap ('chinemap ', vector map data) in the Ajax callback function $.get('',function(ret){ console.log(ret);//Is the vector map data of China's brother provinces echarts.registerMap('chinaMap',ret); var option = { geo:{ type:'map', map:'chinaMap',//chinaMap needs to be consistent with the first parameter in registerMap roam:true,//Sets the effects that allow zooming and dragging label:{ show:true//Display label }, zoom:1//Sets the initial scale center:[87.617733,43.792818]//Set the coordinates of the map center point, which can be obtained from the map vector data } } mCharts.setOption(option) })
Common configuration:
Zoom drag: roam;
Name display: label;
Initial zoom: zoom;
Map center: center;
Common effects:
Display an area;
Different cities have different colors;
series :[ { data:airData, geoIndex:0//Associate the air quality data with the 0th geo configuration type:'map' } ], visualMap:{ min:0, max:300, inRange:['white','red']//Controls the range of color gradients calculbale:true//The effect of the slider appears }
Combination of map and scatter map;
series:[ { data:airData, geoIndex:0//Associate the air quality data with the 0th geo configuration type:'map' }, { data:scatterDate,//Configure coordinate data for scatter points type:'effectScatter', coordinateSystem:'geo',//Indicate the coordinate system used by the scatter point, the coordinate system of geo rippleEffect:{ scale:10//Sets the scale of the ripple animation } } ]
(7) Radar chart
Maximum value of each dimension:
indicator:[{name:'Ease of use',max:100},...]
var option = { radar:{ indicator:dataMax,//Configure the maximum value of each dimension shape:'circle'//Configure the outermost graph of radar chart circle polygon }, series:[ { type:'radar',//This chart is a radar chart label:{ show:true//Display value }, areaStyle:{},//Shadow the radar map of each product data:[ { name:'Huawei mobile phone', value:[] }, { name:'ZTE Mobile', value:[] } ] } ] }
Common configuration:
Display value: label;
Area: areaStyle;
Drawing type: shape;
(8) Instrument cluster diagram
var option = { series:[ { type:'guage', data:[ { value:97, itemStyle:{//Pointer style color:'pink',//The color of the pointer } },//Each object represents a pointer { value:85, itemStyle:{color:'green'} }, ], min:50//min max control instrument panel value range } ] }
Common effects:
Value range: max,min;
Multiple pointers: add array elements in data;
Make a pointer color difference: itemStyle
3. General configuration
(1) Title: title
Text styles: textStyle
Title border: borderWidth/borderColor/borderRadius
Title Position: left/top/right/bottom
(2) Prompt: Tooltip (prompt box component, used to configure the display box when the mouse slides over or clicks the chart)
Trigger type: trigger (item, axis)
Trigger timing: trigger on (mouseover/click)
Formatting: formatter (string, callback function)
tooltip:{ trigger:'axis', triggerOn:'click', //formatter:'{b}' scored {c} ', formatter:function(arg){ return arg[0].name + 'Your score is:'+arg[0].data } }
(3) Tool button: toolbox (toolbar provided by ecarts: built in five tools: export picture, data view, dynamic type switching, data area scaling and reset)
toolbox:{ feature:{ saveAsImage:{},//Export picture dataView:{},//Data attempt restore:{},//Reset dataZoom:{},//Area scaling magicType:{ type:['bar','line'] }//Dynamic chart type switching } }
(4) legend: legend
series:[ { name:'language', type:'bar', data:yDataArr1 }, { name:'mathematics', type:'bar', data:yDataArr2 } ], legend:{ data:['language','mathematics'] }
legend: legend, used to filter series. It needs to be used with series
The data in legend is an array;
The data value of legend must be consistent with the name value of a group of data in the series array