Struct, common, enum

Keywords: Linux Ubuntu

1. structure

Define a person data type

struct person{

 char name[20];
 int height;

//The above indicates that you have defined a structure data type, whose name is struct person.

typedef struct person per;  //Give struct person an alias called per

typedef struct person{
	char name[20];
	int height;

//Define a structure variable
//Type name variable name;
per  p1={"zhangsan",175};
//Structure variable access member variable name. Member name

//Structure variable assignment 
per p2;  p2=p1;
   //Define a structure pointer variable
per * pper=NULL;
//Structure pointer access member pointer name - > member name	


2. Byte alignment

Byte alignment: the system allocates several bytes at a time

Natural alignment:

char ch;  1
short s:  2
int i;    4
float f;  4
double d; 4 byte alignment (8)  gcc

//Structure alignment: according to the largest byte alignment among members

struct A{
	short s;
	int b;
	char c;
struct B{
	int b;
	short s;
	char c;

int main(void)
	printf("%d\n",sizeof(struct A));12
	printf("%d\n",sizeof(struct B)); 8


3. shared body:


Create a new data type by yourself
union un{
	int a;
	char c;
//Define a common data type, whose name is union un;
//The first address of all members of the common body is the same

sizeof(union un) ========= the most memory occupied by all members


4. Small end sequence

The place with low byte and low address is called small endian
Low byte with high address is called big endian
How to determine whether a pc is a large or small end sequence
union un{
int a;
char c;
//The name of a common data is union un.
int main(void)
//Define a common variable
union un u1;

	printf("The pc Small end order\n");
	printf("The pc For large ends\n");

return 0;


5. enumeration

Enumeration defines constants in another way:

(1).Macro definition  #define N 5
int a=5;

const int b=10;

char ch='A';
   //const char * p=&ch;  
char const * p=&ch;  
  //	*p='B '; immutable
char sh='B';

char * const ps=&ch;
ps=&sh; //ps immutable

(3).Enumeration can make your code more semantic
  ERR  //ERR returned if insert failed
  OK   //Insert successfully and return to OK
#define  ERR -1
#define  OK 0
#define  HEAD -1
#define  TAIL 0
 enum opt
ERR The default is 0, if you want it to start from-1 Start, you need to change


6. macro

#define N 5
Macro with parameters
(1) macro with one parameter is a replacement mode:
The following macro definitions are set:
#define Y(n) ((N+1)n)
Rigorous writing: define y (n) ((n + 1) (n))
Execute the statement z=2*(N+Y(5+1)); after that, the value of Z is.
A. error B, 42 C, 48 D, 54

#define  MIN(x,y)  (x)<(y)?(x):(y)
void	main()
int  i=10, j=15,k;
 k=10*MIN(i,j);   15
printf("%d", k);

//Write a standard macro to achieve the minimum value between two numbers
#define MIN(x,y)  ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))


7.main function:


 System passed to main

  int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
//argc indicates the number of parameters passed
//argv passes in an array, each element of which is a char*
//Summary, argc char s*
int i=0;


return 0;


   ******Terminal:******linux@ubuntu:/mnt/hgfs/19071/7-19$ ./main zhangsan lisi wangwu

Posted by andrin on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 14:44:48 -0700