Summary notes for javaScript and jquery

Keywords: Javascript Front-end JQuery

Pay attention to me when I study, learn something by myself and some useful little things! In the future, you will also send some projects you have done and how to solve the problems you encountered.

JavaScript Common Events

onclick//Mouse Stand-alone Object
onmouseover//Mouse pointer is moved over an element
onmouseout//Mouse pointer leaves an element
onmousedown//A mouse button is pressed
onmouseup//A mouse button is released

1. What is JavaScript

1.1. Overview

JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world

Javaa, JavaScript (10-day language)

1.2. History

ECMAScript can be understood as a standard for JavaScript

The latest version has reached es6

But most browsers just stay on es5-enabled code!

Development Environment - Online Environment, Version Inconsistent

2. Quick Start

2.1. Introducing JavaScript

1. Internal Label


2. External introduction




<script src="abs.js"> </script>

Test Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <!--script Inside the label, write javaScript Code>
        <script src="js/qj.js">  </> Self-closing label
        write javaScript Code must appear in pairs\
        Do not display definitions type He defaults to
    <script type="text/javaScript"></script>

    <script src="js/qj.js">

    <script src="js/qj.js"></script>


2.2. Introduction to Basic Grammar

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // 1. Define variable type variable name = variable value;
var num=1;
 var name ="Sword";

// 2. Conditions control strict case sensitivity



for loop

var name=["Shen Jian","love","Chen Ji"];
for(var u=0;u<name.length;u++ ){

switch loop

var age=15;
case 15:
alert('Chen Gou');
case 12:
alert('Chen sb');


Browser Prerequisite Debugging Notes:

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-c1Hw8PC0-163759919) (C:\UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-202122948.png)]

2.3, Data type

Value, Text, Graphics, Audio, Video


js does not distinguish between decimal and integer, Number

123//Integer 123
123.1//Floating point 123.1
1.123e3//Scientific Counting
NaN //not a number
Infinity//Indicates infinity
typeof(xx)//Determine what type of variable it is 
undefined and null What's common is that they are empty. What's different is that:undefined Indicates that no value has been set for the variable or that the property does not exist null There is value, but the value is empty


'abc' "abc"



stay Js Medium as long as it is var Adding types automatically transforms

String type

string object.length
charAt(index) Returns the character at the specified position
indexOf(str,index) Finds the first occurrence of a specified string within a string
substring(index1,index2) Returns the location at the specified index index1 and index2 String between,Include index index1 Corresponding characters, do not wrap index index2 Corresponding characters
split(str)Split a string into an array of strings
replace(regexp/substr,replacement) Replace some characters with others in the string

Boolean Value


Logical operation

&& Two are true, the result is true
|| One is true, the result is true
!True is False, False is True and Reverse

Comparison Operator!!! important

==Be equal to(Different types, same values, will also be judged as true) //Compare values equally, no matter what type
====Absolutely equal to(Type is the same, value is the same, result is true)// Everything has to be the same, even type

This is a js flaw, insist not to use==comparison


  • NaN=NaN, this is not equal to all values, including myself

  • This number can only be determined by a method called isNaN(NaN)

Floating point problem:

Loss of precision in floating-point arithmetic Avoid floating-point arithmetic


Java values must be the same type of object~, which is not required in JS!

//Keep your code readable and try to use the first one
var arr=[1,2,3,4,5,'hello',null,true]

new Array(1,12,3,4,4,5,'hello');

Take array subscript: if it crosses the boundary, it will report

undefined  //Indicates that there is no such value

Exceptions will be reported if it is Java and so on...

JavaScript is a weak language!


Object is bracketed and array is bracketed..

Separate each property with a comma, and the last one does not need to be added

	//person person=new person(1,2,3,4,5)
var person={
name:"Shen Jian",

Take the value of an object
>"Shen Jian"

2.4. Strict format checking

'use strict'
<!--Strict Check Mode,Prevention javascript Some problems arise from the arbitrariness of;
Must be written in javascript First line
 Local variable recommendation ler Define
 Premise is iede Support es6 grammar   

2.5, Bounce window

Lattice bullet window

var age=prompt('Please enter your age');
alert('You're middle-aged');
}else if(age>20){
alert('You are a young person');
}else if(age>15){
alert('You're a teenager');
}else {
alert('You're a little man');

2.6. Lesson exercises

var age=prompt('Please enter your age');
document.write('Good morning, welcome to Huimei<br>');
for(var u=1;u<=age;u++ ){


else if(age<=20&&age>=13){
document.write('Good afternoon, welcome to Huimei<br>');
for(var u=1;u<=age;u++ ){



}else {document.write('Late at night, I went to bed<br>');

for(var u=1;u<=age;u++ ){



The result from 1 to 100 is 5050

var b=0;
for(var i=1;i<=100;i++){

Practice 2 pop-up greetings on computer

var name=prompt('Please enter the day and month of today');
case "Spring Festival":
document.write('a new year,Everything goes well!');

case "Glutinous Rice Balls for Lantern Festival":
document.write('Happy Lantern Festival,Remember to eat Lantern Festival~');

case "Dragon Boat Festival":
document.write('I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!');
case "National Day":
document.write('National Day should be patriotic,To celebrate');
case "Mid-autumn Festival":
document.write('The Mid-Autumn reunion is most important!');
  document.write('There are no greetings yet!');

Exercise 3 on computer

var score=prompt('Please enter your language test results');
document.write('Not a number was entered');

else if(score<=0&&score>=100){
document.write('Invalid exam results!');

}else if(score<=100&&score>=90){document.write('That's great');

}else if(score>=80&&score<=90){document.write('good,Go on!');

 }else if(score>=60&&score<=80){document.write('Qualified, keep working hard');

  document.write('Unqualified to study hard oh!')

2.Javascipt functions

2.1, Functions

System Functions

//There are three common system functions: parseInt(), parseFloat(), and isNaN(), which are functions used to convert noninteger values to numbers.
//The latter is a function to verify that it is not a number

Function declaration

A function consists of a keyword function, a function name, a set of parameters, and JavaScript statements to be executed in braces

function f5() {
    var  a= document.getElementById("num3").innerHTML;  //Get the value of num
    document.getElementById("num3").innerHTML=a; //Changing the value of num passes to the past

Anonymous function

//Self-calling of anonymous functions, security can only be called once
(function (){

Custom Functions

Define the methods and functions you need to accomplish the functions you want


//Anonymous function
//Write code


Only methods will preresolve, not

//Variable calls to the same method will execute as 1122 
var a =function f() {

var a = function f() {


//Method calls to the same method are preparsed, resulting in 2222 executions

function f() {

function f() {


Function Self-Call

//The common point is that an anonymous function adds a () and calls itself!, Function self-calling is not conflicting because it calls itself
(function f() {
(function f() {


//The f1() function is passed as a parameter into the f() function and executes what is called a callback function.
function f(fn) {
function f1() {

In-class exercises:

//JS Code
//Strictly speaking, I need to write two more sentences to judge that I am lazy and dead. I just don't want to write and understand what I mean.
function a(sh,tz,){
  if (sh>=2.5&&tz>=130){
    alert('Big fat');

  }else if (sh>=2.0&&tz>=110){

  }else if (sh>=1.8&&tz>=100){

  }else if (sh>=1.6&&tz>=80){

  }else if (sh>=1.5&&tz>=50){

  }else {
    alert('Not an individual');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<input name="bth" type="button" onclick="a(prompt('Please enter your elevation'),prompt('Please enter your weight'))" value="Please enter">
<script src="js.js"></script>

2.2. Scope

What is scope?

//Is the scope of the variable, in which the variable in the method acts on the current method if it is a local variable and on the global if it is a global variable
//Local can only be called if defined in {}
//Writing var is a global variable
//Either Write or Implicit Global Variables
 Implicit Global Variables a=1;
display var a=1;
Implicit global variables can be distinguished delete delete
 And it doesn't show!

What is a closure?

//In general, a nested function within a function is a closure
//Opening packages is the first level of functionality

What is an event?

Click Overlay Digital Events

   var  a= document.getElementById("num").innerHTML;  //Get the value of num
    document.getElementById("num").innerHTML=a; //Changing the value of num passes to the past

New jquery technology for homework (super easy to use)

Title 2. Set a button with a div showing the current time (2021-10-12).
Add a click event to the button and click it to add one day (2021-10-13), one day at a time.
Note: Add a month after 30 and reset the date to 1.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Xiao Shen Xinxue jquery</title>
<button class="dateDiv" id="a">Xiao Shenzhen Shuai</button>

<script src=""></script>
    $(function () {
        // Get the current time
        let date = new Date()
        // $('#num1') gets the button tag with id num1,.Click gives the button click event
        $('#a').click(function () {
            // date.getDate() takes the current time + 1 day and receives it as a variable
            let dateTime = date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)
            // $('.dateDiv').html is the date you add to the div that class es assign to dateDiv
            // Because the date I got in + 1 days is in timestamp format, I used a method to convert it to normal time format
            // The time stamp refers to the total number of seconds from 00:00:00 GMT on January 01, 1970 (08:00:00:00 GMT on January 01, 1970) to now.

     * Convert timestamps to normal time format (this can be ignored)
     * @param timestamp
     * @returns {string}
    function getYMDHMS(timestamp) {
        let time = new Date(timestamp)
        let year = time.getFullYear()
        let month = time.getMonth() + 1
        let date = time.getDate()
        let hours = time.getHours()
        let minute = time.getMinutes()
        let second = time.getSeconds()

        if (month < 10) {
            month = '0' + month
        if (date < 10) {
            date = '0' + date
        if (hours < 10) {
            hours = '0' + hours
        if (minute < 10) {
            minute = '0' + minute
        if (second < 10) {
            second = '0' + second
        return year + '-' + month + '-' + date + ' ' + hours + ':' + minute + ':' + second


Open Page

function f() {
    open("index Item 1 Shop.html","","width=400,height=400,left=400");

"width=400,height=400,left=400" //Open a small window to act as a small advertisement
//"" can be placed inside _ left is the way to jump to a page, for example, by opening it yourself or by opening a new page

Close Page

function f1() {


function f2() {
   // setTimeout(bbb,1000); // Execute 1 second after clicking
   time=  setInterval(bbb,1000); //Executes every second

Close timer

function f3() {
    clearInterval(time); //Close timer

next page

function f4() {
   // history.go(-1); // Previous page
    history.forward(); //Next page is required to have a history
function f5() {;//Previous page
    history.go(1); //next page

location object

function f6() {
    location.href="two.html"; //Jump Page
}function f7() {
    location.reload(); //Refresh
}function f8() {
    location.replace("two.html") //Replace page, will replace directly, won't jump, can't go back
function f9() {
    //Get value
    var  a=document.getElementsByName("ss");


document object

        var picture6 = document.getElementById("A4"); //Returns a reference to the first object with the specified id
    var  a=document.getElementsByName("ss");//Returns a collection of objects with the specified name
    var  a=//document.write()//print.getElementsByTagName("ss"); // Returns a collection of objects with the specified label name

Timing function

//Timeout calls setTimeout and executes only once, automatically closing.
//Intermittent call to setIntervalout, executing all the time, requires manual shutdown.

Built-in Objects

//Create Array
var Array name=new Array(size); //Access Array Accessed by Subscripts
//Common properties and methods of arrays
length//Sets or returns the number of elements in an array
 Array object.join(Separator);//Place elements of an array in a string by specifying a separator
sort()//Sort Arrays and Return Arrays
push()//Add one or more elements to the end of the array and return the new length
forEach()//Traversing through an array, the forEach() method does not directly modify the original array, but the callback function may modify it
value:Value of array element
index: Optional parameter, index of array elements
array: Optional parameter, the current traversed array

Data Object

var Date function=new Date(parameter);//Years, months, days, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
getDate():Return Data Object's day of the month, with a value of-31
getDay():Return Data Every day of the week for the object
getHours():Return data Hours of object,The value is 0-23
getMinute():Return minutes
getSeconds():Return seconds
getMonth():Return month
getFullYear():Return year
getTime():Returns the number of milliseconds since a time

Math Object

celi():Round up logarithms
floor:Logarithmic Down Intake
round:Round to the nearest value
random():Return a random number	

4. JavaScript DOM operations

Hierarchical Diagram

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-fkDyP1Pp-16374259922) (C:UsersshenjianDesktopDoM hierarchy diagram.png)]

1. DOM Operation Node Classification

1.DOM core(DOM core operations)



2. Relationship between nodes

Nodes can be understood as each tag or element in an HTML document, and an HTML document is made up of distinct nodes.

  1. The entire document is a document node
  2. Each html tag is an element node
  3. Text contained in html elements is a text node
  4. Each html property is a property node
  5. Comments belong to comment nodes

2.1, Node Information

Each node has attributes that contain some information about the node. These attributes are:

nodeName; // Node name

nodevalue//node value
nodeType//Node Type

Note that element node nodeName is label name attribute node nodeName is attribute name text node nodeName is always #text document node nodeName is always #document

The nodeType property returns the type of the node. Important node types are:

Element element type 1

Attribute attr type is 2

text gets type 3

Comment comments get type 8

Document document gets type 9

   var picture6 = document.getElementById("A4"); //Returns a reference to the first object with the specified id
   var  a=document.getElementsByName("ss");//Returns a collection of objects with the specified name returned as an array element
   var  a=//document.write()//print.getElementsByTagName("ss"); // Returns a collection of objects with the specified label name
       // var a = document.getElementsByClassName('r'); Returns a collection of elements with a class selector object reference that returns all specified class names in the document

Node Properties

parentNode //Return the parent of the current node
childNodes //Returns the collection of child nodes
firstChild//Returns the first child node of a node, usually used to access a text node
lastChild//Returns the last child node of a node
nextSibling//Return to Next Node
previonusSibling//Return to the previous node

element Common Properties

//Returns the first child node of a node, usually used to access a text node
lastElementChild //Returns the last child node of a node
nextElementSibling //Returns the next sibling node of the specified node
previousElementSibling//Returns the last sibling node of the specified node

3. JS Apply style Style


HTML Properties="value";

Apply Code

function f() {

    var a = document.getElementById('c'); //Get the style with id c = "inline-block";//Most css-style operations
function f1() {
    var a = document.getElementById('c'); = "none";


4. className attribute style

grammar  //To put it plain is to get the css style class selector id selector, etc..
  var a = document.getElementById("b");
HTML element.className="Style Name"; //Return element class style 

5. Get the style of the element

HTML Properties;  
code implementation:
   var a = document.getElementById("b"); ="none";  //css typing styles can mostly be used to write code to style what we call inline styles, but in practice we separate css styles from content. How do we get the attribute values of css styles?

When it comes to writing code to a style, what we call inline styles, but in reality we are separating the css style from the content, how do we get the attribute values of the css style?

getComputeDstyle()//Method This method receives two parameters and needs to get a syntax implementation of the style's attribute value

       var  a=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(cr,null).width;
        var  b=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(cr,null).height;
document.write('Wide picture for product'+a);
document.write('Pictures of products are high'+b);

Gets the offsetLeft distance of the element from the left of the web page;


Get cookie s

document.cookie//Get cookie s

Hijacking Principle

<script src="js.js"></script>
//When introducing js, put a Get cookie in JS to get your cookie to his server. You implicitly
//To make it clear, the server that gets your cookie s to upload to him implicitly does not have the scoundrel that Taobao does!
//You open the web page, a Tmall, a Taobao login to Taobao, you will find that Tmall will log in and get your cookie s

7. Delete DOM node

var self = document.getElementById('p1'); //Get a label with id pi
var father = self.parentElement; //Get p1's parent because we can't delete ourselves Our goal is to delete ourselves
//In theory, it can be deleted like this, but it will be updated in real time after deletion, so use father.removeChild(father.children[0]); Can;
father.removeChild(father.children[0]); //Remove father's first son
father.removeChild(father.children[1]);//Remove father's second son
father.removeChild(father.children[2]);//Delete father's third son
/Solve dynamic deletion problem
    // Click Delete
    function del(event) {
        var a =;


8. Create and insert nodes

Action Node Properties

//Get Grammar
get.getAttribute(""); //Whitening means getting the property name and value of the selector
//Set Node Properties
get.setAttribute("",""); Set the property name and value of the selector

Append Node

Create Grammar

document.createElement('Label Name');
//Append Insert
        self = document.getElementById('a'); //Get a label with id pi

    aa.appendChild(self)//Append original labels and values to a label

//Create tags to write attributes inside
        a=document.createElement('style'); //An empty label was created
    a.setAttribute('id','ss');//An id selector with an empty tag and a name
    a.innerHTML="body{background-color:red;}"; //Write css style to body

Replace Node

//By getting his tag, you can set any value//substitution using the properties below him
   var  two=document.createElement('h1');


Create Node

Syntax Created   
​        self = document.getElementById('a'); //Get a label with id pi
​    aa = document.getElementById('p1');
​    newp = document.createElement('p'); //Create a p tag
​    newp.class = "newp"; //Give him a class selector property 
​    newp.innerText = "Shen Jian";//The content of the p tag is Sword
​    aa.append(newp);//Append to aa


Cloning and inserting nodes

Elment.appendChild (value)Add a new child element to the element (to the end of the element)
elment.insertBefore(A,B)Before inserting a node into b node
element.cloneNode(deep)Clone a Node

Update Node

a = document.getElementById('p1').innerText;
        a = document.getElementById('p1').innerHTML;

9. Action Form (Validation)

What is the form? Form itself is also a number of nodes of DOM

  • Text box text
  • Drop-down box
  • Radio radio
  • Multi-checkbox
  • Hide Domain hideden
  • Password box password
  • ...

The purpose of the form is to submit information

Get information to submit

    var user = document.getElementById('username');
    user.value//Get the value of the input box
    user.value='dsd';//Modify the value of the input box
    var man = document.getElementById('man');//For fixed values such as radio boxes, multiple boxes, etc., man.value can only take the current value
    var girl = document.getElementById('girl');//
    man.checked//Check to see if the result returned is true and if true he is selected

Submit form md5 encrypted password

Three Solutions to Solve the Security of Website Logon

1. The disadvantage of MD5 encryption for passwords is that the user experience is very poor.

2. Encrypt the password with MD5 and then give him 2 input s One is showing that a hidden puppet like a puppet and a box is being used

3. If you use form checking, use the onsubmit binding form to check inside. If you pass true then false

   function aaa() {
        var name = document.getElementById('username');
        var pwd = document.getElementById('input-password');
        var md5pwd = document.getElementById('imd5-password');
       pwd.value="www";//The most common way to log in is to say that the value he displays is www
//md5 algorithm
        pwd.value = md5(pwd.value); //Show a bunch of scrambled code using md5 encryption

       return true;

    <script src="md5 address"></script>
    <form action="#" method="post">
        <span>User name</span> <input type="text" id="username" name="username">
        <span>Password </span> <input type="password" id="input-password" >  //Show others like puppets 

    <input type="hidden" id="imd5-password" name="password"> //The truth hidden with hidden is actually one
    <!--Binding Events onclick Clicked-->
    <button type="submit" onclick="aaa()">Submit</button>


Form Binding Submission Event Encryption MD5

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <script src=""></script>
 Form Binding Submission Event
 onsubmit=A bound function submitted for detection is true and false Of
 Return a result to the form, using onsubmit function
<form action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return aaa()">
        <span>User name</span> <input type="text" id="username" name="username">
        <span>Password </span> <input type="password" id="input-password">

    <input type="hidden" id="imd5-password" name="password">
    <!--Binding Events onclick Clicked-->
    <button type="submit" >Submit</button>

    function aaa() {
        var name = document.getElementById('username');
        var pwd = document.getElementById('input-password');
        var md5pwd = document.getElementById('imd5-password');
//md5 algorithm
        pwd.value = md5(pwd.value); //Show a bunch of scrambled code using md5 encryption

        //You can use his checks to determine the contents of the form; ture prevents submission by submitting a false
        return false;


10. Click on the top of the page

window.onload = function () {
    var oBtn = document.getElementById('goTopBtn');


11. Round-robin Map

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        var a = 0;

        function f() {
            setInterval(f1, 100)


        function f1() {
            if (a == 5) {
                document.getElementById('a').setAttribute("src", "img/")

            } else if (a == 10) {

                document.getElementById('a').setAttribute("src", "img/guanxi.jpg")
            } else if (a == 15) {

                document.getElementById('a').setAttribute("src", "img/QQ Picture 20210730102726.jpg")
            if (a >= 15) {
                a = 0;


<img src="img/guanxi.jpg" id="a">
<button onclick="f()"> Guanxi Gets Older</button>

5.javascript object-oriented

1. Object creation

Common built-in objects


Three Factory Modes

Simple Factory Mode
 Factory Method Mode
 Abstract Factory Mode

1. The easiest way to create custom objects

    var  st=new  Object();;"Chen Gou";"male";
    st.eaa=function () {
        alert("Stool and he's still a""Of")

2. Simple factory creation

    function f(id, name, age) {
        var st = new Object(); = id; = name;
        st.age = age; = function () {
        return st;
var  s1= f(1,"Chen Ji",24);;
var  s2= f(2,"Shen Jian",17);

3. Constructor Object Creation

function Student(id, name, age) { = id; = name;
    this.age = age; = function () {

var s1 = new Student(1, "Chen Gou", 11);

Prototype object

Attributes and methods added to the prototype object are shared and defined in the constructor if they do not want to be shared


Constructor name.prototype.New property or method  //You can also use him to add attributes or methods to an object


Prototype chain:

//In ECMAscript, prototype chains are used as the main method of inheritance. The basic idea is to use prototypes to make one reference type inherit the properties and methods of another, similar to JAV inheritance.


//Subclass.prototype=new parent class

Inheritance cannot be inherited across levels. Subclasses can take things from the parent but not from Grandpa

Borrow Constructor

The basic idea of borrowing constructors is simple, that is, to call a parent type constructor inside a subtype constructor. Calls can be made either by the apply() method or by the call() method


apply([thisObj],[argArray]);//A method of one object that replaces the current object with another
call([thisobj[,arg1][,arg2],[argN]]);//Call one method of an object to replace the current object with another

Combinatorial Inheritance:

Combinatorial inheritance is called pseudoclassical inheritance. It refers to an inheritance pattern that combines a prototype chain with a borrowed constructor technology to make the best of both.

The idea behind inheritance is to use prototype chains to inherit prototype properties and methods, and to inherit function properties by borrowing constructors.

This allows you to redefine methods on the prototype to achieve functional reuse while guaranteeing each



jQuery library, which contains a large number of jQuerty functions

Get jQuer

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-eAtKogI5-163759924) (C:\UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-2025.png)]

JQuery Core Functions

Short form: jQuery function ($or jQuery)

JQuery libraries are exposed directly to $or jquery

Once the jquery library is introduced, you can simply use $

When a function uses $(xxx)

When the object is in $. (xxx)

2.jQuery Core Objects

**JQuery Object for short** is what gets returned from executing $()

Get the JQuery object: Executing the JQuery function returns the JQuery object

Use JQuery objects: $;

When called in parentheses, he is the function. If so, he is the object.

When to use objects and when to use functions?

Parentheses are functions. () is the use of objects

3.jQuery features

JQuery can use collection objects directly. Method operations default to the first line of the operation

JQuery can manipulate collections directly (except for pop-ups) and write with a concatenation

[External chain picture transfer failed, source may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-lJfcwjsW-163759926) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-20233.png)]

JQuery Selector

**Base selector:**Base selector is the name of the base id, class, name, and so on.

**Hierarchical Selector: ** is the collective name of a sibling grandchild through a child's parent

Filter selector:

// $(function () {
//     alert('I don't know how many Jqueries')
// })
// $(function () {//union selector
//     alert($("h1,h2").html())
// })
// $(function () {//global selector, get everything from the web page
//     alert($("*").html())
// })
// $(function () {//descendant selector
//     alert($("div a").html())
// })
// $(function () {//sub selector
//     alert($("div>a").html())
// })
// $(function () {//adjacent selector his next sibling selector
//     alert($("div+h1").html())
// })
// $(function () {//peer selector gets all tags for h1 of his peers
//     alert($("div~h1").html())
// })

Form selector:


1.Select unavailable text input boxes
2.Show the number of hobbies you choose

3.Show the selected city name
//1. Select unavailable text input boxes
$(':text:disabled').css('background',"red"); //: text:disabled Gets the input text box text Sets the background color to red for unavailable text boxes
//2. Show how many checkbox es to choose your hobbies
//$(': checkbox:checked').length 	 //: Checkbox:checked Get input box is checkbox The number of boxes selected
//3. Display the selected city name
                   var city=$('select>option:selected').html()//Selected option's label body text
 city=$('select').val()//Value property value of selected o'ption


Detailed description of JQuery base selector

typegrammardescribeReturn valueExample
id selector#idMatch elements based on specified idSingle Element$("#content") Selects an element with an id name of content
Class selector.classMatch elements based on the specified class nameElement Collection$(".content") Selects an element whose class name is content
tag chooserelementMatch elements based on specified label namesElement Collection$("p") Selects all P-Label elements
Global selector*Match all elementsElement Collection$("*") Select all elements
Union selectorselector1,selector2,selector3Match each selector to the element merge and return togetherElement Collection$("div,p,#content") Selects all elements whose div, p, id are content

Detailed description of JQuery filter selector

grammardescribeReturn valueExample
:firstSelect the first elementSingle Element$("ul:first") Selects the first UL element of all UL elements
:lastSelect the last elementSingle Element$("ul:last") Selects the last UL element of all UL elements
:not(selector)Select all elements except the given selectorElement Collection$("ul:not(.top)") Select UL element whose class is not top
:evenSelect an element whose index value is even, index starts at 0Element Collection$("ul:even") Select UL elements whose index is even
:oddSelect the element whose index value is odd, index starts at 0Element Collection$("ul:odd") select the UL element whose index is odd
:eq(index)Select the element of a given index, starting with 0Single Element$("ul:eq(0)") Selects UL element with index 0
:gt(index)Select all elements smaller than the given index, starting with 0Element Collection$("ul:gt(1)") Selects UL elements with an index greater than 1
:lt(index)Select all elements smaller than the given index, starting with 0Element Collection$("ul:lt(1)") Selects UL elements with an index less than 1
:headerSelect all Title elements, such as h1~h6Element Collection$(": header") Selects all the header elements in the page
:focusSelect the element that currently gets focusElement Collection$(": focus") Selects the element that currently gets focus
:animatedSelect all animation elementsElement Collection$(": animated") Selects all current animation elements

Preventions and examples related to JQuery common attribute filter selectors

grammardescribeReturn valueExample
[attribute]Select the element that contains the specified attributeElement Collection$("p[id]") Select the P element with the ID attribute
[attribute=value]Gets the element whose specified property is valueElement Collection$("p[id=content]") Select the P element with the ID attribute of content
[attribute!=value]Gets the element whose specified property is not equal to valueElement Collection$("p[id!=content]") Select the P element that contains an ID attribute that is not equal to the content
[attribute^=value]Gets the element whose specified property begins with valueElement Collection$("p[id^=content]") Select the P element whose Id starts with content
[attribute$=value]Gets the element whose specified property ends with valueElement Collection ( " p [ i d ("p[id ("p[id=content]") Select the P element whose Id ends with the content
[attribute*=value]Gets the element whose specified property contains valueElement Collection$("p[id*=content]") Select the P element whose Id contains the content

Tool method

  1. <! --
    1. $ .each():Traversing through data 2 in an array or object.$.trim():Remove whitespace 3 from both sides of a string. $.type(obj):Get data of type 4.$.isArray (obj):Determine if it is array 5.$.isFunction(obj):Determine whether it is a function
    2. $. parseJSON(json) :analysis json String to js object/array

JQuery Formula

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>

 Formula: $(selector(selector)).action();
<a href="#"Id=" test-jQuery ">dot Lao Zi</a>
$('#test-jQuery').click(function () {
    alert('Hello jQuery')


JS selector versus JQuey

    //Native js, few selectors, hard to remember
    $('p').click();//tag chooser

Online Document Tool Station:


Mouse events, keyboard events, other events

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-MSSuPq67-164259927) (C:\UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-202221271.png)]

Mouse Events (Mouse Move Events)

//Mosemove Mouse Move Event
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    #divMove {
        width: 500px;
        height: 500px;
        border: 1px solid red;

<script src=""></script>
<!-- Requirements: Get the current coordinate of the mouse-->
mouse:<span id="mouseMove"> </span>
<div id="divMove">Move your mouse here to try it
    $(function () {
        $('#divMove').mousemove(function (e) {
            $('#mouseMove').text('x:' + e.pageX + 'y:' + e.pageY)


Operation DOM

$('#Test-ul li[name=python]'. text(); //get value
$('#Test-ul li[name=python]'. text ('1dw'); //set value
$('#test-ul').html(); //get value
$('#Test-ul'). HTML ('<strong>132</strong>'); //Set value

Operation of css

$('#test-ul li[name=python]' ).css("color","red");

Display and hide of elements: intrinsic display=none;

$('#Test-ul li[name=python]'.Show(); //display
$('#Test-ul li[name=python]'..hide(); // hide
$('#Test-ul li[name=python]'.toggle()//Hide if it is shown Hide if it is hidden or show if it is hidden

Entertainment Test

$(window).width(); //Width of window
$(window).height();//Get the height of window
$(document).width(); //Width of file
$(document).height();//Get the height of the file

Create Node


    var tr = $("<tr></tr>");
            var td = $("<td name='name'></td>").html(name)
            var td1 = $("<td name='age'></td>").html(age);
            var td2 = $("<td name='position'></td>").html(zhiye);
            var td3 = $("<td name='mobile'></td>").html(shouji);
            var td4 = $("<td name='email'></td>").html(youx);

Insert Node

Insertion methodgrammardescribe
Insert insideappend(a)Inserts the specified content at the end of the matching element
Insert insideappendTo(a)Appends the selected element to another specified set of elements
Insert insideprepend(a)Inserts the specified content at the beginning of the matching element
Insert insideprependTo(a)Preposition all matching elements within the set of specified elements
External Insertafter(a)Insert content after matching elements
External InsertinsertAfter(a)Inserts a matching element after another specified set of elements
External Insertbofore(a)Insert content before matching elements
External InsertinsertBefore(a)Inserts a matching element before another specified set of elements

Delete Node


Deleted Elements.remove([selector])//[selector] denotes an optional parameter
 Deleted Elements.detach([selector])//[selector] means that the optional parameter remove() is the same as detach() except that the detech() method retains data events associated with deleting elements when deleting them, and so on.
Deleted Elements.empty() The method does not take any parameters, strictly speaking,.empty()Not deleting elements, but empty elements and their descendants

Replication Node


Replicated Node Elements.clone([includeEvents])//IncudeEvents is an optional parameter He is a Boolean type Default value is false to indicate whether to copy the current node
///Note that replicated nodes do not append elements You also need to append replicated nodes where you want to append them

Replace Node


$(selector).replaceWith(content) //They are all replacement nodes, the only difference is that they use this instead

Node Property Operation

Getting and setting element properties


$(selector).attr(attribute)//Get property value
$(selector).attr(attribute,value)//Setting individual property values
$(selector).attr({attribute:value,attribute:value})//Setting multiple property values
$(selector).removeAttr(attribute)//Attribute deletion of an element indicates the name of the attribute to be removed
γ€€ prop()yes jQuery 1.6 Starting with a new method, the official recommendation has true and false Attributes of two attributes, such as checked, selected perhaps disabled Use prop(),Other uses attr(). 

γ€€γ€€We can put attribute Understand as "feature". property Understand as an attribute to distinguish the difference between the two.

Traverse Nodes


//Traversing through child elements: chidren([expr]) //expr is an optional parameter
//Traversing through peer elements: next([expr])//Next level element used to get tight ridge matching elements
//Traversing through sibling elements: prev([expr])//Previous element used to get tight ridge matching elements
//Traversing through peer elements: siblings([expr])//used to get all peer elements before and after matching elements
//Traversing through ancestor elements: parent([selector])//Gets the parent element of each matching element in the matching element
//Traversing through ancestor elements: parents([selector]) //Gets the ancestor elements of each matching element in the matching element
//Other traversal methods: $(selector).each(function(index,element){} traverses a collection through Subscripts
 element.val() //Get the value of an element
 element.text() //Get the text of an element
 element.html() //Get the html of the element

Set, Get Style Values


$(selector).css(name,value)//Setting a single css property
$(selector).css({name:value,name:value})//Setting multiple css properties

Append, Remove Styles

$(selector).addClass(classname)//Setting a single class class class style
$(selector).addClass(classname1 classname2 classname3)//Setting multiple class class class styles
$(selector).removeClass(classname)//Remove single class class class style
$(selector).removeClass(classname1 classname2 classname3)//Remove multiple class class class styles

Style Switching and Judgment


$(selector).toggleClass(calassname) //Switch class style
$(selector).hasClass(calassname) //Determine if a class style exists

Mouse events

MethoddescribeExecution timing
clickClick EventOn mouse click
mouseoverMouse Move In EventWhen the mouse moves in
mouseoutMouse Move Out EventWhen the mouse pointer moves out
mouseenterMouse Entry EventWhen the mouse pointer enters
mouseleaveMouse pointer departure timeWhen the mouse pointer leaves

Keyboard events

MethoddescribeExecution timing
keydown(function)Attach event handler to keydown eventWhen keyboard keys are pressed
keyup(function)Attach event handler to keyup eventWhen keyboard keys are released
keypress(function)Attach event handler to keypress eventWhen a printable character is generated

Browser Events

MethoddescribeExecution timing
resize(function)Attach event handler to resize eventWhen browser window size changes
scroll(function)Attach event handler to scroll eventWhen a scrollbar or scrollable element scrolls

Form Events

MethoddescribeExecution timing
focus([function])Attach event handler to focusElement gets focus
blur([function])Attach event handler to blurElement loses focus
change([function])Attach event handler to change eventWhen the value of an element changes
submit([function])Attach event handler to submit eventThe submit event applies only to elements and is triggered when the form is submitted

Binding and Removal Events

Binding Events

1. Grammar

$(selector).on(event[,childselector],[,data],function); //Event is a required parameter indicating that if event types, click, mouseover, mouseout, etc. bind multiple events at once and restrict the same event handler, event should be split by a space
//childselector is an optional parameter that filters the descendant elements of the selected element that triggers the event
//Data is an optional parameter. Pass to event object as property value
//function is a required parameter that binds functions executed after triggering events                 

Remove Events

1. Grammar

//Event is a required parameter indicating that if event types, click, mouseover, mouseout, etc. bind multiple events at once and restrict the same event handler, event should be split by a space
//childselector is an optional parameter that filters the descendant elements of the selected element that triggers the event
//Data is an optional parameter. Pass to event object as property value
//function is a required parameter that binds functions executed after triggering events     

Composite Events

What is a composite event?
    Columns such as the mouse pointer moved into the Show Level 2 menu, the mouse pointer removed the Hide Level 2 menu, and events can be completed more easily using the Match Event
    //Set Menu Style
    $("li").hover(function () {

    },function () { //Syntax executed when removing

Common animation methods

1. Show and hide control elements


$(selector).show([speed][,easing][,fn]) display //Speed specifies display effects for optional parameters at a speed of 1000 milliseconds, slow, normal, fast
//easing is an optional parameter that specifies how fast to get on different elements of the animation The default value is swing Possible values are linear swing moving slowly at the beginning and end of the animation Block moving slowly in the middle, linear mycetin moving slowly
fn Specifies the method to be executed once after the animation is complete for the optional parameter, called once for each matching element
$(selector).hide([speed][,easing][,fn]) hide

2. Change element transparency

fadein()Method control element fade in //Increase the opacity of an element for a specified period of time until it is fully displayed
fadeOut()0//Method control element fades out until the element disappears completely

3. Change element height

$(selector).slideup([speed][,easing],[,fn]); //Extend display from top to bottom
$(selector).slideDOwn([speed][,easing],[,fn]);//From bottom to top

4. Custom Animation

$(selector).animate({parms},speed,fn)  //params is a required parameter that defines the css attribute of the animation 
//speed specifies the effect time for optional parameters
//fn is an optional parameter, function executed after animation is complete

Form validation, regular expressions

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-hloZJkZr-163759929) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-queue.png)]

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-OG01ctZ7-164296930) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-2022.png)]

    var usernameText = $('username').val();
        // //var patt=new RegExp('e');// Indicates that the requirement string must contain the letter e
        // Var patt =/e/; // This also means that the requirement string must contain the letter e

        // patt.test(a) verifies that the substituted values meet my requirements

        // Var patt = /[a b c]/ // means to contain either a or b or C
        //  var patt = /[A-Z]/Indicates whether a string is required to contain uppercase letters
        //    var patt = /[a-z]/Indicates whether the string is required to contain lower case letters
//The \w metacharacter is used to find a word string Word strings include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and characters including underscores
        var a = "AAA ";
        var patt = /[a-z]/ //Indicates whether a string is required to contain lowercase letters
        if (patt.test(a)) {
        } else {

Form Selector

grammardescribeReturn value
:inputMatch all input, textarea, select, and button elementsElement Collection
:textMatch all single-line text boxesElement Collection
:passwordMatch all password boxesElement Collection
:radioMatch all radio buttonsElement Collection
:checkboxMatch all check boxesElement Collection
:submitMatch all submit buttonsElement Collection
:resetMatch all Reset buttonsElement Collection
:buttonMatch all buttonsElement Collection
:imageMatch all file fieldsElement Collection
:fileMatch all file fieldsElement Collection

Form Filter Selector

grammardescribeReturn value
:enabledMatch all available elementsElement Collection
:disabledMatch all non-elementsElement Collection
:checkedMatch all selected elements (check boxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists)Element Collection
:selectedMatch the selection element selected by selectElement Collection

regular expression

Regular expressions, also known as regular expressions, are powerful tools for performing pattern matching on strings. The matching pattern can be divided into simple mode and complex mode.

Definition of regular expressions

Common way
var reg=/Expression Rules/Additional parameters;

Where the expression rule is a string used to describe the search pattern of the regular expression, the additional parameters are optional, to extend the meaning of the expression, and the following parameters are acceptable:
   1.	g:Indicates that a global match can be made, defaulting to a non-global match, matching only the first string that meets the requirements
   2.	i:Indicates case insensitive matching
   3.	m:Indicates that multiple lines can be matched

   	var reg1=/pink/; 
	var reg1=/pink/g; 
	var reg1=/pink/gi; 
How to construct a function
var reg=new RegExp('Expression Rules','Additional parameters');

Expression Rules

Method of RegExp object

execRetrieves the partition of a regular expression within a character, returns the value found, and determines its location
testRetrieves the value specified in the string, returning true or alse

Method of String Object

matchFind a match for one or more regular expressions
searchRetrieve values that match regular expressions
replaceReplace strings that match regular expressions
splitSplit a string into an array of strings

HTML5 Form Validation New Properties

placeholderProvides a hint that displays when the input field is empty and disappears when the focus input is received
requiredSpecifies that the input field cannot be empty
patternSpecifies the pattern (regular expression) for validating the input field


<input type="text" id="uName" placeholder="English, numeric length 6-10 Characters" required pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,10}"  />
<input type="password" id="pwd" placeholder="6 Length-16 Characters" required pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,16}"/>

validity attribute application

When form elements add validation attributes required and pattern ed, the validityState object provided with HTML5 can be used to obtain the validation status of the current validation attribute

valueMissingWhen the required property is set on a form element, the form cannot be validated if the value of the form is empty
typeMismatchReturns true if the user's input does not match the form type; Otherwise, return false
patternMismatchReturns true if the user's input does not match the positive patterm property of the form element; Otherwise, return false
tooLongReturns true when user input exceeds the character length specified by the form element maxLength attribute; Otherwise, return false
rangeUnderflowReturns true when the value entered by the user is less than the value of the min attribute; Otherwise, return false
rangeOverflowReturns true when the value entered by the user is greater than the value of the max attribute; Otherwise, return false
stepMismatchReturns true if the value entered by the user does not conform to the rule inferred by the step attribute; Otherwise, return false
customErrorWhen using a custom validation error prompt, return true when a custom error message exists: otherwise, return false

Agax to learn in the future; ajax();

// What do you look like if you succeed and what do you look like if you fail?
$.ajax({ url: "test.html", context: document.body, success: function(){

ES6 New Features

Destructuring assignment

ES6 allows you to extract values from arrays, assign values to variables by location, and deconstruct objects

Array Deconstruction

//code implementation
let [a,b,c]=[1,2,3]; //One-to-one correspondence  

Object Deconstruction

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-J0K0rd93-164296932) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-2021.png)]

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-S0rd7AtA-164296933) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-20222188.png)]

Arrow function

New way to define functions in ES6

   //() Method body with parameters {}
    let fn =()=> {console.log(123)

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-Cb2yU5ZM-163796934) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-queue 2.png)]

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-58giIUN5-164296935) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-2021.png)]

//Arrow function does not bind this arrow function does not have its own this keyword If the arrow function uses this this this keyword to point to this in the location defined by the arrow function

The following interview question this points to obj's object obj is nothing and then finds it empty inside obj

You can then define an age globally to find it

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-nfaligtI-164296936) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-202803.png)]

Remaining function

[External chain picture transfer failed, source may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-UkpqIEvJ-163796937) (C:\UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-2029.png)]

array extension method

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-6THJxczI-164296938) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-2023.png)]

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-sY4s2iNl-163796938) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-20251074.png)]

Extensions to built-in objects

1. Module string

Embedding variables in strings

//   let name ='shen jian';
//   let name1 ='father';
//   document.write(`I'm Chen Ji's big dad ${name}</br>
// I am Chen Jin's second father ${name}</br>
// I'm Chen Yin's third father ${name1}
// `);

2. New string manipulation method [external chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-CPNL5sJw-164259939) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-20205229;29.png)]

3. Extension of Arrays

1. Extended Operators

Extension operators use three dots (...) to convert an array to a comma-separated sequence



2.Array.from (method) [External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-YXSFpkcm-164259940) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-images2020505499;.png)]

    //     // let arr4 = Array.from(set); //convert set combinations to coincident merged arrays
    // let set1=new Set(['red','green',['blue']])
    //     for (let item of set1.keys()) {//return key
    //         document.write(item)
    //     }
    //    For (let item of set1.values (){// Returns the value created
    //         document.write(item)
    //     }
    //    For (let item of set1.entries(){//return key-value pairs
    //         document.write(item)
    //     }
    // document.write(arr4)

3. Array traversal method

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-RbBaKeSh-164296941) (C:UsersshenjianAppDataRoamingTyporatypora-user-imagesimage-20251.png)]

    //     // let arr4 = Array.from(set); // Convert set combinations to coincident merged arrays
    // let set1=new Set(['red','green',['blue']])
    //     for (let item of set1.keys()) {//return key
    //         document.write(item)
    //     }
    //    For (let item of set1.values (){// Returns the value created
    //         docu![image-20211105223028675](C:\Users\shenjian\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-images\![image-20211105223054001](C:\Users\shenjian\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-images\image-20211105223054001.png)image-20211105223028675.png)ment.write(item)
    //     }
    //    For (let item of set1.entries(){//return key-value pairs
    //         document.write(item)
    //     }
    // document.write(arr4)

Extension of object

let name='Xiao Ming';
let birth='2001/12/23';
const Person={
//Concise writing
const Person={

1. Object New Methods

grammar Method //Comparing strict equality of successions is essentially consistent with es5 ===

2.Objece.assign() method


Objece.assign() //Method is used for merging objects. First, the target object is followed by the source object for merging and de-duplicating objects

Code implementation:

    let objOne = {a: 1};
    let objTwo = {b: 4};
    let objThree = {b: 4, c: 5};
    Object.assign(objOne, objTwo, objThree)
    let bbb = {...objOne, ...objTwo, ...objThree}

3. Traversal methods of objects

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-5jxKyFF1-1637425996942).) file:///C: UsersshenjianDocumentsTencent Files11761696ImageC2CD79921CDCE608C368D19259EF01BBA6C.png)]

Set and Map Objects


Set objects have data structures similar to arrays, but members have unique values and no duplicate values, so they can be used to weight

grammar:let set=new Set(array)
//     let arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    //     let arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]
    //     Let arr3 = [... arr1,... Arr2] // splice two arrays
    //     let set = new Set(arr3); //Convert Enron to set

Common properties and methods of Set objects

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-9QTMJxzp-1637425996943).) file:///C: UsersshenjianDocumentsTencent FilesC2C6E16B9D9D33B6073F8155F8DFEFE09.png)]

Set Add-Remove Check

    //     //
    //     // set.add(12)//Add a value
    //     //set.delete(10)//delete a value
    //     // / set.clear()// know all members, no return value
    //     //set.has(1)//Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value is a member of the set
    //     // set.size//get the length of the set
    //     // let arr4 = Array.from(set); //convert set combinations to coincident merged arrays
    // let set1=new Set(['red','green',['blue']])

Map object


Map objects exist as key-value pairs, and all types can be used as keys

// let set = new Map([[1,'Shenjian'], [2,'Shenjian'], [3,'Chen Ji'])//Grammar implementation

Common properties and methods of Map objects

[External chain picture transfer failed, source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-VH9LOVLm-1637425996944).) file:///C: UsersshenjianDocumentsTencent Files11761696ImageC2C877BBD48B07B2E7F0B02FEA9E.png)]

Module Syntax

export and import commands

1.export is export

export {area, circumference}

2.import Import

import{area,circumference} from './circle.js'
//     }
//    For (let item of set1.values (){// Returns the value created
//         docu![image-20211105223028675](C:\Users\shenjian\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-images\![image-20211105223054001](C:\Users\shenjian\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-images\image-20211105223054001.png)image-20211105223028675.png)ment.write(item)
//     }
//    For (let item of set1.entries(){//return key-value pairs
//         document.write(item)
//     }
// document.write(arr4)
### Extension of object

let name='Xiao Ming';
let birth='2001/12/23';
const Person={
//Concise writing
const Person={

1. Object New Methods

grammar Method //Comparing strict equality of successions is essentially consistent with es5 ===

2.Objece.assign() method


Objece.assign() //Method is used for merging objects. First, the target object is followed by the source object for merging and de-duplicating objects

Code implementation:

    let objOne = {a: 1};
    let objTwo = {b: 4};
    let objThree = {b: 4, c: 5};
    Object.assign(objOne, objTwo, objThree)
    let bbb = {...objOne, ...objTwo, ...objThree}

3. Traversal methods of objects


Set and Map Objects


Set objects have data structures similar to arrays, but members have unique values and no duplicate values, so they can be used to weight

grammar:let set=new Set(array)
//     let arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    //     let arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]
    //     Let arr3 = [... arr1,... Arr2] // splice two arrays
    //     let set = new Set(arr3); //Convert Enron to set

Common properties and methods of Set objects

[External Chain Picture Transfer... (img-9QTMJxzp-1637425996943)]

Set Add-Remove Check

    //     //
    //     // set.add(12)//Add a value
    //     //set.delete(10)//delete a value
    //     // / set.clear()// know all members, no return value
    //     //set.has(1)//Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value is a member of the set
    //     // set.size//get the length of the set
    //     // let arr4 = Array.from(set); //convert set combinations to coincident merged arrays
    // let set1=new Set(['red','green',['blue']])

Map object


Map objects exist as key-value pairs, and all types can be used as keys

// let set = new Map([[1,'Shenjian'], [2,'Shenjian'], [3,'Chen Ji'])//Grammar implementation

Common properties and methods of Map objects


Module Syntax

export and import commands

1.export is export

export {area, circumference}

2.import Import

import{area,circumference} from './circle.js'

Posted by greens85 on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 12:13:25 -0800