Spring Security OAuth2 uses Redis to store token key details

Keywords: Redis Spring Database github

1.Spring Security OAuth2 stores token values in a variety of ways, all of which implement the TokenStore interface

  • InMemoryTokenStore:token is stored in local memory
  • JdbcTokenStore:token is stored in the database
  • JwtTokenStore:token will not be stored in any media
  • RedisTokenStore:token is stored in the Redis database

2. Look at the RedisTokenStore implementation class that stores those key s in redis and paste the source code as follows:

    private static final String ACCESS = "access:";
    private static final String AUTH_TO_ACCESS = "auth_to_access:";
    private static final String AUTH = "auth:";
    private static final String REFRESH_AUTH = "refresh_auth:";
    private static final String ACCESS_TO_REFRESH = "access_to_refresh:";
    private static final String REFRESH = "refresh:";
    private static final String REFRESH_TO_ACCESS = "refresh_to_access:";
    private static final String CLIENT_ID_TO_ACCESS = "client_id_to_access:";
    private static final String UNAME_TO_ACCESS = "uname_to_access:";

In this case, using the password, refresh_token mode, nine key-value pairs are stored in the Redis cache, of which five are related to access_token and four are related to refresh_token.

  • access_token-related access:(OAuth2AccessToken), auth:(OAuth2Authentication), auth_to_access:(OAuth2AccessToken), client_id_to_access:(OAuth2AccessToken), uname_to_access:(OAuth2AccessToken)
  • Refresh_token-related refresh:(OAuth2RefreshToken), refresh_auth:(OAuth2Authentication), access_to_refresh(refresh_token):, refresh_to_access:(refresh_token)

3. Understand the data stored by each key by looking at the RedisTokenStore source (I don't post it)

  1. The key stored in access: is access:be171b573f5a496ca601b32b1360fe84, the value is the serialized value of the OAuth2AccessToken object
  • The key is access:+access_token
  • Examples of values are as follows:
            "access_token": "12833d6c89fb4ea58cbe7b6ada5de7b5",
            "token_type": "bearer",
            "refresh_token": "357304ee0a404700b3e65d547713011b",
            "expires_in": 898,
            "scope": "test"
  1. The key stored in auth_to_access:is auth_to_access:a994f2a9a61186f32870e32d72a38d21, which is the value serialized by OAuth2AccessToken
  • Key is auth_to_access:+ username, client_id, scope three MD5 encrypted values

  • Examples of values are as follows:

            "access_token": "12833d6c89fb4ea58cbe7b6ada5de7b5",
            "token_type": "bearer",
            "refresh_token": "357304ee0a404700b3e65d547713011b",
            "expires_in": 898,
            "scope": "test"
  1. The key stored in auth: is auth:be171b573f5a496ca601b32b1360fe84, and the value is the serialized value of the OAuth2Authentication object
  • The key is the auth:+access_token value
  • Examples of values are as follows:
    "authorities": [
            "authority": "ROLE"
    "details": {
        "remoteAddress": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
        "sessionId": null,
        "tokenValue": "dfec9f18e161408dbf66b85b94401d7f",
        "tokenType": "Bearer",
        "decodedDetails": null
    "authenticated": true,
    "userAuthentication": {
        "authorities": [
                "authority": "ROLE"
        "details": {
            "grant_type": "password",
            "username": "user",
            "scope": "test"
        "authenticated": true,
        "principal": {
            "password": null,
            "username": "user",
            "authorities": [
                    "authority": "ROLE"
            "accountNonExpired": true,
            "accountNonLocked": true,
            "credentialsNonExpired": true,
            "enabled": true
        "credentials": null,
        "name": "user"
    "credentials": "",
    "principal": {
        "password": null,
        "username": "user",
        "authorities": [
                "authority": "ROLE"
        "accountNonExpired": true,
        "accountNonLocked": true,
        "credentialsNonExpired": true,
        "enabled": true
    "oauth2Request": {
        "clientId": "client_password",
        "scope": [
        "requestParameters": {
            "grant_type": "password",
            "scope": "test",
            "username": "user"
        "resourceIds": [
        "authorities": [],
        "approved": true,
        "refresh": false,
        "redirectUri": null,
        "responseTypes": [],
        "extensions": {},
        "grantType": "password",
        "refreshTokenRequest": null
    "clientOnly": false,
    "name": "user"
  1. Refresh_auth: Stores refresh_auth:d0017ce6db6441d1b87a0a2804d1434b, the value after OAuth2Authentication serialization
  • The key is: refresh_auth:+refresh_token value
  • Examples of values are as follows:
    "authorities": [
            "authority": "ROLE"
    "details": {
        "remoteAddress": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
        "sessionId": null,
        "tokenValue": "dfec9f18e161408dbf66b85b94401d7f",
        "tokenType": "Bearer",
        "decodedDetails": null
    "authenticated": true,
    "userAuthentication": {
        "authorities": [
                "authority": "ROLE"
        "details": {
            "grant_type": "password",
            "username": "user",
            "scope": "test"
        "authenticated": true,
        "principal": {
            "password": null,
            "username": "user",
            "authorities": [
                    "authority": "ROLE"
            "accountNonExpired": true,
            "accountNonLocked": true,
            "credentialsNonExpired": true,
            "enabled": true
        "credentials": null,
        "name": "user"
    "credentials": "",
    "principal": {
        "password": null,
        "username": "user",
        "authorities": [
                "authority": "ROLE"
        "accountNonExpired": true,
        "accountNonLocked": true,
        "credentialsNonExpired": true,
        "enabled": true
    "oauth2Request": {
        "clientId": "client_password",
        "scope": [
        "requestParameters": {
            "grant_type": "password",
            "scope": "test",
            "username": "user"
        "resourceIds": [
        "authorities": [],
        "approved": true,
        "refresh": false,
        "redirectUri": null,
        "responseTypes": [],
        "extensions": {},
        "grantType": "password",
        "refreshTokenRequest": null
    "clientOnly": false,
    "name": "user"
  1. Access_to_refresh: Stores access_to_refresh:c90cab28971948d2a85ca2ae814641ed with a value of refresh_token
  • The key is the access_to_refresh:+refresh_token value
  • The value is the refresh_token value
  1. Refresh: stores refresh:d0017ce6db6441d1b87a0a2804d1434b, which is the serialized value of the OAuth2RefreshToken object
  • The key is the refresh:+refresh_token value
  • Examples of values are as follows:
        "access_token": "dfec9f18e161408dbf66b85b94401d7f",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "refresh_token": "8bcd9cfb04a3445e8933c788b2673a89",
        "expires_in": 898,
        "scope": "test"
  1. The value stored in refresh_to_access: is refresh_to_access:d0017ce6db6441d1b87a0a2804d1434b, and the value is refresh_token
  • The key is the refresh_to_access:+refresh_token value
  • Examples of values are as follows:
  1. The value stored in client_id_to_access:is client_id_to_access:client_password and is the serialized value of OAuth2AccessToken
  • The key is client_id_to_access:+clientId
  • Examples of values are as follows:
        "access_token": "dfec9f18e161408dbf66b85b94401d7f",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "refresh_token": "8bcd9cfb04a3445e8933c788b2673a89",
        "expires_in": 898,
        "scope": "test"
  1. The key stored in uname_to_access:is uname_to_access:client_password:user and the value is the serialized value of the OAuth2AccessToken object
  • The key is uname_to_access:+clientid+username
  • Examples of values are as follows:
        "access_token": "dfec9f18e161408dbf66b85b94401d7f",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "refresh_token": "8bcd9cfb04a3445e8933c788b2673a89",
        "expires_in": 898,
        "scope": "test"

GitHub Source: https://github.com/mingyang66/spring-parent/edit/master/spring-security-oauth2-server-redis-service/README.md

Posted by sublimenal on Fri, 26 Jul 2019 17:47:24 -0700