SQL Server calculates tempdb size incorrectly using sys.master_files

Keywords: SQL Server SQL Windows Database

sys.master_files have been used to calculate the size and usage of tempdb databases, but it is found that sys.master_files can not accurately calculate the size of tempdb databases. As follows:



SELECT       database_id                                AS DataBaseId 
            ,DB_NAME(database_id)                       AS DataBaseName 
            ,Name                                       AS LogicalName 
            ,type_desc                                  AS FileTypeDesc 
            ,Physical_Name                              AS PhysicalName 
            ,State_Desc                                 AS StateDesc 
            ,CASE WHEN max_size = 0  THEN N'No growth allowed'
                  WHEN max_size = -1 THEN N'Automatic growth'
             ELSE LTRIM(STR(max_size * 8.0 / 1024 / 1024, 14, 2))
                      + 'G'
             END                                    AS MaxSize 
            ,CASE WHEN is_percent_growth = 1
                 THEN RTRIM(CAST(Growth AS CHAR(10))) + '%'
                 ELSE RTRIM(CAST(Growth*8.0/1024 AS CHAR(10))) + 'M'
            END                                          AS Growth 
            ,Is_Read_Only                                AS IsReadOnly 
            ,Is_Percent_Growth                           AS IsPercentGrowth 
            ,CAST(size * 8.0 / 1024 / 1024 AS DECIMAL(8, 4)) AS [Size(GB)]
FROM     sys.master_files
WHERE database_id =2





In Windows windows, you will see that the actual size of these files is more than 18G, not 1G. Size (GB) using sys.master_files statistics is only the initialization size of tempdb files. Of course, you use UI to look at tempdb properties in SSMS and find that the size value is correct.








If you use Profile tracking to look at the specific SQL as follows, you will find that its statistical data comes from the view sys.database_files.



USE tempdb;
SELECT  s.name AS [Name] ,
        CAST(FILEPROPERTY(s.name, 'SpaceUsed') AS FLOAT) * CONVERT(FLOAT, 8) AS [UsedSpace] ,
        CAST(CASE WHEN s.growth = 0 THEN ( CASE WHEN s.type = 2 THEN 0
                                                ELSE 99
                                           END )
                  ELSE s.is_percent_growth
             END AS INT) AS [GrowthType] ,
        s.physical_name AS [FileName] ,
        s.size * CONVERT(FLOAT, 8) AS [Size] ,
        CASE WHEN s.max_size = -1 THEN -1
             ELSE s.max_size * CONVERT(FLOAT, 8)
        END AS [MaxSize] ,
        s.file_id AS [ID] ,
        + QUOTENAME(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'Servername') AS sysname), '''')
        + ']' + '/Database[@Name=' + QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(), '''') + ']'
        + '/LogFile[@Name=' + QUOTENAME(s.name, '''') + ']' AS [Urn] ,
        CAST(CASE s.is_percent_growth
               WHEN 1 THEN s.growth
               ELSE s.growth * 8
             END AS FLOAT) AS [Growth] ,
        s.is_media_read_only AS [IsReadOnlyMedia] ,
        s.is_read_only AS [IsReadOnly] ,
        CAST(CASE s.state
               WHEN 6 THEN 1
               ELSE 0
             END AS BIT) AS [IsOffline] ,
        s.is_sparse AS [IsSparse]
FROM    sys.database_files AS s
WHERE   ( s.type = 1 )




The specific definition of sys.database_files is as follows



SET quoted_identifier ON 
SET ansi_nulls ON 
CREATE VIEW sys.database_files 
  SELECT file_id = f.fileid, 
         file_guid = f.fileguid, 
         type = f.filetype, 
         type_desc = ft.NAME, 
         data_space_id = f.grpid, 
         NAME = f.lname, 
         physical_name = f.pname, 
         state = CONVERT(TINYINT, CASE f.filestate 
                                    -- Map enum EMDFileState to AvailablityStates 
                                    WHEN 0 THEN 0 
                                    WHEN 10 THEN 0 -- ONLINE 
                                    WHEN 4 THEN 7 -- DEFUNCT 
                                    WHEN 5 THEN 3 
                                    WHEN 9 THEN 3 -- RECOVERY_PENDING 
                                    WHEN 7 THEN 1 
                                    WHEN 8 THEN 1 
                                    WHEN 11 THEN 1 -- RESTORING 
                                    WHEN 12 THEN 4 -- SUSPECT 
                                    ELSE 6 
                                  END),-- OFFLINE 
         state_desc = st.NAME, 
         size = Isnull(Filepropertybyid(f.fileid, 'size'), size), 
         max_size = f.maxsize, 
         is_media_read_only = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 8),-- FIL_READONLY_MEDIA 
         is_read_only = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 16),-- FIL_READONLY 
         is_sparse = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 256),-- FIL_SPARSE_FILE 
         is_percent_growth = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 32),-- FIL_PERCENT_GROWTH 
         is_name_reserved = Sysconv(bit, CASE f.filestate 
                                           WHEN 3 THEN 1 
                                           ELSE 0 
                                         END),-- x_efs_DroppedReusePending 
         create_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.createlsn), 
         drop_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.droplsn), 
         read_only_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.readonlylsn), 
         read_write_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.readwritelsn), 
         differential_base_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.diffbaselsn), 
         differential_base_guid = f.diffbaseguid, 
         differential_base_time = NULLIF(f.diffbasetime, 0), 
         redo_start_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.redostartlsn), 
         redo_start_fork_guid = f.redostartforkguid, 
         redo_target_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.redotargetlsn), 
         redo_target_fork_guid = f.forkguid, 
         backup_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.backuplsn) 
  FROM   sys.sysprufiles f 
         LEFT JOIN sys.syspalvalues st 
                ON st.class = 'DBFS' 
                   AND st.value = f.filestate 
         LEFT JOIN sys.syspalvalues ft 
                ON ft.class = 'DBFT' 
                   AND ft.value = f.filetype 
  WHERE  filestate NOT IN ( 1, 2 ) -- x_efs_Dummy, x_efs_Dropped 


sys.master_files are defined as follows:



SET quoted_identifier ON 
SET ansi_nulls ON 
CREATE VIEW sys.master_files 
  SELECT database_id = f.dbid, 
         file_id = f.fileid, 
         file_guid = f.fileguid, 
         type = f.filetype, 
         type_desc = ft.NAME, 
         data_space_id = f.grpid, 
         NAME = f.lname, 
         physical_name = f.pname, 
         state = CONVERT(TINYINT, CASE f.filestate 
                                    -- Map enum EMDFileState to AvailablityStates 
                                    WHEN 0 THEN 0 
                                    WHEN 10 THEN 0 -- ONLINE 
                                    WHEN 4 THEN 7 -- DEFUNCT 
                                    WHEN 5 THEN 3 
                                    WHEN 9 THEN 3 -- RECOVERY_PENDING 
                                    WHEN 7 THEN 1 
                                    WHEN 8 THEN 1 
                                    WHEN 11 THEN 1 -- RESTORING 
                                    WHEN 12 THEN 4 -- SUSPECT 
                                    ELSE 6 
                                  END),-- OFFLINE 
         state_desc = st.NAME, 
         max_size = f.maxsize, 
         is_media_read_only = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 8),-- FIL_READONLY_MEDIA 
         is_read_only = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 16),-- FIL_READONLY 
         is_sparse = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 256),-- FIL_SPARSE_FILE 
         is_percent_growth = Sysconv(bit, f.status & 32),-- FIL_PERCENT_GROWTH 
         is_name_reserved = Sysconv(bit, CASE f.filestate 
                                           WHEN 3 THEN 1 
                                           ELSE 0 
                                         END),-- x_efs_DroppedReusePending 
         create_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.createlsn), 
         drop_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.droplsn), 
         read_only_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.readonlylsn), 
         read_write_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.readwritelsn), 
         differential_base_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.diffbaselsn), 
         differential_base_guid = f.diffbaseguid, 
         differential_base_time = NULLIF(f.diffbasetime, 0), 
         redo_start_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.redostartlsn), 
         redo_start_fork_guid = f.redostartforkguid, 
         redo_target_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.redotargetlsn), 
         redo_target_fork_guid = f.forkguid, 
         backup_lsn = Getnumericlsn(f.backuplsn) 
  FROM   master.sys.sysbrickfiles f 
         LEFT JOIN sys.syspalvalues st 
                ON st.class = 'DBFS' 
                   AND st.value = f.filestate 
         LEFT JOIN sys.syspalvalues ft 
                ON ft.class = 'DBFT' 
                   AND ft.value = f.filetype 
  WHERE  f.dbid < 0x7fff -- consistent with sys.databases 
         AND f.pruid = 0 
         AND f.filestate NOT IN ( 1, 2 ) -- x_efs_Dummy, x_efs_Dropped 
         AND Has_access('MF', 1) = 1 


As you can see from the above SQL script, the size of the statistical database comes from two tables, sys.sysprufiles and master.sys.sysbrickfiles, respectively, and then it's hard to get a deeper understanding of the specific reasons. In the link https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/377223/sys-master-files-does-not-show-accurate-size-information, there are some descriptions of tempdb-related issues:



1. The view sys.master_files is something new and is updated asynchronously. It doesn't updates immediately.

2. When you re-start your SQL Server, SQL Server will re-create tempdb based on sys.master_files.

3. The sys.master_files tell you about any tempdb data file which was there on your system (the number of tempdb files) with which your server have started.

4. While sys.database_files shows currently used tempdb files. Its quite possible that not all tempdb data files came online.

5. You can read the errorlog look for any error meesage did any of the files did not come online.

6. After you started sql server somebody might have executed SQL commands to remove or add tempdb files.




In general, the data in sys.master_files is updated asynchronously, not synchronously. It will not be updated immediately. When you restart your SQL Server, it will recreate and initialize the tempdb file size according to the sys.master_files median at startup time. sys.database_files displays the tempdb file currently in use. Probably not all tempdb data files are online. So, if you want to query the exact size of tempdb, you need to use sys.database_files to query!

Posted by itisme on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 14:48:06 -0800