SpringCloud Micro Services (03):Hystrix Component for Service Fusion

Keywords: Programming Spring github REST Attribute

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1. Introduction to Fuses

The architecture of micro-services is characterized by multiple services, multiple data sources, and supporting system applications.This leads to dependencies between micro-services.If one of these services fails, it may cause the system to shut down, which is called avalanche effect.

1. Service Rupture

When a microservice in a microservice architecture fails, it is necessary to shut down the service quickly, prompt the user, make subsequent requests, return without invoking the service, and release resources. This is the service crash.

When the fuse takes effect, a request is invoked after a specified time to test whether the dependency is restored, and the fuse is closed after the dependent application is restored.

2. Service Demotion

When the server is under high concurrency and the pressure increases sharply, some services and pages are strategically downgraded (which can be interpreted as turning off unnecessary services) based on business conditions and traffic to alleviate the pressure on server resources to keep core tasks running properly.

During the 11/11 period, Alipay will prompt for many functions, [during the 11/11 period, guarantee core transactions, delay in some service data].

3. Core Dependency


4. Core Notes

  • @EnableHystrix starts the class annotation control fuse function.
  • @HystrixCommand method annotation, fuse control configuration.

5. Case Module Description

Demonstrating the melting of Ribbon-based services
 Demonstrating the melting of a Feign-based service
 Eureka Registry
 Two service providers

2. Ribbon-based service melting down

1. Fuse Execution Method

 * Service Fuse Call Method
public String getDefaultInfo (){
    return "Service is broken" ;

2. Simple cases

 * Simple configuration
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getDefaultInfo")
public String showInfo1 (){
    return restTemplate.getForObject(server_name+"/getInfo",String.class) ;

The default time-out for Hystrix is 1 second, and when the time-out period responds, a melt is executed and the fallback program is entered.Because of Spring's lazy loading mechanism, first requests tend to be slow and can be resolved by configuring Hystrix timeout.

3. Complex Cases

  • Configuration timeout, concurrency, thread pool, specified exception fuse ignore
 * Complex Configuration
        fallbackMethod = "getDefaultInfo",
                // Downgrade Processing Timeout Settings
                @HystrixProperty(name = "execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", value = "3000"),
                // The maximum number of concurrencies allowed at any point in time.After exceeding this setting, the request is rejected.
                @HystrixProperty(name = "fallback.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests", value = "1000"),
        // Configuration Execution Line City Pool
        threadPoolProperties = {
                @HystrixProperty(name = "coreSize", value = "20"),
                @HystrixProperty(name = "maxQueueSize", value = "-1"),
        // The exception does not execute the melt to execute its own logic thrown by the exception
        ignoreExceptions = {ServiceException.class}
public String showInfo2 (){
    String value = "" ;
    // Test configuration exception does not break
    // Response: {"code":500,"msg": "run exception"}
    if (value.equals("")){
        throw new ServiceException("Run Exception") ;
    // The anomaly was fused
    // if (value.equals("")){
    //     throw new RuntimeException("throw error");
    // }
    return restTemplate.getForObject(server_name+"/getInfo",String.class) ;

4. Startup class annotations

  • @EnableHystrix

3. Fusion based on Feign service

1. Jar package description

By looking at the Fegin-dependent JARs, Fegin's Jar contains the Jar packages Hystrix needs, and there is no need to import the dependencies again.

2. Fuse configuration

Feign implements declarative Rest requests with interfaces, so the configuration is on top of the interfaces.

1), Interface Code

@FeignClient(value = "NODE02-PROVIDER",fallback = FallbackService.class)
public interface GetAuthorService {
    @RequestMapping(value = "/getAuthorInfo/{authorId}",method = RequestMethod.GET)
    String getAuthorInfo (@PathVariable("authorId") String authorId) ;


2) Fuse Execution Code

public class FallbackService implements GetAuthorService {
    public String getAuthorInfo(String authorId) {
        return "Service is broken"+authorId;

3), Profile

  • Turn on the fuse function
    enabled: true

3. Service class annotations

Since the interface and fuse code above are in different Jar modules, scan in the boot class @SpringBootApplication comment as follows.

@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"cloud.node02.consume","cloud.block.code.service"})
@EnableEurekaClient    // This service will be automatically registered with the eureka service after it is started
// The basePackages attribute needs to be added because the package name paths are different
public class Application_8002 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application_8002.class,args) ;

4. Source Code Description

GitHub Address: Know a smile
 Code Cloud Address: Know a smile

Posted by leeandrew on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 19:43:27 -0700