Take a look at the skynet basic directory first, as shown below, the sample with skynet is in the examples path
Click in to see config. The following figure shows the configuration information.
The main function of the skynet-src/skynet_main.c script is called here as follows
Start up sample first.
Open the terminal cd to the skynet directory and execute the next line of commands in that directory
cd ../skynet/
Execute the next command
./skynet examples/config
After completion, the following figure is shown as Server start
Then re-open a terminal and re-enter the skynet directory, and execute the following two commands in turn
cd ../skynet/
As shown in the figure below, the helloworld client in the sample starts, and you can see that the service sends a heartbeat packet every five seconds.
If you want to close the server, just Ctrl+C.
Look at the client.lua script again
package.cpath = "luaclib/?.so" local socket = require "client.socket" local crypt = require "client.crypt" if _VERSION ~= "Lua 5.3" then error "Use lua 5.3" end local fd = assert(socket.connect("", 8001)) local function writeline(fd, text) socket.send(fd, text .. "\n") end local function unpack_line(text) local from = text:find("\n", 1, true) if from then return text:sub(1, from-1), text:sub(from+1) end return nil, text end local last = "" local function unpack_f(f) local function try_recv(fd, last) local result result, last = f(last) if result then return result, last end local r = socket.recv(fd) if not r then return nil, last end if r == "" then error "Server closed" end return f(last .. r) end return function() while true do local result result, last = try_recv(fd, last) if result then return result end socket.usleep(100) end end end local readline = unpack_f(unpack_line) local challenge = crypt.base64decode(readline()) local clientkey = crypt.randomkey() writeline(fd, crypt.base64encode(crypt.dhexchange(clientkey))) local secret = crypt.dhsecret(crypt.base64decode(readline()), clientkey) print("sceret is ", crypt.hexencode(secret)) local hmac = crypt.hmac64(challenge, secret) writeline(fd, crypt.base64encode(hmac)) local token = { server = "sample", user = "hello", pass = "password", } local function encode_token(token) return string.format("%s@%s:%s", crypt.base64encode(token.user), crypt.base64encode(token.server), crypt.base64encode(token.pass)) end local etoken = crypt.desencode(secret, encode_token(token)) local b = crypt.base64encode(etoken) writeline(fd, crypt.base64encode(etoken)) local result = readline() print(result) local code = tonumber(string.sub(result, 1, 3)) assert(code == 200) socket.close(fd) local subid = crypt.base64decode(string.sub(result, 5)) print("login ok, subid=", subid) ----- connect to game server local function send_request(v, session) local size = #v + 4 local package = string.pack(">I2", size)..v..string.pack(">I4", session) socket.send(fd, package) return v, session end local function recv_response(v) local size = #v - 5 local content, ok, session = string.unpack("c"..tostring(size).."B>I4", v) return ok ~=0 , content, session end local function unpack_package(text) local size = #text if size < 2 then return nil, text end local s = text:byte(1) * 256 + text:byte(2) if size < s+2 then return nil, text end return text:sub(3,2+s), text:sub(3+s) end local readpackage = unpack_f(unpack_package) local function send_package(fd, pack) local package = string.pack(">s2", pack) socket.send(fd, package) end local text = "echo" local index = 1 print("connect") fd = assert(socket.connect("", 8888)) last = "" local handshake = string.format("%s@%s#%s:%d", crypt.base64encode(token.user), crypt.base64encode(token.server),crypt.base64encode(subid) , index) local hmac = crypt.hmac64(crypt.hashkey(handshake), secret) send_package(fd, handshake .. ":" .. crypt.base64encode(hmac)) print(readpackage()) print("===>",send_request(text,0)) -- don't recv response -- print("<===",recv_response(readpackage())) print("disconnect") socket.close(fd) index = index + 1 print("connect again") fd = assert(socket.connect("", 8888)) last = "" local handshake = string.format("%s@%s#%s:%d", crypt.base64encode(token.user), crypt.base64encode(token.server),crypt.base64encode(subid) , index) local hmac = crypt.hmac64(crypt.hashkey(handshake), secret) send_package(fd, handshake .. ":" .. crypt.base64encode(hmac)) print(readpackage()) print("===>",send_request("fake",0)) -- request again (use last session 0, so the request message is fake) print("===>",send_request("again",1)) -- request again (use new session) print("<===",recv_response(readpackage())) print("<===",recv_response(readpackage())) print("disconnect") socket.close(fd)