Submit the sql script file with Flink sql client

Keywords: Database SQL flink

Title: submit sql script file with flynk sql client
Date: twenty 21-10-22 22:11:34
Tag: [Flink, SQL client]
Category: flink

We know that can provide us with an SQL interactive interface, so that we can see the execution results or interactive query table results without executing an SQL.

In fact, we can also submit sql scripts through sql client. Let's take a look.

. / bin/ -h corresponding help parameters:

(base) [chenzuoli@chenzuolis-MacBook /Volumes/chenzuoli/Data/docker_img/flink-1.12.1]$./bin/ -h
./sql-client [MODE] [OPTIONS]

The following options are available:

Mode "embedded" submits Flink jobs from the local machine.

  Syntax: embedded [OPTIONS]
  "embedded" mode options:
     -d,--defaults <environment file>      The environment properties with which
                                           every new session is initialized.
                                           Properties might be overwritten by
                                           session properties.
     -e,--environment <environment file>   The environment properties to be
                                           imported into the session. It might
                                           overwrite default environment
     -h,--help                             Show the help message with
                                           descriptions of all options.
     -hist,--history <History file path>   The file which you want to save the
                                           command history into. If not
                                           specified, we will auto-generate one
                                           under your user's home directory.
     -j,--jar <JAR file>                   A JAR file to be imported into the
                                           session. The file might contain
                                           user-defined classes needed for the
                                           execution of statements such as
                                           functions, table sources, or sinks.
                                           Can be used multiple times.
     -l,--library <JAR directory>          A JAR file directory with which every
                                           new session is initialized. The files
                                           might contain user-defined classes
                                           needed for the execution of
                                           statements such as functions, table
                                           sources, or sinks. Can be used
                                           multiple times.
     -pyarch,--pyArchives <arg>            Add python archive files for job. The
                                           archive files will be extracted to
                                           the working directory of python UDF
                                           worker. Currently only zip-format is
                                           supported. For each archive file, a
                                           target directory be specified. If the
                                           target directory name is specified,
                                           the archive file will be extracted to
                                           a name can directory with the
                                           specified name. Otherwise, the
                                           archive file will be extracted to a
                                           directory with the same name of the
                                           archive file. The files uploaded via
                                           this option are accessible via
                                           relative path. '#' could be used as
                                           the separator of the archive file
                                           path and the target directory name.
                                           Comma (',') could be used as the
                                           separator to specify multiple archive
                                           files. This option can be used to
                                           upload the virtual environment, the
                                           data files used in Python UDF (e.g.:
                                           .zip#data --pyExecutable
                                  The data
                                           files could be accessed in Python
                                           UDF, e.g.: f = open('data/data.txt',
     -pyexec,--pyExecutable <arg>          Specify the path of the python
                                           interpreter used to execute the
                                           python UDF worker (e.g.:
                                           /usr/local/bin/python3). The python
                                           UDF worker depends on Python 3.5+,
                                           Apache Beam (version == 2.23.0), Pip
                                           (version >= 7.1.0) and SetupTools
                                           (version >= 37.0.0). Please ensure
                                           that the specified environment meets
                                           the above requirements.
     -pyfs,--pyFiles <pythonFiles>         Attach custom python files for job.
                                           These files will be added to the
                                           PYTHONPATH of both the local client
                                           and the remote python UDF worker. The
                                           standard python resource file
                                           suffixes such as .py/.egg/.zip or
                                           directory are all supported. Comma
                                           (',') could be used as the separator
                                           to specify multiple files (e.g.:
     -pyreq,--pyRequirements <arg>         Specify a requirements.txt file which
                                           defines the third-party dependencies.
                                           These dependencies will be installed
                                           and added to the PYTHONPATH of the
                                           python UDF worker. A directory which
                                           contains the installation packages of
                                           these dependencies could be specified
                                           optionally. Use '#' as the separator
                                           if the optional parameter exists
                                           (e.g.: --pyRequirements
     -s,--session <session identifier>     The identifier for a session.
                                           'default' is the default identifier.
     -u,--update <SQL update statement>    Experimental (for testing only!):
                                           Instructs the SQL Client to
                                           immediately execute the given update
                                           statement after starting up. The
                                           process is shut down after the
                                           statement has been submitted to the
                                           cluster and returns an appropriate
                                           return code. Currently, this feature
                                           is only supported for INSERT INTO
                                           statements that declare the target
                                           sink table.

The first parameter - d can specify some parameter configurations on the environment.

Next, let's look at the conf/sql-client-defaults.yaml file, which is actually the corresponding configuration file.
To create a data file for testing:

mkdir sql_test
vim sql_test/book-store.csv

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Let's create our own configuration file, read the csv file, select it, and create a new file conf/book-store.yaml

vim conf/book-store.yaml

  - name: BookStore
    type: source-table
    update-mode: append
      type: filesystem
      path: "/Users/zhaoqin/temp/202004/26/book-store.csv"
      type: csv
        - name: BookName
          type: VARCHAR
        - name: BookAmount
          type: INT
        - name: BookCatalog
          type: VARCHAR
      line-delimiter: "\n"
      comment-prefix: ","
      - name: BookName
        type: VARCHAR
      - name: BookAmount
        type: INT
      - name: BookCatalog
        type: VARCHAR
  - name: MyBookView
    type: view
    query: "SELECT BookCatalog, SUM(BookAmount) AS Amount FROM BookStore GROUP BY BookCatalog"

  planner: blink                    # optional: either 'blink' (default) or 'old'
  type: streaming                   # required: execution mode either 'batch' or 'streaming'
  result-mode: table                # required: either 'table' or 'changelog'
  max-table-result-rows: 1000000    # optional: maximum number of maintained rows in
                                    #   'table' mode (1000000 by default, smaller 1 means unlimited)
  time-characteristic: event-time   # optional: 'processing-time' or 'event-time' (default)
  parallelism: 1                    # optional: Flink's parallelism (1 by default)
  periodic-watermarks-interval: 200 # optional: interval for periodic watermarks (200 ms by default)
  max-parallelism: 16               # optional: Flink's maximum parallelism (128 by default)
  min-idle-state-retention: 0       # optional: table program's minimum idle state time
  max-idle-state-retention: 0       # optional: table program's maximum idle state time

                                    #   (default database of the current catalog by default)
  restart-strategy:                 # optional: restart strategy
    type: fallback                  #   "fallback" to global restart strategy by default

# Configuration options for adjusting and tuning table programs.

# A full list of options and their default values can be found
# on the dedicated "Configuration" page.
  table.optimizer.join-reorder-enabled: true
  table.exec.spill-compression.enabled: true
  table.exec.spill-compression.block-size: 128kb

# Properties that describe the cluster to which table programs are submitted to.

  response-timeout: 5000

Start a session by specifying the configuration file and execute the corresponding source table and sink table.
There are several points to note about the book-store.yaml configuration file:
a. tables.type is equal to source table, indicating that this is the configuration information of the data source;
b. tables.connector describes the detailed data source information. Path is the full path of the book-store.csv file. The type of connector is specified as file system, which is consistent with the connector parameter specified when we write sql;
c. tables.format describes the contents of the file, and the type is csv format;
d. tables.schema describes the table structure of the data source table;
ed. type is view, which means MyBookView is a view (refer to the view concept of the database);

Let's take a look at the test results:

./bin/ embedded -d conf/book-store.yaml

After entering the SQL client SQL interactive interface, you can see that the environment has been configured,

Flink SQL> show tables;

Flink SQL> desc BookStore;
|        name |   type | null | key | extras | watermark |
|    BookName | STRING | true |     |        |           |
|  BookAmount |    INT | true |     |        |           |
| BookCatalog | STRING | true |     |        |           |
3 rows in set

Flink SQL> desc MyBookView
> ;
|        name |   type | null | key | extras | watermark |
| BookCatalog | STRING | true |     |        |           |
|      Amount |    INT | true |     |        |           |
2 rows in set

You can see that the two tables have been created. Let's take a look at the data:

select * from MyBookView;

BookCatalog                    Amount
        Sociology                        18
        Design                        20
        economics                        forty-three

Right? ok. If you write sink table in yaml file, you will directly submit a flick job to the flick cluster. Does it achieve the effect of submitting the flick SQL script file.

Well, that's it today. I was surprised to find that they submitted to k8s through SQL client on a streaming data platform developed by the data platform group of inverted company these days. Because I have translated an article about the official flink submit job, which mentioned four submission methods:

  1. local cluster
  2. application mode
  3. per job mode
  4. session mode
    I think there are only four. In fact, if you look carefully, the way sql client submits sql is similar to the way of session. During the whole session startup process, you can execute sql statements without listening. If the session is closed, the task is closed.

ok, see you next time.

flink, yyds.

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Posted by Drannon on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 07:39:30 -0700