Is a fast, compact, feature rich third-party JavaScript library
1. Select HTML element
2. Operation elements
3.CSS operation
4. Operation HTML event
Use: import links to required HTML files
1. Direct introduction of network resources
2. Download network resources locally to import
2. Use of jquery
2.1 $(selector)
Universal selector selects all elements
The tag name selector selects an array
Select by class name
Combination selector
Select an element with some attributes according to the attribute selector []
Progeny and progeny selector
console.log($("div p")[0]); console.log($("div>div")[0]);
2.2 $(HTML (fragment))
Convert the HTML fragment into an Element element Element, and then encapsulate it with jQuery
2.3$(Element element)
Convert Element element to Jquery
2.4 $(anonymous function)
Anonymous functions are executed after the document is completed
Prevent jQuery code from running before the document is loaded
// Document ready event $(document).ready(function() { $("p").click(function() { $(this).hide(); }); });
//Anonymous function $(function(){ })
3.jQuery event
click: when a user clicks an element, an event is triggered
$(document).ready(function() { $("div").click(function() { alert("Point me"); }); });
$(".p1").mouseenter(function() { alert("It's already on me"); })
//The bind() method adds one or more event handlers to the selected element and specifies the function to run when the event occurs. $("button").bind("click",function(){ $("p").slideToggle(); });
//Change the color of the input field when it loses focus (blur): $("input").blur(function(){ $("input").css("background-color","#D6D6FF"); }); //Get focus $("input").focus(function() { // $(this).hide(); $(this).css("background-color", "red"); });
/*The change event occurs when the value of an element changes. This event applies only to text field s, as well as textarea and select elements. change() Function triggers a change event or specifies the function to run when a change event occurs. Note: when used to select an element, the change event occurs when an option is selected. When used for text field or text area, this event occurs when the element loses focus.*/ $(".field").change(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#FFFFCC"); });
//Hide or show p elements when clicking the mouse: $("div").delegate("button","click",function(){ $("p").slideToggle(); });
//The isDefaultPrevented() method returns whether the preventDefault() method was called on the specified event object. //Examples Prevent links from opening URL s and declare results from isDefaultPrevented(): $("a").click(function(){ event.DefaultPrevented(); alert("Blocked a The default behavior"); })
method | describe |
bind() | Attach one or more event handlers to the matching element |
blur() | A blur event that triggers,, or binds a function to a specified element |
change() | Triggers, or binds a function to the change event of the specified element |
click() | Trigger, or bind the function to the click event of the specified element |
dblclick() | Trigger,, or bind the function to the double click event of the specified element |
delegate() | Attach one or more event handlers to the current or future child elements of the matching element |
die() | Remove all event handlers added through the live() function. |
error() | The error event that triggers,, or binds the function to the specified element |
event.isDefaultPrevented() | Returns whether event.preventDefault() was called on the event object. |
event.pageX | Mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
event.pageY | Mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
event.preventDefault() | Block the default action for the event. |
event.result | Contains the last value returned by the event handler triggered by the specified event. |
event.target | The DOM element that triggered the event. |
event.timeStamp | This property returns the number of milliseconds from January 1, 1970 to the time of the event. |
event.type | Describes the type of event. |
event.which | Indicates which key or button was pressed. |
focus() | Trigger,, or bind the function to the focus event of the specified element |
keydown() | Trigger, or bind the function to the key down event of the specified element |
keypress() | Trigger, or bind the function to the key press event of the specified element |
keyup() | Trigger, or bind the function to the key up event of the specified element |
live() | Add one or more event handlers for current or future matching elements |
load() | The load event that triggers,, or binds the function to the specified element |
mousedown() | Triggers, or binds the function to the mouse down event of the specified element |
mouseenter() | Triggers, or binds a function to the mouse enter event of the specified element |
mouseleave() | Trigger, or bind the function to the mouse leave event of the specified element |
mousemove() | Triggers, or binds the function to the mouse move event of the specified element |
mouseout() | Triggers, or binds the function to the mouse out event of the specified element |
mouseover() | Triggers, or binds a function to the mouse over event of the specified element |
mouseup() | Triggers, or binds a function to the mouse up event of the specified element |
one() | Add an event handler to the matching element. The processor can only be triggered once per element. |
ready() | Document ready event (when HTML document ready is available) |
resize() | Triggers, or binds a function to the resize event of the specified element |
scroll() | Trigger,, or bind the function to the scroll event of the specified element |
select() | Trigger,, or bind the function to the select event of the specified element |
submit() | Trigger,, or bind the function to the submit event of the specified element |
toggle() | Bind two or more event handler functions to execute when a rotating click event occurs. |
trigger() | Specified event for all matching elements |
triggerHandler() | The specified event of the first matched element |
unbind() | Removes an added event handler from the matching element |
undelegate() | Remove an added event handler from the matching element, now or in the future |
unload() | Triggers, or binds a function to the unload event of the specified element |
4. Effect
4.1 hide / show
Hide (): hide HTML elements
Parameters: two optional
1. MS string type of speed number type (fast/slow)
2. Function is a callback function, and the operation after callback is completed
$("#hide").click(function() { $(this).hide(1000, function() { alert("I've hidden"); }); $("p").hide(1000); $("#show").show(1000); });
show(): display HTML elements
Parameters: two optional
1. MS string type of speed number type (fast/slow)
2. Function is a callback function, and the operation after callback is completed
$("#show").click(function() { $(this).hide(1000); $("p").show(1000); $("#hide").show(1000); });
toggle(): displays the hidden elements and hides the displayed elements
Parameters: two optional
1. MS string type of speed number type (fast/slow)
2. Function is a callback function, and the operation after callback is completed
$("#btn").click(function() { $("p").toggle(1000, function() { alert("The state is switched"); }); });
4.2 fade in and fade out
fadeIn(): fade in the hidden elements slowly
//The optional speed parameter specifies the duration of the effect. It can take the following values: "slow", "fast", or milliseconds. //The optional callback parameter is the name of the function to be executed after fading is completed.
$("#btn").click(function() { $("div").fadeIn(3000, function() { alert("I've shown"); }); });
fadeOut(): fade out the displayed elements slowly
$("#div2").fadeOut(3000, function() { alert("I'm slowly disappearing"); });
fadeTo(): gradient gives opacity value
// Give the div3 gradient an opacity value // $(selector).fadeTo(speed,opacity,callback); $("#div3").fadeTo("fast", 0.15, function() { $("#div3").text(" I'm already fading "); });
4.3 sliding
slideDown(): used to slide elements down
Syntax: $(selector).slideDown(speed,callback);
Parameters: speed (effect duration) and callback (callback function)
$(".btn2").click(function() { $(".app2").slideDown(3000, function() { $(".app2").css("background", "pink"); });
slideUp(): used to slide elements down
$(".btn1").click(function() { $(".app1").slideUp(); });
slideToggle(): this method can switch between slideDown() and slideUp()
$(".btn3").click(function() { $(".app1").slideToggle(); $(".app2").slideToggle(); });
4.4 animation
animate(): used to create custom animations
Syntax: $(selector).animate({params},speed,callback);
To manipulate the position, remember to first set the CSS position attribute of the element to relative, fixed, or absolute
When using animate(), all attribute names must be written using the Camel notation. For example, paddingLeft must be used instead of padding left, and marginRight must be used instead of margin right
$("button").click(function() { $("div").animate({ left: '250px', top: '50px', opacity: '0.2', width: '100px', height: '100px' }); });
4.5 stop effect or animation
stop(): used to stop animations or effects before they are completed.
$("#stop").click(function(){ $("#panel").stop(); });
4.6 chain call
Through jQuery, you can link actions / methods.
Chain allows us to allow multiple jQuery methods (on the same element) in a statement.
$(document).click(function() { //call chaining $("#div1").css("color", "red").slideUp(2000) .slideDown(2000) .fadeIn(2000) .fadeOut(2000); });
6. Operate the dom node
6.1 obtaining nodes
6.2 obtaining content
. text(): forcibly obtain the text console.log($("#app").text());
. html(): get the text and label console.log($("#app").html());
. val(): get the value in the input box
$("#btn").click(function() { // Set the value in the input content box $("input").val("999"); console.log($("#input").val()); });
. attr(): get the attribute console.log($("a").attr("href"));
6.3 setting content
text(): console.log($("#app").text("setting"));
html(): console.log($("#app").html("<p>hdhhdhdh</p>"));
val(): set the value $("input").val("999") in the input box;
// Set the properties of a $("a").attr("href", "http://taobao.com"); $("a").attr({ "name": "username", "title": "sss" });
6.4 callback function:
Parameters: two
The subscript of the current element in the selected element list
Text is old text
Return as the return value of the function will be used as the new content displayed inside the element
// The callback function i is the subscript of the selected element $("#app").text(function(i, text) { console.log(i); console.log(text); return "123"; });
[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-vmms2num-1631259909607) (D: \ typera \ Ajax \ img \ image-20210910152927790. PNG)]
6.5 adding elements
6.5.1 append method
append: insert content at the end of the selected element and add content inside the element
$("#div1").append(" append text "); var p1 = "<p>p1</p>"; var p2 = "<p>p2</p>"; $("#div1").append(p1, p2);
6.5.2 prepend method
prepend: insert content at the beginning of the selected element and insert content inside the element
$("#div1").prepend(" add text at the beginning "); var p1 = "<p>p1</p>"; var p2 = "<p>p2</p>"; $("#div1").prepend(p1, p2);
6.5.3 after method
After: inserts content after the selected element
// Outside the current element $("#div1").after(p1, p2);
6.5.4 before method
Before: inserts content before the selected element
$("#div1").before(p1, p2);
6.6 deleting elements
remove: deletes the selected element (and its child elements)
empty(): deletes child elements from the selected element
// Delete all div and its child elements $("div").remove(); // Delete div element with id app $("div").remove("#app"); $("#div1").empty();
6.7 static method
each: traverse the result of the current element
// Can be traversed $("div").each(function(index, element) { console.log($(this)); console.log($(index)); console.log($(element)); });
css can set the effect of elements