Demand: stores under each platform classification, name, picture path and score of each store, name, picture path and score of four products under each store
Train of thought:
At the beginning, stores are dynamic and easy to write, just use Ajax. But it's a bit unrealistic to ask for a query for the products under each store.
At the beginning, I was ready to use the Id of each store to make a request, and I was so stupid that I cried.
Use sql in another way
At the same time, find out so many data.
It is to put these two tables together into a table, divide the data as a row of data with symbols, and take it out at the front desk.
WITH td AS ( SELECT Hishop_Stores.StoreId , Hishop_Stores.StoreName , Hishop_Products.FirstraceScore , Hishop_Products.StoreId AS id , Hishop_Products.ProductName , Hishop_Products.ImageUrl1 FROM ( SELECT StoreId , StoreName , StoreImages, FirstraceScore FROM Hishop_Stores ) AS Hishop_Stores LEFT JOIN ( SELECT StoreId , ProductName , FirstraceScore , ImageUrl1 FROM Hishop_Products WHERE ProductName IS NOT NULL ) AS Hishop_Products ON Hishop_Stores.StoreId = Hishop_Products.StoreId ) SELECT B.StoreId , B.StoreName , B.FirstraceScore , B.StoreImages, ( SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), td.ProductName) + '|' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), ISNULL(td.FirstraceScore, 0)) + '|' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), ISNULL(td.ImageUrl1, 'nothing')) + '=' FROM td WHERE td.StoreId = B.StoreId ORDER BY td.FirstraceScore DESC FOR XML PATH('') ) AS ProductList FROM Hishop_Stores B where ShopTypeId=10 GROUP BY StoreId , StoreName , StoreImages, B.FirstraceScore; --ORDER BY B.FirstraceScore DESC;
CONVERT is used to transform the format, and FOR XML PATH('') is used to realize row to column conversion.
Last Ajax
$(function () { var shopTypeId = getParam('shopTypeId'); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/API/StoreProductAJAX.ashx", data: { action: 'storelist',shopTypeId:shopTypeId }, async: false, success: function (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var msg = data[i]; var score = msg.FirstraceScore; var name = msg.StoreName; var list = msg.ProductList; var strs = new Array(); //Define an array var strsnew = new Array(); //Define an array var strlist = new Array(); strs=list.split("="); //Character segmentation for (ii = 0; ii < strs.length; ii++) { strsnew = strs[ii].split("|"); //Character segmentation for (j = 0; j < strsnew.length; j++) { strlist.push(strsnew[j]); } //document.write(strs[i] + "<br/>"); //Split character output } //document.write( strlist+ "<br/>"); //Split character output //alert(strsnew); //if (name == "") //{ // continue; //} if (score == 0) { if (strlist[0] == "") { $("#store").append($(' <div class="list-lump border-t" id="' + msg.StoreId + '"><dl class="border-b"><dt><em><img src="'+msg.StoreImages+'" onerror="this.src=\'/Storage/master/depot/img-1.jpg\'"></em></dt><dd><span class="list-n1">' + msg.StoreName + '</span><a href="/vShop/StoreProductList?storeId=' + msg.StoreId + '">Shop around</a></dd></dl><ul class="clearfix border-b" id="product"> </li></ul></div>')); continue; }
. . . .
I think what I wrote here is a bit stupid. I don't know how to split the output