SpringBoot 22: integrating RabbitMQ

Keywords: RabbitMQ Spring SpringBoot snapshot

brief introduction

In the Spring project, you can use Spring rabbit to operate RabbitMQ
Especially in the spring boot project, you only need to introduce the corresponding amqp initiator dependency. It is convenient to use RabbitTemplate to send messages and use annotations to receive messages.
Generally during the development process:
Producer Engineering:
application.yml file configures RabbitMQ related information;
Write configuration classes in the producer project to create switches and queues and bind them
Inject rabbitemplate object and send message to switch through rabbitemplate object
Consumer Engineering:
application.yml file configuration RabbitMQ related information
Create a message processing class to receive and process messages in the queue

Build producer project

Create project

Create the producer project springboot? Rabbitmq? Producer. The project coordinates are as follows:


pom files introduce the following dependencies


Startup class

Create the startup class cn.com.javakf.rabbitmq.Application. The code is as follows:

public class Application {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

Configure RabbitMQ

(1)application.yml configuration file
Create application.yml as follows:

    port: 5672
    virtual-host: javakf
    username: admin
    password: admin

(2) binding switch and queue
Create the configuration class cn.com.javakf.rabbitmq.config.RabbitMQConfig bound by RabbitMQ queue and switch. The code is as follows:

public class RabbitMQConfig {

	 * Claim switch
	@Bean(name = "itemTopicExchange")
	public Exchange topicExchange() {
		return ExchangeBuilder.topicExchange("item_topic_exchange").durable(true).build();

	 * Declaration queue
	@Bean(name = "itemQueue")
	public Queue itemQueue() {
		return QueueBuilder.durable("item_queue").build();

	 * Queue bound to switch
	public Binding itemQueueExchange(@Qualifier("itemQueue") Queue queue,
			@Qualifier("itemTopicExchange") Exchange exchange) {
		return BindingBuilder.bind(queue).to(exchange).with("item.#").noargs();

Building consumer projects

Create project

Create a consumer project springboot? Rabbitmq? Consumer with the following project coordinates:


pom files introduce the following dependencies


Startup class

Create the startup class cn.com.javakf.rabbitmq.Application. The code is as follows:

public class Application {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

Configure RabbitMQ

Create application.yml as follows:

    port: 5672
    virtual-host: javakf
    username: admin
    password: admin

Message listening and processing class

Write message listener cn.com.javakf.rabbitmq.listener.MessageListener as follows:

public class MessageListener {

	 * Listening for messages from a queue
	 * @param message Messages received
	@RabbitListener(queues = "item_queue")
	public void myListener1(String message) {
		System.out.println("The message received by the consumer is:" + message);


Create the test class com.itheima.test.RabbitMQTest in the producer project springboot rabbitmq producer, and send the message:

public class RabbitMQTest {

	// Used for sending MQ news
	private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;

	 * Message production test
	public void testCreateMessage() {
		rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("item_topic_exchange", "item.insert", "New products, routing key by item.insert");
		rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("item_topic_exchange", "item.update", "Modification of goods, routing key by item.update");
		rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("item_topic_exchange", "item.delete", "Item deletion, routing key by item.delete");

Run the above test program (switch and queue can be declared and bound first), and then start the consumer; check whether the corresponding message is received in the console of the consumer project springboot MQ { consumer.

In addition, you can also view the binding between the switch and the queue in the management console of RabbitMQ:

Code Hosting: springboot_rabbitmq_producer/consumer

Posted by dutchboy on Sun, 27 Oct 2019 23:19:56 -0700