Static Internal Classes of Internal Classes

Keywords: Java Attribute

I. location

Defined under a class and modified by static

Two, structure

Static and non-static attributes and methods can be defined under static internal classes

3. Static Internal Classes Access External Classes

1. Non-static attributes and methods of external classes cannot be accessed

2. Calling attributes [methods]:

2.1 Write the attribute name directly [call method name]--- Essentially, it's the second.

2.1 External Class. Attribute Name [Method Name]

Source code:

class Outter {
     private static int b =3;
     public static void test(){
         System.out.println("External Class Static Method");
     static class Inner{
        public void get(){
            System.out.println(b);//External static properties can be accessed
            test();//Access to external class static methods

Decompiled source code:

class Outter
    private static int b;
    public static void test() {
    static {
        Outter.b = 3;
    static class Inner
        public void get() {

IV. External Classes Access Static Internal Classes

class Outter {
     private static int b =3;
     public static void test(){
         System.out.println("External Class Static Method");
     static class Inner{
         private int a = 1;
         private static int b = 2;
         public void get(){
         public static void get2(){
     public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Static variables-Method  --One way
        //Static variables-Method  --Mode two
        //Non static state--Mode 1
        System.out.println(new Inner().a);
        new Inner().get();
        //Non static state--Mode 2
        System.out.println(new Outter.Inner().a);

Above is a summary of static internal classes, there are some wrong places, please give us more advice, and make progress together!!!

Posted by playaz on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 20:39:28 -0700